Arstall, Margaret

Dr Margaret Arstall

Director of Cardiology, NALHN; University of Adelaide Northern Cardiology & Specialists Clinic
A/Prof Margaret Arstall is the Director of Cardiology at the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NAHLN) since 2007. She is also an Associate Professor at the University of Adelaide. Margaret is an academic cardiologist and has numerous roles in research, clinical and teaching settings.

Her academic training includes medical studies and PhD with the University of Adelaide. She trained as a cardiologist at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital. As a Heart Foundation Ralph Reader Overseas Research Fellow (1996-1999), an RACP JJ Billings Overseas Research Scholar (1996) and Thomas W Smith Research Scholar (1997), she was able to continue post-doctoral research at Harvard University before returning to TQEH in Adelaide as a cardiologist and clinical academic. She then accepted the role of Director of Cardiology at NALHN.

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