
Dr Linda Calabresi
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Dr Linda Calabresi
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Low lymphocyte levels can used as an indicator of an increased risk of mortality, US researchers say. Lymphopaenia, readily measured through the common full blood count, has been shown to be associated with an increased likelihood of death from conditions such as heart disease, cancer and respiratory infections, according to a retrospective study published in JAMA Network Open. This relationship was found to be consistent, independent of age, other serum immune markers and traditional clinical risk factors. However, when patients with lymphopaenia also had other abnormal immune markers, namely elevated red cell distribution width (RDW) and a raised C-reactive protein (CRP), they ‘had a strikingly high risk of mortality’, the study authors said.

Dr Robert Rosen
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This article provides an overview of the clinical approach, investigation and management of hyperhidrosis.

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Google has claimed it can predict with 95% accuracy when people will die using new artificial intelligence technology. For predicting patient mortality, Google’s Medical Brain was 95% accurate in the first hospital and 93% accurate in the second. It works by analysing patient’s data, such as their age, ethnicity and gender. This information is then joined up with hospital information, like prior diagnoses, current vital signs, and any lab results, reports The Sun. But according to Bloomberg, what impressed medical experts most “was Google’s ability to sift through data previously out of reach: notes buried in PDFs or scribbled on old charts. The neural net gobbled up all this unruly information then spat out predictions. And it did it far faster and more accurately than existing techniques.” It is not the first time Google has made inroads into the medical industry. Its DeepMind subsidiary, considered by some experts to lead the way in AI research, “courted controversy” in 2013 after it was revealed it had access to 1.6 million medical records of NHS patients at three hospitals, reports The Independent.   >> Read More Source: The Week UK

Expert/s: Healthed
A/Prof Ken Sikaris
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Blood tests for iron status are among the most common requested in clinical medicine. This may be largely justified because of the prevalence of iron deficiency combined with a relatively common genetic condition of haemochromatosis. In Australia, iron deficiency, defined by the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) as a ferritin level below 30 ug/L, affects only 3.4% of men but 22.3% of women according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics survey in 2011-2012. The issue in women is particularly related to premenopausal women (16-44 years) where 34.1% are iron deficient. This is not surprising when nutrition surveys show that 40% of premenopausal women have inadequate dietary iron intake. Despite this high prevalence, screening with iron studies is not currently recommended in any demographic. While many hospitals include a ferritin in the shared care antenatal panel, most antenatal guidelines assume that an FBE will detect iron deficiency (which is probably wrong). Anaemia is a late stage of iron deficiency and ideally not a stage we should be waiting for. While it is true that microcytosis of red cells is often found in iron deficiency this is unreliable as
  • thalassaemia also causes microcytosis and
  • vegetarians usually also have B12 deficiency which causes macrocytosis that ‘cancels out’ the low mean cell volume.
The unevenness (or high red cell distribution width / RDW) is a more sensitive test of early iron deficiency. The association of B12 deficiency and iron deficiency, especially in vegetarians, is so important that clinicians should always think of the other when the other is detected. It is estimated that one in eight Australians carry the predisposition to haemochromatosis. It is most common in British / Celtic peoples (C282Y or H63D are the common HFE gene mutations). When two HFE heterozygotes have children, one in four of the offspring will be homozygote therefore roughly (1/8 * 1/8 * 1/4 =) 1/256 Australian are homozygote - but only half develop disease. This may be because many have been protected from iron overload through diet or blood loss, such as blood donation. Even at a ‘disease’ prevalence of 1:400 to 1:500, haemochromatosis is a relatively common condition with significant potential morbidity that must be considered, especially in all relatives (first degree relatives can be gene tested without iron studies). ‘Iron overload’ is a little more awkward to define than iron deficiency. Serum ferritin levels above the population norms are not necessarily harmful, but if we waited for serum ferritin levels to reach dangerous levels (eg >1000 ug/L), we would not be preventing the sequelae of iron overload such as liver disease, but also a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and premature arthropathy. Most labs have upper clinical decision limits for ferritin of between 200 and 500 ug/L as a sensitive early warning for the possibility of haemochromatosis. Should a high ferritin level be confirmed, gene testing can be rebated according to Medicare Benefit Schedule (MBS) requirements. The pathology tests I have been discussing serum ferritin as the marker of iron stores however clinicians in Australia commonly request ‘iron studies’. Indeed, ferritin is the storage protein for iron that ‘leaks’ out of cells and most accurately reflects cellular iron stores. What is the value of the other two measurements? One of the other measurements is serum iron and it is a bad measure of iron status (we probably shouldn’t report it at all). The serum iron level depends on meals, depends on the time of day (lower in the afternoon) and most importantly, depends on the concentration of the protein that chaperones iron in the circulation: serum transferrin. Patients with higher transferrin levels will generally have higher serum iron levels. What is important is how iron is the transferrin carrying and this is calculated as the ‘transferrin saturation’ (a ratio of serum iron to transferrin). Typically transferrin saturation is at least 10% full, and uncommonly more than 45% full and levels outside this are supportive of iron deficiency and iron overload respectively. While the transferrin saturation calculation corrects some of the unreliability of serum iron, saturation is still subject to diet and supplements and diurnal variation. Clinicians in Australia are used to requesting the full iron study panel of tests. This is useful in iron overload because in haemochromatosis, the earliest change is a high transferrin saturation which may be found years before the ferritin rises above the upper decision limit. A confirmed elevation of transferrin saturation is also allows haemochromatosis gene testing to be MBS rebated. Iron deficiency can be identified by a low serum ferritin (less than 30 ug/L) and the rest of the iron studies may also be altered with low serum iron saturation and higher levels of transferrin. Low serum iron saturation is non-specific (eg diet and afternoon samples) and high transferrin is also non-specific (eg OCP and pregnancy). Unfortunately there are some patients that are misidentified with iron deficiency because of these non-specific tests even when ferritin was clearly normal and there is discussion of banning the ability to request serum iron and transferrin when looking for iron deficiency because of the potential harms in misinterpretation. For clinicians there are even more important confounders than the physiological effects on serum iron and transferrin saturation because when inflammation (the ‘acute phase reaction’) is present the body actually hides away its iron stores by decreasing iron release (low serum iron), decreasing transferrin production (ie negative acute phase reactant), and because iron is no longer being mobilised, it starts accumulating in cells (ferritin rise as if it were an acute phase protein). Unfortunately all the iron studies are therefore unreliable in the presence of inflammation and if there is some suspicion a serum CRP is the most sensitive and specific test to detect inflammation. All we can say otherwise is
  • that if the ferritin is below 30 ug/L in the presence of inflammation there must be iron deficiency and
  • (ii) if the ferritin rises above 100 ug/L in the presence of inflammation then there was probably enough iron around anyway.
There is a test that helps separate true iron deficiency in anaemic patients with inflammatory disorders called ‘soluble serum transferrin receptors’ but it is not covered in the Medicare Benefits Schedule although the RCPA have made a submission to government.
General Practice Pathology is a new regular column each authored by an Australian expert pathologist on a topic of particular relevance and interest to practising GPs. The authors provide this editorial, free of charge as part of an educational initiative developed and coordinated by Sonic Pathology.

