Infectious diseases

Dr Linda Calabresi
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There is so much being written about COVID-19 it can be easy to get lost in a sea of information, much of which isn't accurate or up to date. These are ten of the most crucial things to keep front of mind currently regarding the new disease.

Prof Raina MacIntyre
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Cases of the Wuhan coronavirus have increased dramatically over the past week, prompting concerns about how contagious the virus is and how it spreads.

Dr Mina Bakhit, Prof Chris Del Mar, & Helena Kornfält Isberg, MD
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The antibiotic resistance threat is real. In the years to come, we will no longer be able to treat and cure many infections we once could. We’ve had no new classes of antibiotics in decades, and the development pipeline is largely dry. Each time we use antibiotics, the bacteria in our bodies become more resistant to the few antibiotics we still have. The problem seems clear and the solution obvious: to prescribe our precious antibiotics only when absolutely needed. Implementing this nationally is not an easy task. But Australia could take cues from other countries making significant progress in this area, such as Sweden.

Ms Maria Cohut
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Antibiotic resistance is by no means a new problem, but the latest CDC report into the phenomenon does outline some novel approaches to treating bacterial infection. The advice for slowing infections generally and resistance in particular will be familiar: vaccination, strict hygiene for medical facilities and personnel, and using antibiotics only when needed and for the shortest duration possible. The authors admit that these are only temporary measures however, especially given that some bacteria are now becoming resistant to disinfectants as well. Researchers are also working to develop new types of antibiotics to combat drug resistant bacteria, although most of these efforts are in the early stages. In the shorter term, research has indicated that using specific combinations of existing antibiotics can be effective where current therapies fail.

Expert/s: Ms Maria Cohut
Christine Griebsch
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Recently reported cases of the often fatal bacterial infection leptospirosis in dogs in Sydney have raised the issue of animal diseases that also affect humans. This zoonotic disease is spread by rats and other rodents. However, this latest cluster in dogs has not been accompanied by human cases in the Sydney area so far; dog cases aren’t always accompanied by human cases nearby.

Dr Linda Calabresi
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Trichophyton verrucosum is a cosmopolitan zoophilic dermatophyte. The normal host for this organism is cattle and occasionally horses. Human infection is acquired through direct contact with these animals or contaminated fomites, usually following minor trauma to the skin. Figure 1. Case 4 developed lesion after contact with beef cattle


To review cases of T. verrucosum infection diagnosed over a five year period.


The Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology data base from 2009 – 2014 was searched for isolates of T. verrucosum. The laboratory services Queensland and extends into New South Wales as far south as Coffs Harbour.


Seven cases of T. verrucosum over a five year period time frame that identified more than 12,500 dermatophyte infections in total. The most recent case (7) was a 54-year-old retired meat worker who owns a small property with one beef and three dairy calves all of which suffered from fungal infection. After clearing lantana and sustaining multiple scratches he developed a non-healing inflammatory lesion on his forearm which healed after three weeks of oral griseofulvin with some residual scarring. Biopsy, bacterial and fungal cultures all demonstrated fungal infection and cultures grew T. verrucosum. Scrapings collected from his infected cattle also demonstrated large spore ectothrix infection and grew this dermatophyte. Cases included six males and one female (Table 1). The age ranged from 27–71, mean 45 years. All except one (Case 5) had association with cattle with one also with horses. The site of infection was the forearm (5) (figure 1), leg (1) and face (1). Case 6 developed her leg lesion after birdwatching and camping on a cattle property although did not have direct contact with cattle. Three patients underwent skin biopsy and histology and in only one was hyphae seen on tissue sections. Four of five bacterial cultures also grew T. verrucosum on bacterial agar. Unlike other dermatophytes growth is enhanced at 37OC. The cases were concentrated in SE Queensland and Northern NSW. Four of the cases required systemic antifungal therapy to clear and a number were treated with several courses of antibiotics prior to the diagnosis being established.
Case No. Location Sex/Age Site Fungal Microscopy Contact Treatment
1 Kyogle, NSW M/32 Forearm No hyphae Cattle Bifonazole T
2 Avondale, NSW M/64 Forearm Hyphae 1+ Cattle/horses Terbinafine
3 Clarenza, NSW M/27 Forearm No hyphae Cattle No treatment
4 Charleville, Qld M/35 Forearm No hyphae Cattle Ketaconazole T
5 Boonah, Qld F/71 Lower leg Hyphae 1+ Cattle property Ketoconazole O
6 Kingstown, NSW M/29 Face Hyphae 1+ Cattle Griseofulvin O
7 Buccan, Qld M/54 Forearm Hyphae 1+ Cattle Griseofulvin O
Table 1: Culture positive cases T. verrucosum infection SNP 2009-2014


