Infectious diseases

Dr Linda Calabresi
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As the restrictions start to lift and we all start to emerge from our COVID cocoons, a newly published study serves as a timely reminder to heed our social distancing rules.

Dr Linda Calabresi
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In an acute infection of COVID-19, the PCR test is most likely to be positive three days after the first symptoms develop.

Dr Linda Calabresi
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It has been suggested that Vit D supplementation could help prevent and reduce the impact of COVID-19

Dr Linda Calabresi
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As the COVID restrictions here in Australia slowly lift, it is with some trepidation that people, particularly older people, are emerging from their home sanctuaries.

Dr Linda Calabresi
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There have recently been a small number of case reports of children experiencing a newly described inflammatory syndrome believed to be related to COVID-19. This syndrome has a number of different names including PIMS-TS (paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with SARS-Cov-2).

Dr Hassan Vally
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But as we emerge from our bunkers and dust off our social skills, we must think about how to navigate this transition safely.

Dr Linda Calabresi
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COVID-19 is an RNA virus from the coronavirus family and a relative to a number of viruses that cause cold-like symptoms as well as the viruses the caused SARS and MERS. In structure it is 80% identical to the virus that caused SARS.

Jennifer MacLachlan
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Many jurisdictions around the world are now testing people without symptoms as part of efforts to manage COVID-19. In Victoria, asymptomatic health-care workers have been part of the recent “testing blitz”.

Dr Linda Calabresi
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It’s been a common catchcry in this current pandemic – whether it be testing, transmission or treatment – ‘we just don’t have enough evidence.’

Prof Maximilian de Courten
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Many people in the community are wearing face masks and gloves in an attempt to protect themselves against the coronavirus. They might put on these items to go to the shops, or perhaps when taking a walk through the neighbourhood.

Dr Linda Calabresi
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Of the people admitted to Adelaide Hospital with COVID-19, the commonest early symptoms were lethargy, fever and cough. Sore throat was rarely described as an initial symptom.

Dr Linda Calabresi
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Clotting in the small vessels of the lungs appears to be the major, life-threatening complication of patients with severe COVID-19 disease, at least in Caucasians, Irish researchers say.