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Sophia Auld

An update on recent reviews, guidelines and studies that you can use now…

Dr Jane Nankervis

Eczema (eczematous inflammation) is the most common inflammatory disease of skin. These rashes are itchy and recognised by erythema, scale and vesicles, but can have secondary changes of infection, irritation or scratching. The term “dermatitis” is a broader, non-specific term which is not synonymous with eczema. There are three stages of evolution (acute, subacute and chronic) and numerous presentations depending on stage, age and aetiology. Histologically, the eczematous inflammatory processes have in common the spongiotic tissue reaction. Spongiosis refers to intra-epidermal oedema which resembles sponge.

Stages of eczema

Acute eczema

Clinical: Red, swollen, pebbly plaques. History of contact with specific allergen or chemicals. For the id reaction, the vesicles will occur at distant sites. Histology: Spongiosis, spongiotic vesiculation, intercellular oedema, perivascular dermal inflammation and occasional eosinophils.

Subacute eczema

Clinical: red, scaly lesions with indistinct borders, which may resemble psoriasis or fungal infections. Any allergic contact, asteatotic, atopic, nappy-related, chemical exposure, irritant contact, nummular, perioral-lick or stasis dermatitis may present this way. Histology: Less spongiosis and exocytosis (presence in the epidermis) of lymphocytes than acute form, and thickening (acanthosis) of the epidermis which may become psoriasiform. Parakeratosis, perivascular dermal inflammation and oedema are also present.

Chronic eczema

Clinical: Thick skin, skin lines accentuated (lichenified), fissures and excoriations. Caused by irritation of any subacute form, or appearing as lichen simplex chronicus. If the lichen simplex chronicus forms a local lump it is referred to as a prurigo nodularis. Histology: Hyperkeratosis, psoriasiform thickening of the epidermis, mild spongiosis, dermal mast cells and eosinophils. Lichen simplex chronicus will show marked hyperkeratosis, hypergranulosis, long epidermal ridges and vertical streaking of collagen in the dermis. Prurigo nodularis has thick, possibly excoriated, hyperkeratotic epidermis and marked dermal fibrosis and inflammation.

Specific types of eczema

Atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema)

Atopic dermatitis is an itchy, chronic relapsing skin disease which often start in childhood. There is a personal or family history of dry skin, eczema, hay fever, asthma and elevated serum IgE levels. There are essential and important clinical criteria, and the diagnosis requires exclusion of other conditions (e.g. scabies, contact dermatitis, psoriasis, photosensitive dermatosis). The pathogenesis and aetiology are not entirely clear and the disease is increasing in frequency.

Nummular dermatitis (discoid eczema)

Clinical: A chronic disorder of adults, of unknown aetiology, not related to atopy, but possibly to dry skin. Papules and papulovesicles coalesce to form nummular plaques 1-4 cm in diameter with oozing, crust, and scale. They are paler and les scaly than psoriasis. Most common sites of involvement are upper extremities, including the dorsal hands in women, and the lower extremities in men. Histology: Varies with duration. Spongiosis with mild acanthosis and exocytosis of inflammatory cells in earlier lesions. With time, the degree of acanthosis (thickening) increases. Additional features include scale-crust formation above the thickened epidermis and dermal perivascular inflammatory infiltrate.

Contact dermatitis

The substance could be an irritant or an allergen. Irritant (e.g. concentrated solvents, soaps) will cause a non-immunological reaction in any exposed person. Allergic reactions will occur in predisposed people on the basis of a delayed hypersensitivity reaction to a substance at low concentration and evolves rapidly at the site once sensitised. Occupational contact dermatitis is common and may be of irritant or allergenic (or both) types.

Irritant contact dermatitis

Commonly provoked by environmental substance e.g. contact with water, detergents and other chemicals where the epidermal barrier is compromised, and subsequently occurs most commonly on the hands, but any site where external stimuli could be suspected. Histology: Mild spongiosis, epidermal cell (keratinocyte) necrosis, and neutrophilic infiltration of the epidermis.

Allergic contact dermatitis

Clinical: Exposure to, and absorption of an antigen through skin. Most allergens are weak and there may be repeated exposure before sensitisation. The shape and location of the rash are the best clues. Histology: Subacute, chronic dermatitis or acute dermatitis may be seen. The dermal inflammatory infiltrate predominately contains lymphocytes and other mononuclear cells. Occasional atypical T-cell infiltrates may simulate mycosis fungoides.