  1. verrucosum is an unusual zoonotic infection of the skin causing a highly inflammatory response involving the scalp, beard or exposed areas of the body in contact with cattle and horses.
Fluorescence under Wood’s ultra-violet light has been noted in cattle but not in humans. Unlike other dermatophytes, growth is enhanced at 37OC. Systemic therapy is usually required to clear the infection which is frequently mistaken for an inflammatory bacterial infection, initially being treated with antibiotics. Advice on clearing the infection from animals was seen as important. To read more or view the original summary click here  - General Practice Pathology is a regular column each authored by an Australian expert pathologist on a topic of particular relevance and interest to practising GPs. The authors provide this editorial free of charge as part of an educational initiative developed and coordinated by Sonic Pathology.
Dr Linda Calabresi
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Anyone living in country Australia should consider being vaccinated against Q fever, according to researchers. The recommendation was made on the basis of their study, published in the Medical Journal of Australia which showed that living in a rural area for more than three months was associated with an increased risk of contracting Q fever even if there was little contact with farm animals, the traditional reservoir of the infection. In fact, the risk among country dwellers was 2.5 times higher than among people who had never lived rurally, according to the study which looked for evidence of past infection among 2740 blood donors in Queensland and NSW. “The prevalence of Q fever, caused by Coxiella burnetii, is substantial in Australia despite the availability of a safe and effective vaccine,” the study authors wrote. They point to stats that show that between 2013 and 2017 there were more 2500 notifications of Q fever in this country. They say this is very likely to be an underestimate, as most infections (up to 80%) are asymptomatic and sometimes they may have non-specific symptoms. But what we do know is that when Q fever does cause significant symptoms the morbidity can be substantial - pneumonia, hepatitis, endocarditis, and osteomyelitis. In addition, 10-15% of symptomatic patients will develop a protracted post-Q fever fatigue syndrome. To check just how many people have or have had the condition, researchers assessed blood donors from metropolitan Sydney and Brisbane, as well as blood donors in rural areas, namely the Hunter New England region of NSW and Toowoomba in Queensland. As well as collecting data on exposure, occupation and vaccination, the sera of the subjects was tested for both the C. burnetii antibody (as a measure of past exposure) and C. burnetii DNA (measuring current infection). No patient in the study was found to be currently infected with Q fever. Overall, 3.6% of the participants had evidence of past infection. And even though seroprevalence was higher in the rural areas compared to metropolitan areas, a significant proportion of those people from the city who tested positive for past Q fever had a history of living in the country at some time in the past. As you would expect, people working with sheep, cattle or goats, abattoir workers and people who had assisted at an animal birth were at highest risk. Vaccination of these people is already recommended. Non-farming people who just lived in rural areas were found to be at risk. “Having lived in a rural area, but with no or rare contact with sheep, cattle or goats, was itself an independent predictor of antibody seropositivity after accounting for the effects of other exposures”, the study authors said. Hence the recommendation we vaccinate everyone living in the country. But, as an accompanying editorial points out, expanding the current vaccination program is not without its challenges. Screening for humoral antibody and cell-mediated skin testing is required prior to vaccination so the need for at least two GP visits, access to intradermal skin testing and the cost are all potential barriers, the editorial authors said. There is also an issue with a lack of evidence about the safety and effectiveness of the Q fever vaccine in children. Nonetheless, all the experts agree: if we want to reduce the burden of Q fever in Australia, we will need to look beyond the select populations we are currently targeting for vaccination because there are obviously risk factors other than sheep, cattle and goats, at play.