Dr Linda Calabresi
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A case history recently published in the BMJ highlights one of those uncommon but very diagnoseable conditions if you just spot the clues. According to the French authors, the 62 year old man presented with a history of recurrent oral ulcers sometimes accompanied by laryngitis and conjunctivitis. During one of these episodes he had developed an acute fever, a sore throat when swallowing and laryngitis – he had sought medical attention and was prescribed ibuprofen and clarithromycin. Two days after this, the man developed conjunctivitis, erosions in the mucosal membrane in the mouth and skin lesions. Not unsurprisingly, the man’s attending doctors though he had Stevens-Johnson syndrome and sent him to hospital. Full examination showed painful diffuse erosions of mucous membranes not only of the oral cavity but also of the nose, the epiglottis and the glans. The skin lesions were noted to be target lesions involving three raised concentric red rings and they were found on the trunk, lower limbs and scrotum. He was febrile, fatigued and eating was painful. Diagnostic tests showed a raised CRP but little else. The skin biopsy showed a dense lichenoid lymphocytic infiltrate. So did he have Stevens-Johnson syndrome? Apparently not. The target lesions with their three concentric rings and the widespread oral, ocular and genital mucous membrane erosions are in fact suggestive of erythema multiforme, and specifically because of the fact more than one mucous membrane was involved, the more severe type of erythema multiforme – erythema multiforme major. The authors did concede that erythema multiforme is frequently confused with Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and even toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), which are life-threatening conditions. The features that helped distinguish this as a case of erythema multiforme rather than the other more serious alternatives were:
    • the previous episodes of oral ulcers, sometimes with laryngitis and conjunctivitis. Even though erythema multiforme is rare, of the people who do get it some 40% experience multiple recurrences often triggered by the herpes simplex virus.
    • erythema multiforme is generally a post-infectious disease most commonly herpes simplex (which was tricky in this case as viral cultures from the patient’s mouth were negative) whereas 85% of Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis cases are drug-induced.
    • erythema multiforme usually begins with systemic symptoms such as fever and then mucosal involvement. The skin lesions typically appear later. In Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis the severe cutaneous reaction is usually the first sign of the condition occurring four to 28 days after taking the offending drug.
    • finally the skin lesions are different. As in this case, the typical skin lesions of erythema multiforme are three raised concentric rings that usually respond to topical steroids and oral antihistamines. In Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis the lesions are ‘atypical targets with two concentric rings and purpuric macules that evolve into blisters and skin that detaches with finger friction (Nikolsky sign).’
And what happened to this patient? According to the case report, he wound up staying eight days in hospital treated with enteral nutrition, topical steroids and steroid mouthwashes. All the skin and mucosal membrane lesions healed and he fully recovered. Interestingly, he did have minor relapses annually for a number of years but these weren’t severe enough to warrant any further treatment. Ref: BMJ 2017; 359 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.j3817