Stasis dermatitis

Clinical: Occurring on the legs where venous drainage is impaired. However, most patients with venous insufficiency do not develop dermatitis. Unfortunately, topical medicines used in this situation seem to have many potential sensitising agents. Histology: Mild spongiosis, foci of parakeratosis and scale crust. Dermal changes are prominent with neovascularisation, haemosiderin deposition and varying degrees of fibrosis (depending on chronicity) and there is often ulceration.

Seborrhoeic dermatitis

Seborrhoeic dermatitis is a common and chronic disease which most commonly occurs on the scalp and face secondary to toxic substances produced by yeasts (malassezia), but with genetic and environmental factors contributing. Histology: Spongiosis at the side of a hair follicle, often with overlying scale crust, which may be acute, subacute or chronic depending on the lesion biopsied. Neutrophils within the epidermis or stratum corneum requires a search for yeast on a PAS stain. More chronic lesions show progressive psoriasiform hyperplasia of the epidermis with less spongiosis. Mild oedema of the papillary dermis with a mild superficial perivascular infiltrate of lymphocytes, histiocytes and neutrophils.

Asteatotic eczema

Asteototic eczema develops as the result of very dry skin. It is most common in the elderly and on the lower limbs. Histology: Usually a mild subacute spongiotic dermatitis. Compact and irregular stratum corneum. Id reaction Clinical: ‘Autoeczematisation’: generalised eczema in response to a localised dermatosis or infection at a distant site. Can be a pompholyx-like reaction affecting hands or more generalised papular eruption. Will resolve when the acute initiating process is controlled. Histology: Mimics that of the initial localised dermatosis or shows a spongiotic reaction with varied intensity. Mild dermal oedema and lymphocytic infiltration are seen. References: Thomas Habif, Clinical Dermatology 6th edition 2016, Elsevier, chapters 3-5 Weedon’s Skin Pathology, 4th edition, editor James W Paterson, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier A.Bernard Ackerman, Histological Diagnosis of Inflammatory Skin Diseases, 2nd edition, Williams & Wilkins Dermnet skin disease atlas at and Dermnet NZ online at
General Practice Pathology is a new regular column each authored by an Australian expert pathologist on a topic of particular relevance and interest to practising GPs. The authors provide this editorial, free of charge as part of an educational initiative developed and coordinated by Sonic Pathology.
Dr Linda Calabresi

Which bacteria are colonising your gut is becoming increasingly important, Australian researchers say. More and more evidence is suggesting the gut microbiota has a significant role in both the cause and the cure of a wide range of gastrointestinal and hepatic diseases and conditions. According to a review in The Medical Journal of Australia, research shows that particular types of bacteria colonising the gut have been associated the development of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), metabolic syndrome, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis (NASH), obesity and diabetes. We know that the bowel starts to be colonised by bacteria in utero. The make-up of an individual’s gut microbiota then depends on factors such as mode of delivery, breast-feeding, diet, illness and exposure to antibiotics. By the age of three, the gut microbiota resembles that of an adult. Observational studies have suggested a strong association between alterations in the microbiota because of environmental factors, and an increased risk of diseases. For instance, IBD was very rare in traditional Chinese populations, but studies have shown exposure to Western diets and medicines from a young age has increased the prevalence of this disease. “Asian adults who migrate from countries of low prevalence to countries of high prevalence do not have an increased risk of developing IBD, but their children experience the IBD incidence of their new country of residence,” the review authors said. Stronger evidence comes from studies into the exact nature of bacteria colonising the gut. It appears both the specific bacteria and the diversity of bacteria are important in disease pathogenesis. “For example, the presence of Proteus species at the time of Crohn’s disease resection is associated with early disease recurrence, while the presence of Faecalibacterium prauznitzii is protective against recurrence,” they said. Researchers have also found significant differences in the microbiota of people who develop severe alcoholic hepatitis and those who maintain normal hepatic function despite drinking the same amount of alcohol. Most importantly in the investigation of the role of the gut microbiota, is the emerging evidence that by altering the bacterial colonies in the gut we can alter the course of the disease. The classic example of this, of course, was the discovery of Helicobacter Pylori as the cause of peptic ulcer disease with treatment of this, dramatically changing health outcomes. But since then a lot of the research focus has been on faecal microbiota transplants (or poo transplants as they are commonly known). Mice studies have shown that a mouse will become fat if given a transplant of faecal bacteria from a fat donor mouse. Similarly, a similar result has been shown in a single trial of FMT from lean to obese humans, lowering triglyceride levels and increasing insulin sensitivity. FMT has also been shown to be an effective therapy for recurrent C.difficile infection and in active ulcerative colitis. And while the application of FMT as a treatment continues to be explored, investigators are also looking at how the microbiota can be changed through dietary means and how this can be used therapeutically. While probiotics have not been shown to be effective in the majority of inflammatory diseases, an anti-inflammatory diet combined with liquid formulated enteral nutrition has shown some success in Crohn’s disease. In short, the review authors suggest that the current interest in the gut microbiome is justified and has the potential to provide important therapeutic options in the future. “Microbial manipulation is an effective therapy, likely to have broadening implications,” they concluded.   Reference White LS, Van den Bogaerde J & Kamm M. The gut microbiota: cause and cure of gut diseases. Med J Aust. 2018 Oct 1; 209(7): 312-16. Available from: doi: 10.5694/mja17.01067

