
Dr Emily Isham
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The cancer navigators can help find necessary information, suggest referral pathways, support resources, help to access clinical trials and even medications and treatments that may be otherwise too expensive.

Expert/s: Dr Emily Isham
A/Prof Stephen Della-Fiorentina OAM
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How to navigate and manage a rare presentation of a common cancer. The supports and resources available to GPs to assist in supporting patients to navigate this space

Christine Cockburn
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Most common cancers are becoming differentiated into to progressively smaller subgroups resulting in many being classed as rare cancers - this fine tuning allows for personalised care and targeted therapies

Dr Ian Porter
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Emerging treatments, such as widefield radiation therapy, which can target large areas of both cancer and pre-cancerous lesions.

Expert/s: Dr Ian Porter
A/Prof Kate Stern
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The last twenty years has seen major developments in the preservation of fertility and parenthood options for patients who have been diagnosed with cancer.

A/Prof Kate Stern
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There are now national and international guidelines for the fertility management of these patients.

Prof John Boyages AM
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Being aware of the COVID-related issues among cancer patients allows health professionals to actively address concerns and barriers

Dr Terri Foran
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This educational activity will discuss the implications of the Lancet article for menopause management in Australia within the broader context of the risks and benefits of menopausal hormone therapy generally.

Expert/s: Dr Terri Foran
A/Prof Kate Stern
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The ways in which cancer therapies may impact on subsequent fertility

Dr Stephen Birrell
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The causes of high mammographic breast density

Dr Rhonda Farrell
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When and how to refer to a Gynecologist and what do Gynae-oncologists do? (and don’t do)

Dr Daniel Cehic
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