
Daniella Vellone

Medical Science and Imaging PhD candidate
Daniella is a Medical Science and Imaging PhD candidate with a significant interest in dementia prevention, prediction, and progression. The objective of my research is to develop a deeper understanding of mild behavioural impairment-apathy in dementia-free older adults by implementing a research framework that focuses on epidemiological and pathological biomarker differences among those with and without apathy, which may explain disparate Alzheimer Disease (AD) outcomes and ultimately reduce symptom burden. Identifying those with apathy prior to AD onset may provide an earlier opportunity for intervention and improve patient outcomes. Both my research and clinically relevant experience have allowed me to gain an appreciation for the mutually beneficial relationship that each contributes to theory and practical work.

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Dementia is often thought of as a memory problem, like when an elderly person asks the same questions or misplaces things.

Dementia is often thought of as a memory problem, like when an elderly person asks the same questions or misplaces things.

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