
Dr Agnieszka Lemanska
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Every year, more than 10,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Unfortunately, for most of those people, the disease is diagnosed too late to be cured. Less than 10% of people live five years following a diagnosis.

Dr Linda Calabresi
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One in five infants will be constipated at any one time, which speaks to just how common this condition is, says paediatric gastroenterologist Dr Rupert Hinds.

Dr Rupert Hinds
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The recommended treatment of constipation in children of various ages, will a change of formula help? And which stool softeners are recommended in infants and toddlers with constipation

Dr Rebecca Burgell
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Getting the diagnosis AND the communication right, and useful herbal options and other treatments for IBS.

Dr Brett MacFarlane
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This article looks at the various non-prescription medicines used to treat reflux, their mechanisms of action and their effectiveness.

Prof Finlay Macrae AO
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In this Healthed lecture, Prof Finlay Macrae AO explains that approximately 1.5% of Australians suffer from coeliac disease and 1 in 4 people report avoiding wheat or gluten for several reasons.

Dr Michael Talbot
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The conversations to be had with our patients when a decision is made to undertake bariatric surgery

Dr Michael Talbot
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A very clear and logical approach to goal setting; a must-listen-to podcast for all GPs

Dr May Wong
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This article discusses the latest recommended assessment, investigation and treatment of GORD as is relevant in the primary care setting.

Dr Linda Calabresi
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Vasu Appanna
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Bacteria are at the centre of all life forms on planet earth and are the essential building blocks that make living organisms the way they are. Both the mitochondrion — found in most organisms, which generates energy in the cell — and the chloroplast — the solar energy-harvester located in plants — can be traced to their bacterial ancestors. These specialized microbes laid the foundation for the biodiversity we live amongst.

Expert/s: Vasu Appanna
Dr Linda Calabresi
Clinical Articles iconClinical Articles

Giving children with acute gastroenteritis probiotics will not help them recover more quickly, according to two large randomised controlled trials. At least if the probiotic includes Lactobacillus rhamnosus. The research, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, provides solid evidence against the adjunctive treatment, which, as the study authors point out, has been recommended by many health professionals and authoritative bodies. “Many experts consider acute infectious diarrhoea to be the main indication for probiotic use,” they said. However, the two studies, both conducted on children aged three months to four years with a less than 72-hour history of acute vomiting and diarrhoea, failed to show any benefit of taking a five-day course of the probiotics. One of the studies conducted across six tertiary paediatric centres in Canada, involved almost 900 children with acute gastroenteritis randomly assigned to receive either a combination probiotic (L. rhamnosus and L. helveticus) or placebo. The other very similar study, this one involving US centres, included 970 children with gastroenteritis and tested the effectiveness of giving the single probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus against placebo. The results of the two trials, using almost identical outcome measures were the same – the probiotics did not make a difference. “Neither trial showed a significant difference in the duration of diarrhoea and vomiting, the number of unscheduled visits to a health provider or the duration of day-care absenteeism,” an accompanying editorial concluded. The role of probiotics in the management of gastroenteritis in children has been an area of controversy and contradiction not only among individual specialists but also among different expert bodies, with guideline recommendations varying from “not recommended” by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention to “strongly recommended” by the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. But now, it appears this grey area has now become very black and white. “Taken together, neither of these large, well-done trials provides support for the use of probiotics containing L. rhamnosus to treat moderate-severe gastroenteritis in children,” the editorial stated. The caveat, of course, is that this evidence while robust only applies to this particular probiotic. There might still be probiotics out there that do make a difference. The editorial author referred to a recent large randomised-controlled trial conducted in rural India that found giving healthy newborns the probiotic, L. planatarum in the first few days of life was associated with a significantly lower risk of sepsis and lower respiratory tract infection in the subsequent two months. So while these studies might appear to be the nail in the coffin for L. rhamnosus -containing probiotics, it is still a case of ‘watch this space’ with regard the role of probiotics more generally.


Schnadower D, Tarr PI, Casper TC, Gorelick MH, Dean JM, O'Connell KJ, et al. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG versus Placebo for Acute Gastroenteritis in Children. N Engl J Med. 2018 Nov 22; 379(21): 2002-2014. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1802598 Freedman SB, Williamson-Urquhart S, Farion KJ, Gouin S, Willan AR, Poonai N, et al. Multicenter Trial of a Combination Probiotic for Children with Gastroenteritis. N Engl J Med. 2018 Nov 22; 379(21): 2015-26. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1802597 LaMont JT. Probiotics for Children with Gastroenteritis. N Engl J Med 2018 Noc 22; 379(21): 2076-77. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMe1814089