Gidding HF, Faddy HM, Durrheim DN, Graves SR, Nguyen C, Hutchinson P, Massey P, Wood N. Seroprevalence of Q fever among metropolitan and non‐metropolitan blood donors in New South Wales and Queensland, 2014–2015. Med J Aust. 2019 Apr; 210(7): 309-15. DOI: 10.5694/mja2.13004 Francis JR, Robson JM. Q fever: more common than we think, and what this means for prevention. Med J Aust. 2019 Apr; 210(7): 305-6. DOI: 10.5694/mja2.50024
Dr Linda Calabresi
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The Department of Health requires suspected cases of measles to be notified immediately without waiting for laboratory confirmation. Measles is an urgent, highly contagious, notifiable disease. Secondary infections occur in 75-90% of susceptible household contacts Transmission of the measles virus is by respiratory droplets and direct contact with respiratory secretions
  • Serological testing and PCR are the mainstays of laboratory diagnosis
  • Background

    Measles is a highly contagious disease with secondary infections occurring in 75 – 90% of susceptible household contacts.1 With suboptimal vaccination coverage in some areas, measles outbreaks remain an unfortunate reality in Australia.2 A single case therefore has significant public health implications.

    Clinical features

    Transmission of measles virus is by respiratory droplets and direct contact with respiratory secretions. The virus can also survive on inanimate objects in the patient’s environment for at least 30 minutes. After an incubation period of 10 days (range 7 – 18 days) patients develop a prodrome consisting of fever, malaise, cough, coryza and non-purulent conjunctivitis. Koplik’s spots may develop during this time. These are whitish spots on an erythematous background on the buccal mucosa classically arising opposite the molar teeth. After about four days, a morbilliform rash appears, initially on the face and head, then extending to the trunk and limbs (Figure 1). The rash lasts 3 – 7 days. Patients usually make a full recovery, but complications including otitis media, pneumonia, seizures, and rarely encephalitis (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis) can occur. The case fatality rate in stable populations is estimated at around 2%, but rates up to 32% have been seen in refugee and displaced populations.4

    Laboratory testing

    Serological testing and PCR are the mainstays of laboratory diagnosis. In the early stages of infection, a single serology result demonstrating negative measles IgG and positive IgM in the context of the clinical picture outlined above provides strong evidence for a case of measles. It is important to note that serology can be negative in the early stages of infection. In a minority of patients, IgM may not be detected up to four days after the rash onset.5 Definitive serological diagnosis can be established with acute and convalescent sera, usually taken 10 – 14 days apart. A diagnostic rise in measles-specific IgG is a reliable indicator of recent infection. In early infection, PCR is performed on nose and throat swabs. Nose and throat swabs are usually pooled and analysed together in the testing laboratory. Swabs sent in viral or universal transport media are acceptable for testing, as are ‘dry’ swabs (no transport media). Swabs using bacterial transport media should be avoided as rates of viral detection may be lower. Other specimens that can be used for PCR are first pass urine and anticoagulated blood. When positive, PCR provides rapid confirmation of the clinical picture.

    Case definition for measles

    Initial investigation of suspected Measles
    ▪ Generalised maculopapular rash usually lasting three or more days and ▪ Fever (at least 38° if measured) present at the time of rash onset and ▪ Cough, coryza, conjunctivitis and Koplik’s spots
    Notify immediately.
    Laboratory Testing Serology (IgG & IgM) and PCR.

    Treatment and prevention

    Treatment of measles remains supportive only. Infection control measures are important in order to avoid secondary cases. In the clinic;
    • The receptionist receiving patients should be alert to possible measles cases.
    • Those presenting with fever and rash should be given a single use mask and isolated from other patients
    • Consultation rooms used for assessment of suspected measles cases should be left vacant for at least 30 minutes after the consultation.3
    Measles vaccination as part of the routine immunisation schedule for clinic patients is of the utmost importance. It is also important is ensuring that clinic staff vaccinations are kept up-to-date.


    Due to its public health importance, the Department of Health requires all suspected cases of measles to be notified immediately without waiting for laboratory confirmation. This will help facilitate timely follow-up of the contacts, vaccination where required and will help prevent further transmission of the virus.


