
Earning CPD by listening to Healthed podcasts is simple. Each episode is eligible for Educational Activities CPD. 

Dr Violet Kieu

Dr Violet Kieu and A/Prof Kate Stern discuss medical fertility preservation, the effect of age and the latest developments in this area.

A/Prof Mark Green

In this episode A/Prof Mark Green, Reproductive Biologist, answers questions alongside host Dr Rebecca Overton, GP and Medical Educator.

Dr Fiona Foo

Dr Fiona Foo discusses ischemia in women, including the challenges in cardiac outcomes due to conditions like INOCA, ANOCA, MINOCA, spontaneous coronary artery dissection and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy

Expert/s: Dr Fiona Foo
Dr James Best

Dr James Best discusses supporting an autistic child in primary care which involves a holistic, individualised and family-centred approach where healthcare professionals play a pivotal role.

Expert/s: Dr James Best
Dr Peter Tenni

Medication reviews optimise treatments, prevent adverse events, and improve quality of life, with key benefits for patients and the health system. Listen to Dr Peter Tenni as he discusses more about polypharmacy.

Expert/s: Dr Peter Tenni
Dr Rosanne Freak-Poli

Healthcare professionals can address social isolation and loneliness through social prescribing and regular monitoring, improving wellbeing and long term health outcomes. Listen more in this latest 45Up Podcast.

Prof Jason Ong

Expert Prof Jason Ong answers questions submitted by Australian GPs and healthcare professionals on the topic of Monkeypox and hepatitis.

Expert/s: Prof Jason Ong
Prof Brendan Crabb AC

In this podcast, listen to Dr David Lim interview Prof Brendan Crabb as they establish why Long COVID is a large and growing concern as new insights emerge at great speed, and how to assess patients with Long COVID.

Prof Danielle Mazza AM

Prof Danielle Mazza AM discusses abortion services, patient-centred approaches and overcoming challenges in primary care...

Prof Paul Griffin

Learn how to educate your older patients on how to stay protected from COVID-19, as well as vaccination tips, the role of antivirals in reducing severe COVID infection, managing risks for vulnerable patients, and practical prevention strategies in this latest podcast

A/Prof Ralph Audehm

Expert A/Prof Ralph Audehm answers questions submitted by Australian GPs and healthcare professionals on the topic of Semaglutide.

Dr Iestyn Lewis

Dr Iestyn Lewis discusses the concept of hospital in the home (HITH) and how GPs can identify suitable patients for HITH, refer them or collaborate with HITH teams based on management plans