Prof Clare Collins

There are many reasons people go vegan, from wanting to be healthier, to reducing their environmental footprint, to concerns about animal welfare. No matter what the reason, many people find it difficult to meet the nutrient intake targets for specific vitamins and minerals while on a vegan diet. These include vitamin B12, iron, calcium, and iodine. Here’s how to make sure you’re getting enough of these vitamins and minerals while following a vegan diet.

1. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is essential for making red blood cells, DNA (your genetic code), fatty acids located in myelin (which insulate nerves), and some neurotransmitters needed for brain function. Vitamin B12 is stored in the liver, so a deficiency probably won’t happen in adults in the short term.
Symptoms of B12 deficiency
Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include tiredness, lethargy, low exercise tolerance, light-headedness, rapid heart rate or palpitations, bruising and bleeding easily, weight loss, impotence, bowel or bladder changes, a sore tongue, and bleeding gums. Other symptoms related to the nervous system include a loss of sensation in the hands or feet, problems related to movement, brain changes ranging from memory loss to mood changes or dementia, visual disturbances, and impaired bowel and bladder control.
Testing for B12 deficiency
Your doctor may request a blood test to check your vitamin B12 status and determine whether indicators are in the healthy range.
Vegan food sources of B12
Vitamin B12 is abundant in animal foods including meat, milk and dairy products. For vegans, plant sources of vitamin B12 include some algae and plants exposed to bacterial action or contaminated by soil or insects. While traces of vitamin B12 analogues can be found in some mushrooms, nori or fermented soy beans, more reliable sources include vitamin B12-supplemented soy or nut “milks”, or meat substitutes. Check the nutrition information panel on the label for the the B12 content. Crystalline vitamin B12 added to these products can boost the B12’s absorption rate to a level similar to that from animal products.

2. Calcium

Calcium is needed to develop and maintain the skeleton bones, and is stored in the teeth and bones. It is also essential for heart, muscle and nerve function.
Testing for calcium deficiency
Low calcium intakes are associated with osteoporosis or “brittle bones” and a higher risk of bone fractures. A bone scan is used to measure bone density, with osteoporosis diagnosed when bone density is low. Both low calcium intakes and low vitamin D levels increase the risk of osteoporosis. Check your bone health using the Know Your Bones online quiz.
Vegan food sources of calcium
Although the richest sources of calcium are milk and milk-based foods, vegans can get calcium from tofu or bean curd, some fortified soy or nut beverages, nuts, seeds, legumes, and breakfast cereals. Calcium needs can be higher for vegans and vegetarians due to the relatively high oxalic acid content of foods such as spinach, rhubarb, beans, and the high phytic acid content of seeds, nuts, grains, some raw beans, and soy products. These specific acids can lower the calcium absorption from these foods by 10-50%. In a study of calcium intakes of 1,475 adults , vegans were below national recommendations and had lower calcium intakes compared with vegetarians, semi-vegetarians, pesco-vegetarians, and omnivores.