    1. Perry RT, Halsey NA. The Clinical Significance of Measles: A Review. J Infect Dis. 2004 May 1; 189(S1): S4-16. DOI: 10.1086/377712
    2. Victorian Department of Health, Blue Book, Infectious Diseases Epidemiology and Surveillance, Measles. [Accessed 8.9.2014] Available at:
    3. Kouadio IK, Kamigaki T, Oshitani H. Measles outbreaks in displaced populations: a review of transmission, morbidity and mortality associated factors. BMC Int Health Hum Rights. 2010 Mar 19; 10: 5 [Accessed 8.9.2014]. DOI: 10.1186/1472-698X-10-5
    - General Practice Pathology is a regular column each authored by an Australian expert pathologist on a topic of particular relevance and interest to practising GPs. The authors provide this editorial free of charge as part of an educational initiative developed and coordinated by Sonic Pathology.
    Jane Heller
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    With several hundred cases diagnosed each year, Australia has one of the highest rates of Q fever worldwide. Q fever is a bacterial infection which spreads from animals; mainly cattle, sheep and goats. It can present in different ways, but often causes severe flu-like symptoms. Importantly, the bacteria that cause Q fever favour dry, dusty conditions, and inhalation of contaminated dust is a common route of infection. There are now fears the ongoing droughts in Queensland and New South Wales may be increasing risk of the disease spreading. But there are measures those at risk can take to protect themselves, including vaccination.

    What is Q fever and who is at risk?

    Q fever is an infectious illness caused by the bacterium Coxiella burnetii, one of the most infectious organisms around. Q fever is zoonotic, meaning it can transmit to people from infected animals. It’s usually acquired through either direct animal contact or contact with contaminated areas where animals have been. Goats, sheep and cattle are the most commonly reported Q fever hosts, although a range of other animals may be carriers. Because of this association with livestock, farmers, abattoir workers, shearers, and veterinarians are thought to be at the highest risk of Q fever. People who also may be at risk include family members of livestock workers, people living or working near livestock transport routes, tannery workers, animal hunters, and even processors in cosmetics factories that use animal products. Q fever can be difficult to diagnose (it has sometimes been called “the quiet curse”). Infected people usually develop flu-like fevers, severe headaches and muscle or joint pain. These symptoms typically appear around two to three weeks after infection, and can last up to six weeks. A small proportion of people will develop persistent infections that begin showing up later (up to six years post-infection). These can include local infections in the heart or blood vessels, which may require lifelong treatment.

    Are Q fever rates on the rise?

    In Australia, 500 to 800 cases of Q fever (2.5 – 5 cases per 100,000 people) were reported each year in the 1990s according to the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System. A national Q fever management program was designed in 2001 to combat this burden. This program provided subsidised vaccination to at-risk people including abattoir workers, beef cattle farmers and families of those working on farms. Results were positive. Q fever cases decreased during the program and following its conclusion in 2006, leading to a historic low of 314 cases (1.5 cases per 100,000 people) in 2009. But since 2010, Q fever cases have gradually increased (558 cases or 2.3 per 100,000 were reported in 2016), suggesting further action may be necessary. Every year, the highest numbers of people diagnosed are from Queensland and NSW. And the true number of affected people is likely to be under-reported. Many infected people do not experience severe symptoms, and those who do may not seek health care or may be misdiagnosed.

    Q fever and drought

    The reason people are more susceptible to Q fever in droughts lies in the bacteria’s capacity to survive in the environment. Coxiella burnetii spores are very resilient and able to survive in soil or dust for many years. This also helps the bacteria spread: it can attach to dust and travel 10km or more on winds. The Q fever bacteria is resistant to dehydration and UV radiation, making Australia’s mostly dry climate a hospitable breeding ground. Hot and dry conditions may also lead to higher bacterial shedding rates for infected livestock. The ongoing drought could allow Q fever to spread and reach people who were previously not exposed. One study suggested drought conditions were probably the main reason for the increase in Q fever notifications in 2002 (there were 792 cases that year). This was the fourth driest year on record in Australia since 1900. We still need more evidence to conclusively link the two, but we think it’s likely that drought in Queensland and NSW has contributed to the increased prevalence of Q fever in recent years.

    How can people protect themselves?

