Freiberg, David

Dr David Freiberg

Respiratory and Sleep Specialist; Founder, Medical Director, Meredith Respiratory and Sleep Centres
Dr Freiberg is a leading specialist and expert in respiratory and sleep medicine, based in South West Sydney for over 25 years. He has worked in private practice, public and private hospitals as a senior Thoracic Physician, lecturing at NSW and Sydney Universities. He is the founder and medical Director of the Meredith Respiratory and Sleep Centres, which is the largest in Southern and Western Sydney. Leading a large team of highly skilled staff, Dr Freiberg is renowned for quality, accessible healthcare and world class facilities. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP) and a Fellow of the Australian Medicolegal College (FAMLC) for Thoracic and Sleep Medicine. He is a trained assessor of Permanent Impairment for Workers Compensation and Motor Vehicle Accident Schemes. He is listed for both on the SIRA website.

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