
Dr Linda Calabresi
Clinical Articles iconClinical Articles

Untreated aortic stenosis is deadly, here’s what GPs need to know.

Prof Andrew Sindone
Podcasts iconPodcasts

How health professionals must auscultate for murmurs in all patients over 65 years, and refer for an echo or to a cardiologist, How the symptoms of chest pain, syncope and dyspnoea appear late, and the prognosis is very poor with 50% mortality in two years, TAVI being a safe, effective, and highly cost-effective treatment for patients with aortic stenosis, and how we should be referring our patients earlier for consideration of this procedure and its current availability for only privately insured patients, unfortunately

Dr Aajuli Shukla
Clinical Articles iconClinical Articles

Despite the widespread uptake of DOACs, they are still underutilised and atrial fibrillation is still undertreated in Australia.

Ann Kirkness
Podcasts iconPodcasts

How GPs are way too busy to address all the issues after a patient’s life changing cardiac event, and how we ought to recommend a patient’s enrolment to this currently under-utilised service and resource

Expert/s: Ann Kirkness
Learning Modules iconLearning Modules
Expert/s: Healthed
Learning Modules iconLearning Modules
Expert/s: Healthed
Dr Aajuli Shukla
Clinical Articles iconClinical Articles

Heart failure is an incredibly common condition managed in general practice. One of the commonest causes for hospitalisation of heart failure patients is non-adherence to therapy and/or dietary or fluid restriction.

Prof Andrew Sindone
Podcasts iconPodcasts

Detecting atrial fibrillation and commencing anticoagulation- latest evidence of the incidence and prevalence of both AF and stroke, why the vast majority of AF patients can safely be put on preventive therapy to optimise their chances of a stroke-free future.

Prof Andrew Sindone
Podcasts iconPodcasts

The impact of aortic stenosis, even when NOT severe, is underestimated- Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) has revolutionised treatment and recent changes to reimbursement mean that it is even more available.

Prof Alta Schutte
Podcasts iconPodcasts

Why we need to reprioritise blood pressure control- challenges we face in reducing the proportion of patients with uncontrolled hypertension and some solutions that have been shown to be effective in the primary care setting.

Prof Andrew Sindone
Podcasts iconPodcasts

A practical framework for treating heart failure.

Dr Ali Safaa
Podcasts iconPodcasts

The current guidelines and the role of the general practitioner.

Expert/s: Dr Ali Safaa