3. Iodine

Iodine is needed to make thyroxine, a thyroid hormone used in normal growth, regulation of metabolic rate, and development of the central nervous system. Iodine is concentrated in the thyroid gland.
Symptoms of iodine deficiency
Iodine deficiency can lead to the enlargement of the thyroid gland, a goitre, or hypothyroidism. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include lethargy, tiredness, muscular weakness, feeling cold, difficulty concentrating, poor memory, weight gain, depression, facial puffiness, hair loss, dry skin, constipation, and slower heartbeat. In women, iodine deficiency can increase risk of miscarriage and stillbirth, and congenital anomalies, including mental retardation and cretinism.
Testing for iodine deficiency
Your iodine status can be assessed by a range of tests, including thyroid hormones in your blood, the size of your thyroid gland, or the presence of a goitre. Talk to your doctor about these tests.
Vegan food sources of iodine
The iodine content of food depends on the iodine content of plants, which in turn depends on soil iodine content. When soil content is low, iodine may need to be supplemented. Major sources of iodine are seafood, dairy products, and eggs. For vegans, iodised salt, commercial bread made using iodised salt, fortified soy or nut milks (check the product label) and seaweed are important. Substances called goitrogens, which are found in brassica vegetables – including cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, sweet potato and maize – can interfere with the production of thyroid hormones.

4. Iron

Iron is needed to make haemoglobin in red blood cells, which carries oxygen around your body. Iron is also needed for the production of energy in your muscles, and for concentration and a healthy immune system.
Symptoms and testing for iron deficiency and anaemia
Not having enough iron leads to iron deficiency, and is associated with reduced work capacity, impaired brain function, lower immunity, and delayed development in infants. The first stage of iron deficiency is referred to as low iron stores and your doctor may refer you for a blood test to check your iron status.
Vegan food sources of iron
In Australia and New Zealand, the biggest contributors to iron intake are wholegrain cereals, meats, chicken, and fish. The amount of iron absorbed from food depends on a person’s iron status (with those who are iron-deficient absorbing more), as well as the iron content of the entire meal, and whether iron is haem (from animal foods) or non-haem iron from plant sources such as grains and vegetables. Although iron from plant sources is less able to enter the body, you can boost your absorption by adding lemon or lime juice (citric acid) or other vitamin C-rich vegetables and fruits, which convert non-haem iron to a form than is better absorbed. Take care with food components that inhibit absorption of both haem and non-haem iron, including calcium, zinc and phytates in legumes, rice and other grains, and polyphenols and vegetable proteins that can inhibit absorption of non-haem iron. Long-term vegans will also need to keep an eye on levels of vitamin D, omega-3 fat and protein. A good strategy is to check in with your GP periodically to review your health and well-being, and an accredited practising dietitian can check whether you’re getting all the nutrients you need.The Conversation This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
Dr Linda Calabresi

