Diet and nutrition

Prof Robin Daly
Videos iconVideos

In this Product Explainer Prof Robin Daly, Chair of Exercise & Ageing, Deakin University explains how a HMB enriched oral nutritional supplementation can help to protect muscle mass, strength, and function, and its potential role in the management of sarcopenia (5 mins).

Dr Linda Calabresi
Clinical Articles iconClinical Articles

Up to 90% of Australian infants, aged six to twelve months have a dietary iron intake that falls well short of recommended targets, according to findings from the Australian Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study (OzFITS).

Najma Moumin
Podcasts iconPodcasts

What we are doing well in Australia with regard to infant and toddler nutrition. Where we may be able to improve the diets of our youngest Australians, particularly with regard to iron intake

Expert/s: Najma Moumin
Maddie Todd
Videos iconVideos

In this Product Explainer, Paediatric Dietitian Maddie Todd explains how to use MUAC (Mid-Upper Arm Circumference) Z-score tape to assess the nutritional status of children (5 mins).

Expert/s: Maddie Todd
Dr Jason Kaplan
Monographs iconMonographs

This article details how and why a Mediterranean diet is effective for both primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Dr Andrew Leech
Videos iconVideos

In this Product Explainer, Infant, Child and Adolescent GP Dr Andrew Leech explains the role of Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) tape in assessing nutritional status of children (5 mins).

Dr Brett MacFarlane
Monographs iconMonographs

This article looks at the various non-prescription medicines used to treat reflux, their mechanisms of action and their effectiveness.

A/Prof Carmela Pestell
Clinical Articles iconClinical Articles

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is an underdiagnosed condition that should be suspected in patients with neurodevelopmental delay, learning difficulties and in some cases, specific facial features.

A/Prof Carmela Pestell
Clinical Articles iconClinical Articles

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is an underdiagnosed condition that should be suspected in patients with neurodevelopmental delay, learning difficulties and in some cases, specific facial features

Dr Patrick Coleman
Videos iconVideos

Iron studies are easily ordered but their results are not necessarily easily understood. In this presentation, Dr Patrick Coleman will guide clinicians through the various components reported on in iron studies and the implications when results are outside the normal range. Various cases will be presented that will demonstrate how iron studies can be useful in determining appropriate clinical practice.

Dr Linda Calabresi
Clinical Articles iconClinical Articles

More than half of Australian general practices are offering intravenous iron infusions, a new survey suggests

Melanie McGrice
Podcasts iconPodcasts

Is there any evidence to suggest that diet can impact fertility?