Eastman, Prof Cres

Prof Creswell Eastman AO

Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Sydney; Consultant Physician in Endocrinology and Public Health; Current Chairman, Australian Centre for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders
Prof Creswell Eastman AO is Clinical Professor of Medicine the University of Sydney and a Consultant Physician in Endocrinology and Public Health. He is a Consultant Emeritus at Westmead Hospital and was the Director of the Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research (ICPMR) in Westmead Hospital from 1989 to 2006, NSW Government Analyst 1995-2006 and Foundation Director of Endocrinology Westmead from 1979 until 1990.
He has directed major research and public health projects into elimination of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) in Malaysia, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, several Pacific Islands, China, Tibet, and Australia. He has served as a consultant to WHO, UNICEF, World Bank and AusAID on IDD programs in the Asia Pacific region.
He has authored more than 200 scientific and clinical articles in refereed journals and is the principal author of the chapter on IDD in the web-based textbook on thyroid disease www.thyroidmanager.org. He has been a member of the American Endocrine Society’s expert committee on Guidelines for management of thyroid disease in pregnancy. He has received many national and international awards for his contributions to Medicine.

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