
A/Prof Dana Wong
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Neuropsychologists specialise in evaluating conditions affecting the brain

Dr Marita Long
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The differences in dementia presentation between men and women and lifestyle modifications that may protect against dementia

Expert/s: Dr Marita Long
Dr Benjamin Tsang
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Recurrent vertigo, recurrent spontaneous vertigo, imbalance ataxia and persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD)

Dr Benjamin Tsang
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Acute vestibular and acute transient vestibular syndromes and confirming the diagnosis of vestibular neuritis

Dr Benjamin Tsang
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The definition of vertigo and common misperceptions that doctors have

Dr Linda Calabresi
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It’s all very well to tell a patient with Bell palsy – they haven’t had a stroke and they are likely to recover. When half their face appears paralysed such assurances aren’t all that comforting.

Sophie Scott
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As our population continues to age, the number of people with dementia is set to skyrocket, a situation that geriatric medicine researcher A/Prof Michael Woodward has likened to a ‘tsunami that’s sadly almost bearing down on us’. Dementia already affects more than 400,000 Australians and is the second-biggest cause of death, but it’s predicted that this will grow to 589,000 by 2028 and more than one million by 2058. The debilitating condition causes a decline in memory, cognition and day-to-day functioning, a distressing process both for sufferers and their loved ones. Two new medications for dementia are currently being trialled, giving hope for more effective treatment. One is a monoclonal antibody gantenerumab, designed to remove the toxic protein amyloid from the brains of people with dementia. Although earlier trials have been disappointing, a higher dose is now being trialled in several thousand participants, including at Melbourne’s Austin Hospital.

Prof Malcolm Hopwood
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This article discusses a practical, evidence-based approach to the management of Major Depressive Disorder as it is likely to present in the real world setting.

Dr Vivienne Miller
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General Practitioner Dr Vivienne Miller takes a look at what’s changed in the recently updated CHA2DS2-VASC Score for the determination of stroke risk factors from atrial fibrillation. The CHA2DS2-VA Score was updated from the CHA2DS2-VASC Score last year to exclude female sex (represented by Sc) in the determination of stroke risk factors from atrial fibrillation. The two scores are identical, apart from the exclusion of female sex, which is no longer considered an outright risk factor in stroke from atrial fibrillation, but more of a ‘risk modifier’ of this complication.1General Practitioner Dr Vivienne Miller takes a look at what’s changed in the recently updated CHA2DS2-VASC Score for the determination of stroke risk factors from atrial fibrillation. The CHA2DS2-VA Score was updated from the CHA2DS2-VASC Score last year to exclude female sex (represented by Sc) in the determination of stroke risk factors from atrial fibrillation. The two scores are identical, apart from the exclusion of female sex, which is no longer considered an outright risk factor in stroke from atrial fibrillation, but more of a ‘risk modifier’ of this complication.

Dr Linda Calabresi
Clinical Articles iconClinical Articles

How big is the risk of peripheral neuropathy with fluoroquinolones? That’s the question UK researchers were looking to answer with their large case-controlled study recently published in JAMA Neurology. And – cutting to the chase – what’s the answer? Well, the risk isn’t huge but there is certainly a risk. And the association is worth bearing in mind if a patient develops peripheral neuropathy because the timing of this side-effect can be unpredictable, making the link less obvious. According to the study which analysed details from a large UK primary care population database involving almost 1.4 million patients over seven years, taking oral fluoroquinolone increased the relative risk of developing peripheral neuropathy by 47% compared to not taking the drug. “The absolute risk with current oral fluoroquinolone exposure was 2.4 per 10,000 patients per year of current use,” the study authors wrote. And just to be sure the association wasn’t simply related to having an infection that needed antibiotics, the researchers also looked at all those patients who had received a different antibiotic, namely amoxicillin-clavulanate, to see if there was a similar association with this particular side-effect. But no – the problem just seemed to occur with the fluoroquinolones. “No significant increased risk was observed with observed with oral amoxicillin-clavulanate exposure,” they found. Aside from quantifying the risk of peripheral neuropathy with fluoroquinolones, which was the main aim of the study, researchers also found that the relative risk remained significantly increased up to 180 days after taking the drug. So, if a doctor is investigating the cause of a patient’s newly-developed peripheral neuropathy, they need to ask about fluoroquinolone use in the previous six months. The study findings also suggested certain patients might be more at risk of developing this adverse effect than others. The risk appeared to be greater among men and those aged older than 60 years. The risk also seemed to increase the longer a person took the drug. The findings seem to suggest increased caution needs to be taken when prescribing fluoroquinolones, especially given that they have other known potential side-effects such as tendon rupture and aortic aneurysm. “Health care professionals should consider these potential risks when prescribing fluoroquinolone antibiotic,” the study authors concluded. But, an accompanying editorial warns against getting the risk out of perspective. The editorial authors from the Mayo Clinic in the US point out that when a side-effect is very rare, it can be challenging to determine predisposing factors or potential confounders. There is also a lack of a strong hypothesis on the mechanism underlying fluoroquinolone-induced neuropathy. “It is clearly a rare event in a sea of fluoroquinolone use, and no clear pattern has been defined that differentiates it from other causes of peripheral neuropathies,” they wrote. However, they support the findings of the original study that there is an association, but suggest further research is needed before doctors start avoiding using these drugs.


