The importance of maintaining thyroid health during pregnancy, when to do thyroid function testing during pregnancy, and the risks of postpartum thyroiditis developing in women known to have thyroid antibodies
How can GP’s better support & manage their thyroid patients? How to achieve the optimal dose, overcoming barriers to patient compliance, and how often should we do blood tests/monitoring?
Useful management tips for Grave’s disease (GD) and Hashimotos’ thyroiditis (HT), how to manage a pregnant woman with GD or Hypothyroidism. When does a patient with HT require lifelong thyroxine replacement therapy
In this Product Explainer, Endocrinologist A/Prof Samantha Hocking explains the role of Liraglutide 3mg in obesity management and patients who may benefit from it (5 mins).
When looking for thyroid diseases, listen to the patient as the answer is often in the history - the tests and imaging are adjuncts. Confirm your clinical suspicions with appropriate investigations.
Minimally invasive surgery has become the recommended treatment - where the surgery is done and by whom is critically important for the 10% of cases that are difficult. Do a serum calcium and PTH for patients with unspecific neurocognitive, neuromuscular and renolithiasis or low BMD
Four formulations of thyroxine available - understand the differences and the practical implications. How to initiate thyroxine in the elderly, the newly pregnant woman and an otherwise healthy young adult
This article discusses the re-emergence of vitamin D deficiency and nutritional rickets and the need for universal supplementation in pregnant women and infants up to one year of age.