Obstetrics and gynaecology

Rochelle Hamilton
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Whether it is possible to rekindle a sexual relationship with low levels of desire

Prof Danielle Mazza AM
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In this Healthed lecture, Prof Danielle Mazza, presents the fascinating findings from The Australian Contraceptive Choice Project, which was a trial that aimed to increase LARC uptake through general practice, and importantly, outline what they mean for clinical practice.

Dr Debra Kennedy
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In this Product Explainer, Dr Debra Kennedy, Clinical Geneticist and Paediatrician and Director of MotherSafe at Royal Hospital for Women, explains the importance of pregnancy planning and the role of nutrition and vitamin supplementation (4 mins).

Conjoint Prof John Eden
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In this Healthed lecture, A/Prof John Eden provides a valuable update on what's currently available to treat symptomatic menopause and how to work out the best option for each individual woman.

Dr Terri Foran
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This presentation brings together a ‘brains-trust’ in the management of menstrual problems and menstrual pain.

Expert/s: Dr Terri Foran
A/Prof Ajeet Singh
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In this Healthed lecture, A/Prof Ajeet Singh explained the various factors involved when selecting the therapeutic agents for a given individual.

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Our national and international speakers will explore the latest research across a range of topics including ageing and its resistance and gender differences affecting metabolic, immune and cardiac function

Expert/s: Healthed
Prof Kirsten Black
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The pre-pregnancy consultation provides a unique opportunity to highlight the importance of nutrition and lifestyle in achieving the best outcome for both the baby and the mother.

Dr Rhonda Farrell
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When and how to refer to a Gynecologist and what do Gynae-oncologists do? (and don’t do)

A/Prof Susan Evans
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Recognising the ‘red-flags’ in the history of dysmenorrhoea in a young woman

Dr Rebecca Deans
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The possible reasons we are seeing more requests for female genital cosmetic surgery and ‘normal’ vulvovaginal anatomy

Expert Panel Facilitated by Dr Terri Foran, Panelist: Dr Sonia Davison, Prof Rod Baber, and Dr Sara Whitburn
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‘Brains-trust’ in the management of menopause and will take you through the management of menopause looking to the past, present and future.