
Dr Victoria Hayes
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Dr Victoria Hayes provides the latest, evidence-based recommendations for effectively managing post-vaccination reactions in children.

Prof Nigel Crawford
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In today’s podcast, Prof Nigel Crawford discusses whooping cough symptoms, complications, and the importance of vaccination, especially for pregnant women.

Sophia Auld
Clinical Articles iconClinical Articles

Here’s what to look for and how to get kids to open up about it

Expert/s: Sophia Auld
Dr Andrew Leech
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Dr Andrew Leech explores how anxiety affects school attendance in primary school children, covering separation anxiety, bullying, online gaming addiction, and key strategies for support in primary care.

Dr Rupert Hinds
Videos iconVideos

Dr Rupert Hinds will present two practical case studies to illustrate CMPA and FPIES.

Prof Anne Chang
Podcasts iconPodcasts

In today's podcast, Prof Anne Chang discusses chronic wet cough in children, investigation, treatment and underlying immune deficiencies.

Kathy Beck
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Kathy Beck helps GPs to identify CMPA and assess allergic severity in infants

Expert/s: Kathy Beck
Dr Janet Green
Videos iconVideos

Understand the causes of low milk supply and uncover strategies for optimising breastmilk options for the infant

Dr James Best
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Dr James Best discusses supporting an autistic child in primary care which involves a holistic, individualised and family-centred approach where healthcare professionals play a pivotal role.

Expert/s: Dr James Best
Dr Rupert Hinds
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Dr Rupert Hinds, Gastroenterologist discusses early life influences on the gut microbiota of children and the potential role of human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs).

Dr Rupert Hinds
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Dr Hinds will discuss the assessment and management of infantile reflux.

Dr Michaela Baulderstone
Podcasts iconPodcasts

Dr Michaela Baulderstone discusses constipation in children, including behavioural impacts, tips for investigations, management and promoting positive behaviour support.