In what was very big news for global health, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has recommended a new vaccine for the prevention of malaria in children, called R21/Matrix-M.
An 8 cm roundworm that would usually be more at home in a carpet python was pulled live from a woman’s brain, in a case that had baffled a team of specialists for more than a year.
Difficulties with cognitive functions or skills, such as the ability to recall memories, concentrate on tasks, or find the right words in conversation, are commonly reported following a COVID infection.
In this Product Explainer, Public Health Physician and Infectious Diseases Epidemiologist Prof Paul Van Buynder explains the burden of pneumococcal disease in both children and adult population. He explains why PCV 15 has increased serotype coverage and why improved immunogenicity against serotype 3 is important both from a clinical and public health perspective (5 mins).