Morales D, Pacurariu A, Slattery J, Pinheiro L, McGettigan P, Kurz X. Association Between Peripheral Neuropathy and Exposure to Oral Fluoroquinolone or Amoxicillin-Clavulanate Therapy. JAMA Neurol. Published online April 29, 2019. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2019.0887 Staff NP, Dyck PJB. On the Association Between Fluoroquinolones and Neuropathy. JAMA Neurol. Published online April 29, 2019. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2019.0886    
Dr Linda Calabresi
Clinical Articles iconClinical Articles

Patients with Parkinson Disease can now be prescribed a mind-body therapy that has a strong evidence-base of effectiveness. According to a randomised clinical trial published in JAMA Neurology, a program of mindfulness yoga will not only improve motor dysfunction and mobility at least as well as a program of standard stretching and resistance exercises but it will also significantly lessen anxiety symptoms and improve quality of life. While clinical practice guidelines have almost uniformly recommended exercise for patients with Parkinson’s, to date there has been no robust evidence that yoga is any better than any other physical exercise program. While the fact that this study shows that mindfulness yoga is equivalent to a conventional exercise program in terms of motor symptoms is of interest, the researchers say it is the improvement in depression and anxiety symptoms that is of most importance. These symptoms are common in Parkinson disease and are a major factor affecting these patients’ quality of life. “Considering that [Parkinson Disease] is not only a physically limiting condition but also a psychologically distressing life event, health care professionals should adopt a holistic approach in [Parkinson Disease] rehabilitation,” they wrote. Much of the clinically and statistically significant improvement in anxiety and depression symptoms seen in the study, the researchers attribute to the mindfulness component of the yoga therapy. The moderate to large psychological benefit of mindfulness yoga was said to be ‘remarkable’, as the patients assigned to receive this intervention attended a mean of only six sessions. The actual study was neither huge nor of long duration, however it was randomised and had ‘adequate statistical power to detect a clinically meaningful effect.’ The Hong Kong researchers randomised almost 190 patients with mild to moderate, idiopathic Parkinson Disease to either a weekly, 90-minute session of mindfulness yoga or a weekly 60-minute session of stretching and resistance training exercises. The intervention went for a period of eight weeks and both groups were encouraged to perform 20-minutes of home-based practice twice a week over the duration of the program. The participants were assessed at baseline, at eight weeks (immediately after the intervention) and then at 20 weeks. The assessments were conducted by independent assessors who were not aware of which intervention the patient had undertaken. Interestingly while the effects of both the interventions on motor symptoms and mobility were very similar straight after program, with benefits lessening at the 20 week mark (three months after the intervention had finished), the psychological benefit of mindfulness yoga seen at eight weeks was just as pronounced 12 weeks later at the 20 week mark. This suggests that a relatively short program of mindfulness yoga might have longer term benefits in helping patients with Parkinson Disease manage stress and symptoms, the study authors said. But, of course, further research is needed to compare different mindfulness practices, the long-term effectiveness and compliance. Nonetheless, the study authors say these study findings are sufficiently strong for doctors to at least consider recommending this type of therapy to patients with Parkinson Disease. “Future rehabilitation programs could consider integrating mindfulness skills into physical therapy to enhance the holistic well-being of people with neurodegenerative conditions,” they concluded.


