Sindone, Graham, Dwyer, Wu Expert panel, square

Facilitator: Prof Andrew Sindone, Expert Panel: Dr Desmond Graham, Prof Dominic Dwyer, Dr Ted Wu

Prof Andrew Sindone, Cardiologist; Director of the Heart Failure Unit and Department of Cardiac Rehabilitation, Concord Hospital; Head, Department of Cardiology, Ryde Hospital
Prof Andrew Sindone B. Med (hons), MD, FRACP, FCSANZ, FNHFA is Director of the Heart Failure Unit and Department of Cardiac Rehabilitation at Concord Hospital and Head of Department of Cardiology at Ryde Hospital. He runs the Concord Hospital Heart Failure Clinic, research, rehabilitation and outreach programs. He has been Principal Investigator in 50 international, multi-centre, clinical trials and authored over 100 articles. He is a Co-Chairman of the NSW Cardiovascular Expert Reference Group, Fellow of the Heart Foundation of Australia and is co-author of the Australian and the Asia Pacific Heart Failure Guidelines.

Dr Desmond Graham, Geriatrician; Northern Beaches Hospital, Sydney
Dr Desmond Graham is a Geriatrician who graduated from the University of Newcastle and completed specialty training at Westmead and North Shore Hospitals. He is actively involved with the Australia and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine and holds an academic appointment as a Clinical Lecturer with the University of Sydney. Dr Graham has a special interest in healthy ageing and peri-operative medicine. He provides holistic, patient-centred care for all patients with major geriatric syndromes including dementia, delirium, frailty, falls and end of life care. He participates in a monthly Healthy Ageing segment with Deborah Knight on 2GB radio and holds regular forums for the Northern Beaches community.

Prof Dominic Dwyer, Medical Virologist and Infectious Diseases Physician; Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Laboratory Services, ICPMR, Westmead Hospital, Sydney
Prof Dominic Dwyer is a medical virologist and infectious diseases physician in the Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Laboratory Services, located in the ICPMR at Westmead Hospital, Sydney. He has a clinical and research interest in viral diseases of public health importance. This includes HIV (where he coordinates an active program in antiretroviral drug resistance and HIV molecular epidemiology in Australia and the region), influenza and other respiratory viruses, and arboviruses. He leads an antiviral trials unit that has participated in over sixty studies of antiviral drugs and vaccines. His influenza research includes assessing interventions to prevent influenza transmission in closed environments, and developing assays for seasonal and pandemic influenza. CIDMLS has enhanced the laboratory investigative capacity in NSW for infectious disease outbreaks, with his particular focus being rapid detection and molecular epidemiology of outbreak and emerging viruses.

Dr Ted Wu, Endocrinologist; Senior Specialist Endocrinologist, Director, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Diabetes Centre; Director of Physician Training, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney
Dr Ted Wu is a senior specialist endocrinologist, Director of the Royal Prince Alfred (RPA) Hospital Diabetes Centre and Director of Physician Training at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, Australia. He has a long-term interest clinical diabetes, and teaching and research into diabetes complications and novel treatments. In 1998 he joined the RPA Diabetes Centre, formulating and delivering novel educational programs in clinical diabetes. He has published numerous articles, abstracts and book chapters and has been an invited speaker to many international symposia. He was instrumental in establishing RPA Hospital’s Diabetes Centre as a National Association of Diabetes Centre’s ‘Centre of Excellence’ and Australia’s only International Diabetes Federation ‘Centre of Education’.

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