    National guidelines for managing Q fever primarily recommend vaccination. The Q-VAX® vaccine has been in use since 1989. It’s safe and has an estimated success rate of 83–100%. However, people who have already been exposed to the bacteria are discouraged from having the vaccination, as they can develop a hypersensitive reaction to the vaccine. People aged under 15 years are also advised against the vaccine. Because the vaccine cannot be administered to everyone, people can take other steps to reduce risk. NSW Health recommends a series of precautions.
    Author provided/The Conversation, CC BY-ND

    What else can be done?

    Vaccination for people in high-risk industries is effective to prevent Q fever infection, but must be administered well before people are actually at risk. Pre-testing requires both a skin test and blood test to ensure people who have already been exposed to the bacteria are not given the vaccine. This process takes one to two weeks before the vaccine can be administered, and it takes a further two weeks after vaccination to develop protection. This delay, along with the cost of vaccination, is sometimes seen as a barrier to its widespread use. Awareness of the vaccine may also be an issue. A recent study of Australians in metropolitan and regional centres found only 40% of people in groups for whom vaccination is recommended knew about the vaccine, and only 10% were vaccinated. We also need to better understand how transmission occurs in people who do not work with livestock (“non-traditional” exposure pathways) if we want to reduce Q fever rates.The Conversation Nicholas J Clark, Postdoctoral Fellow in Disease Ecology, The University of Queensland; Charles Caraguel, Senior lecturer, School of Animal and Veterinary Science, University of Adelaide; Jane Heller, Associate Professor in Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health, Charles Sturt University; Ricardo J. Soares Magalhaes, Senior Lecturer Population Health & Biosecurity, The University of Queensland, and Simon Firestone, Academic, Veterinary Biosciences, University of Melbourne This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
    A/Prof Sanjaya Senanayake
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    The devastating Townsville floods have receded but the clean up is being complicated by the appearance of a serious bacterial infection known as melioidosis. One person has died from melioidosis and nine others have been diagnosed with the disease over the past week. The bacteria that causes the disease, Burkholderia pseudomallei, is a hardy bug that lives around 30cm deep in clay soil. Events that disturb the soil, such as heavy rains and floods, bring B. pseudomallei to the surface, where it can enter the body through through a small break in the skin (that a person may not even be aware of), or by other means. Melioidosis may cause an ulcer at that site, and from there, spread to multiple sites in the body via the bloodstream. Alternatively, the bacterium can be inhaled, after which it travels to the lungs, and again may spread via the bloodstream. Less commonly, it’s ingested. Melioidosis was first identified in the early 20th century among drug users in Myanmar. These days, cases tend to concentrate in Southeast Asia and the top end of northern Australia.

    What are the symptoms?

    Melioidosis can cause a variety of symptoms, but often presents as a non-specific flu-like illness with fever, headache, cough, shortness of breath, disorientation, and pain in the stomach, muscles or joints. People with underlying conditions that impair their immune system – such as diabetes, chronic kidney or lung disease, and alcohol use disorder – are more likely to become sick from the infection. The majority of healthy people infected by melioidosis won’t have any symptoms, but just because you’re healthy, doesn’t mean you’re immune: around 20% of people who become acutely ill with melioidosis have no identifiable risk factors. People typically become sick between one and 21 days after being infected. But in a minority of cases, this incubation period can be much longer, with one case occurring after 62 years.

    How does it make you sick?

    While most people who are sick with melioidosis will have an acute illness, lasting a short time, a small number can have a grumbling infection persisting for months. One of the most common manifestations of melioidosis is infection of the lungs (pneumonia), which can occur either via infection through the skin, or inhalation of B. pseudomallei. The challenges in treating this organism, though, arise from its ability to form large pockets of pus (abscesses) in virtually any part of the body. Abscesses can be harder to treat with antibiotics alone and may also require drainage by a surgeon or radiologist.

    How is it treated?