Kwok JYY, Kwan JCY, Auyeung M, Mok VCT, Lau CKY, Choi KC, et al. Effects of Mindfulness Yoga vs Stretching and Resistance Training Exercises on Anxiety and Depression for People With Parkinson Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Neurol. 2019 Apr 8. DOI: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2019.0534
Dr Linda Calabresi
Clinical Articles iconClinical Articles

Despite the incidence of cerebral palsy decreasing, it is still Australia’s most common cause of physical disability in childhood, experts say. And with the condition affecting over two in every 1000 live births, it is more than likely a GP will be caring for these patients in their clinical practice. The authors of a review in the latest Medical Journal of Australia highlight areas where the treating health professional, including the GP can play a role in improving these children’s health outcomes as well as their quality of life. “While there is currently a limited range of evidence-based treatments that change the underlying pathology of cerebral palsy, there are many areas in which health care professionals can change the natural history of cerebral palsy and improve participation and quality of life for children with this condition,” they said. They refer to a framework for management of patients with cerebral palsy, known as the six Fs. These Fs help both clinicians and families of the affected child set realistic goals and develop appropriate pathways to meet them. The six Fs are: Function – encourage the child to try activities and celebrate not only what they can achieve but the attempt. Family –  the family environment is vitally important to the child’s health outcomes both physically and psychologically. Significant attention, support and resources need to be directed to this. Fitness – Overall physical fitness is at least as important as exercises directed at helping overcome the particular physical disability of a child with cerebral palsy. Fun – Caregivers need to ensure the child with cerebral palsy does not miss out on this key component of childhood. Friends – Social interaction and the development of quality relationships need to be incorporated as a management goal. Future – This is all about setting realistic goals and expectations and the mapping out plans of how to achieve them, keeping in mind the other five Fs. In addition to this very grounding framework of management, the review authors went on to describe the current state of play of treatment for the various physical manifestations of cerebral palsy. Spasticity and dystonia are the most common signs of the disease and along with physical therapies such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, splints and orthotics there are a number of medications and even some surgical options for treatment. Baclofen, diazepam and Botulinum toxin A are well-known options to treat the spasticity and dystonia. But apparently there is emerging evidence for the use of other medications such as gabapentin and clonidine. There are also some highly specialised surgeries being performed for subsets of cerebral palsy children such as deep brain stimulation for children with dystonic and dyskinetic movement, selective dorsal rhizotomy for severe spasticity in the lower limbs and even intrathecal baclofen to avoid the side effects of oral baclofen. The review also highlights three potential problem areas for children with cerebral palsy that are of particular relevance for GPs caring for children with this condition. Hip displacement is more of a risk in children with cerebral palsy, and if it is missed it can result in hip dislocation. Regular clinical and radiographic assessment is recommended. “The pelvic x-ray is taken in a standardised supine position and is usually repeated between six and 12 months, depending on the severity of cerebral palsy and the rate of progression of migration of the femoral head out of the acetabulum,” they said. Referral is recommended once migration approaches 30% Another major issue to check for in children with cerebral palsy is pain, with evidence suggesting up to 75% of young patients are regularly experiencing this. The review authors recommend carers ask about this directly, as children may not volunteer this information despite chronic pain’s well-known effect on quality of life. Pain treatment is generally fairly standard, however specific treatments are available for pain arising from unique symptoms such as dystonia or spasticity. Finally, the review authors advise treating clinicians to watch out for feeding and swallowing problems, and as a consequence of these, deficiencies in nutrition. There is a wide range of potential issues concerning eating and drinking that can affect children with cerebral palsy, including swallowing difficulty, managing utensils, posture, risk of aspiration, sensory difficulties and even excessive drooling. All of these can be managed, but the key first step is identifying there is an issue before nutritional deficiencies manifest in comorbidities such as osteoporosis. Unfortunately, as yet, we still cannot cure cerebral palsy. However, with early interventions, close monitoring and targeted therapies the natural history of cerebral palsy is being altered for the better.


Graham D, Paget SP, Wimalasundera N. Current thinking in the health care management of children with cerebral palsy. Med J Aust. 2019 Feb; 210(3): 129-35. DOI: 10.5694/mja2.12106