Drinking alcohol has been proven to increase the risk of developing breast cancer in over 100 studies, but both the general public and health professionals continue to ignore the issue. According to UK researchers, alcohol use is now estimated to be a major causative factor in between 5% to 11% of all breast cancer cases, but in their study, published in BMJ Open, less than one in five women attending a mammogram knew of the risk of alcohol, and – perhaps more worrying – less than half of the staff at the breast centre identified alcohol as a breast cancer risk factor. The mixed methodology study included over 200 woman attending a breast clinic for breast imaging – about half were symptomatic and the other half presented just for routine screening. These woman were surveyed along with over 30 staff. Following the survey a series of focus groups were conducted with both the women and the staff. Looking at different risk factors, almost one third of all participants identified obesity as a risk, and almost half recognised smoking as problematic. But alcohol? Only 16% in the screening group and 23% in the symptomatic group knew of any association between alcohol and breast cancer. “The study confirms that knowledge of alcohol as a modifiable risk factor for breast cancer is low,” the study authors said. The survey and focus groups also showed that many women did not know how much alcohol was in a standard drink such as a pint of beer or a glass of wine. So, as the authors point out, the dilemma is how will we ever modify this modifiable risk factor if people don’t even know about it and are unaware how to even assess their own alcohol consumption. The researchers suggest that the routine mammogram represents an ideal opportunity to intervene. Here is the time and the place where breast cancer will be front of mind – here is the time and place to increase awareness of alcohol as a breast cancer risk factors, assess a woman’s current alcohol consumption and suggest ways and means of reducing this if appropriate. Concerns that incorporating such a preventative strategy into a routine breast screening appointment might deter women from attending, appeared unfounded, the study noted. “Many women participating in this study reacted positively to the suggestion of adding information on cancer prevention, in general, to . . . breast screening or clinic attendances, although there was ambivalence by staff delivering it,” the researchers said. This ambivalence appeared to stem from a degree of uncertainty in relation to cancer risk factors, a lack of time available to discuss these issues with patients and a sense that it wasn’t their role to be providing this intervention. The other major barrier to conducting these assessments and implementing these preventative measures is motivation. In this study, two thirds of all participants drank alcohol. This is fairly representative of the population as a whole, with previous UK research showing that almost 80% of women had drunk alcohol in the past year, and more than one fifth of women aged 45 to 64 drank more than two standard drinks a day on average. “Home drinking is an embedded social practice, which may be resistant to change, and this normalisation of alcohol use by health professionals may account for some of the ambivalence they have to discuss alcohol consumption as a risk factor for breast cancer with patients,” they said. But this needs to change. There is plenty of evidence that alcohol brief interventions can be effective in reducing alcohol consumption. In fact the authors say, simply answering questions on alcohol consumption can result in behaviour change. “It is interesting to note that while it has become routine practice to assess patients in breast clinics for a possible inherited susceptibility to breast cancer and refer on for family history or genetics investigation, there is currently no equivalent pathway for patients who have potentially modifiable lifestyle risk factors, including alcohol use,” the researchers said.   Reference Sinclair J, McCann M, Sheldon E, Gordon I, Brierley-Jones L, Copson E. The acceptability of addressing alcohol consumption as a modifiable risk factor for breast cancer: a mixed method study within breast screening services and symptomatic breast clinics. BMJ open 2019 Jun 17; 9(6): e027371. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-027371

Dr Linda Calabresi

We all know that the previous avoidance strategy to prevent young children developing food allergies has been turned on its head. But out there in the real world, many new parents remain very nervous about feeding their six-month-old cooked egg or letting them taste peanut butter. As much as we would like to think a word of reassurance from their trusted GP is all that is needed, such reassurance is likely to carry much more weight if it is accompanied by a written resource from a reputable source. Enter the Prevent Allergies website. Among many other resources available on the site, there is a very succinct, definitive, printable brochure - entitled ‘Nip Allergies in the Bub’ - that clearly outlines the latest evidence-based information about what parents should be feeding their child and when with regard to lowering their risk of food allergies.

Ohio University

Low-density lipoproteins (LDL), the kind of cholesterol found in fast food, processed meats and desserts, has come to be known as 'bad' cholesterol due to it's association with heart attacks and coronary disease. Despite this, 75% of heart attacks occur in patients whose cholesterol levels don't indicate they're at high risk, leading many to suspect the link isn't as simple as initially thought. Researchers at Ohio University may have just figured out why.

Dr Linda Calabresi

Prospective fathers might consider taking fish-oil supplements to improve their fertility, new research suggests. Danish researchers conducted the study into the reproductive function among over 1500 young men (aged 18-19 years) from the general population. They compared parameters such as total sperm count and motility, as well as serum hormone levels including testosterone and FSH among those men who had reportedly taken fish oil supplements regularly over the past three months with those who didn’t.

A/Prof Nicola Hancock

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) promises a life-changing opportunity for Australians living with disabilities to get the supports they need to engage and participate fully in their communities.

Prof Paul O'Toole

As our global population is projected to live longer than ever before, it’s important that we find ways of helping people live healthier for longer. Exercise and diet are often cited as the best ways of maintaining good health well into our twilight years. But recently, research has also started to look at the role our gut – specifically our microbiome – plays in how we age.

A/Prof Suzanne Nielsen

Opioids are strong medicines used for pain. The new rules – including reducing pack sizes and restrictions around prescribing – are part of a range of changes planned for prescription opioid medicines to be phased in over the next year or so.

Dr Katrina Moss

One-fifth of Australian women still don’t receive mental health checks both before and after the birth of their baby, our research has found. Although access to recommended perinatal mental health screening has more than tripled since 2000, thanks largely to government investment in perinatal mental health, our surveys show there is still some way to go before every mum gets the mental health screening needed.