    Thankfully, a number of antibiotics can kill B. pseudomallei. Those recovering from the infection will need to take antibiotics for at least three months to cure it completely. If you think you might have melioidosis, seek medical attention immediately. A prompt clinical assessment will determine the level of care you need, and allow antibiotic therapy to be started in a timely manner. Your blood and any obviously infected body fluids (sputum, pus, and so on) will also be tested for B. pseudomallei or other pathogens that may be causing the illness. While cleaning up after these floods, make sure you wear gloves and boots to minimise the risk of infection through breaks in the skin. This especially applies to people at highest risk of developing melioidosis, namely those with diabetes, alcohol use disorder, chronic kidney disease, and lung disease.

    Sanjaya Senanayake, Associate Professor of Medicine, Infectious Diseases Physician, Australian National University

    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
    Prof Kristine Macartney
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    Australia was declared free of measles in 2014. Yet this summer we’ve seen nine cases of measles in New South Wales, and others in Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland. High vaccination rates in Australia means the measles virus doesn’t continuously spread, but we still have “wildfire” outbreaks when travellers bring measles into the country, often unknowingly. If you haven’t received two doses of measles vaccine, you are at risk of contracting measles.

    How can you catch it?

    Measles is a highly contagious virus that spreads by touching or breathing in the same air as an infected person. The virus stays alive in the air or on infected surfaces for up to two hours. An infected person is contagious from the first day of symptoms (fever, cough and runny nose). These general symptoms start about four days before the rash develops, meaning contagious people can spread the virus even before they realise they have measles. If you’re not immune to the virus, through vaccination or past infection, the chance of becoming ill after being near someone with measles is 90%. Being in the same café, waiting in line at the checkout or flying on the same aeroplane as an infected person could be enough to pick up the disease.

    Why is it so dangerous?

    Measles causes a fever, cough, and a rash that starts around the hairline and then spreads to the whole body. It can also cause middle ear infections (otitis media), chest infections (pneumonia), and diarrhoea. Swelling and inflammation to the brain (encephalitis) occurs in 1 in every 1,000 cases and can lead to permanent brain damage or death. In 2017, 110,000 people died from measles worldwide. Even after surviving the initial illness, measles can cause a devastating and fatal complication known as subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (inflammation of the brain) many years later.

    Why are people in their 20s to 50s more at risk?

    To protect yourself against measles, you need two doses of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. Children in Australia routinely get this vaccine at 12 and 18 months of age. The second dose is given in combination with the chickenpox vaccine. It’s important to have two doses of MMR vaccine, especially if you haven’t reached your mid-50s. Most people older than this would have been infected with measles before vaccination was routine. People aged in their 20s to early 50s (those born from 1966 and 1994) are most likely to have only had one dose of MMR vaccine. While we’ve had the measles vaccine in Australia since 1968, a two-dose program was only introduced in 1992. A brief school-based catch-up program from 1993 to 1994 offered school children a second dose. Another school-based program provided children with catch-up vaccinations in 1998*. For those who missed out on the school program, catch-up vaccinations were given on an ad-hoc basis via GP clinics. So not everyone in this age group would have received two doses of the measles vaccine. If you are this age, you may not be not fully protected against measles. Checking with a GP or immunisation nurse is the best way to be sure. They will check your records, and may do a blood test if you have no proof of immunisation. Even if you can’t be sure of past vaccinations, it’s still safe to have an extra vaccine. And it’s free for those who need a catch-up dose. If you have a child under 12 months of age and you’re heading to a country with measles, an early additional vaccine dose can be given to protect your baby from measles. This ideally should be done at least a month before you travel, to ensure an immune response has time to develop. The routine scheduled doses at 12 months and 18 months will still need to be given later.

    What if you’re not protected?

    Unfortunately, there is no treatment for measles. Getting adequately vaccinated is the best form of defence against this serious disease. If you think you’ve been exposed or may be ill from measles, see your GP or call Health Direct or your public health department as soon as possible. If exposed, but not yet ill, it may not be too late to get a protective vaccine and ensure you don’t spread the disease to others. If you are unwell, and suspect measles, call ahead to let the clinic know so they can make provisions to keep you away from other patients in the waiting room. Other, more common, diseases can look like measles, so an urgent specific test (throat swab) must be done to confirm the infection. If measles is proven, public health workers will trace your contacts and your treating doctor will monitor you for complications.

    Are we at risk of measles returning in Australia?

    Australia currently has all-time high vaccine coverage, with 94.5% of five-year-old children fully immunised at the end of 2017. By keeping vaccine coverage near or above 95%, herd immunity where there are enough people vaccinated helps prevent measles from spreading to others, including those who cannot be vaccinated. But in our interconnected world, we must work together to reduce the threat of measles worldwide by boosting immunisation programs in regions with low coverage, including in the Asia Pacific. Measles have resurfaced in some countries due to falls in vaccine coverage from unfounded safety concerns as well as weak health systems. In the first six months of last year, for instance, Europe had 41,000 cases of measles, nearly double the total number of the previous year. This, among other factors, has prompted the World Health Organisation to list vaccine hesitancy as a top ten threat to global health in 2019. A continued global coordinated effort will be required to maintain elimination and prevent resurgence of this deadly disease in Australia. * Correction: this article has been updated to note a school-based catch-up program also operated in 1998.The Conversation

    Kristine Macartney, Professor, Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Sydney and Lucy Deng, Staff Specialist Paediatrician, National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance; Clinical Associate Lecturer, Children's Hospital Westmead Clinical School, University of Sydney

    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
    Eloise Stephenson
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    Ross River virus is Australia’s most common mosquito-borne disease. It infects around 4,000 people a year and, despite being named after a river in North Queensland, is found in all states and territories, including Tasmania. While the disease isn’t fatal, it can cause debilitating joint pain, swelling and fatigue lasting weeks or even months. It can leave sufferers unable to work or look after children, and is estimated to cost the economy A$2.7 to A$5.6 million each year. There is no treatment or vaccine for Ross River virus; the only way to prevent is to avoid mosquito bites. Mosquitoes pick up the disease-causing pathogen by feeding on an infected animal. The typical transmission cycle involves mosquitoes moving the virus between native animals but occasionally, an infected mosquito will bite a person. If this occurs, the mosquito can spread Ross River virus to the person.

    Animal hosts

    Ross River virus has been found in a range of animals, including rats, dogs, horses, possums, flying foxes, bats and birds. But marsupials – kangaroos and wallabies in particular – are generally better than other animals at amplifying the virus under experimental infection and are therefore thought to be “reservoir hosts”. The virus circulates in the blood of kangaroos and wallabies for longer than other animals, and at higher concentrations. It’s then much more likely to be picked up by a blood-feeding mosquito.

    Dead-end hosts

    When we think of animals and disease we often try to identify which species are good at transmitting the virus to mosquitoes (the reservoir hosts). But more recently, researchers have started to focus on species that get bitten by mosquitoes but don’t transmit the virus. These species, known as dead-end hosts, may be important for reducing transmission of the virus. With Ross River virus, research suggests birds that get Ross River virus from a mosquito cannot transmit the virus to another mosquito. If this is true, having an abundance of birds in and around our urban environments may reduce the transmission of Ross River virus to animals, mosquitoes and humans in cities.

    Other reservoir hosts?

    Even in areas with a high rates of Ross River virus in humans, we don’t always find an abundance of kangaroos and wallabies. So there must be other factors – or animals yet to be identified as reservoirs or dead-end hosts – playing an important role in transmission. Ross River virus is prevalent in the Pacific Islands, for instance, where there aren’t any kangaroos and wallabies. One study of blood donors in French Polynesia found that 42.4% of people tested had previously been exposed to the virus. The rates are even higher in American Samoa, where 63% of people had been exposed. It’s unclear if the virus has recently started circulating in these islands, or if it’s been circulating there longer, and what animals have been acting as hosts.

    What about people?

    Mosquitoes can transmit some viruses, such as dengue and Zika between people quite easily. But the chances of a mosquito picking up Ross River virus when biting an infected human is low, though not impossible. The virus circulates in our blood at lower concentrations and for shorter periods of time compared with marsupials. If humans are infected with Ross River virus, around 30% will develop symptoms of joint pain and fatigue (and sometimes a rash) three to 11 days after exposure, while some may not experience any symptoms until three weeks after exposure. To reduce your risk of contracting Ross River virus, take care to cover up when you’re outdoors at sunset and wear repellent when you’re in outdoor environments where mosquitoes and wildlife may be frequently mixing.   This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.