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Dr Benjamin Tsang
Prof Michael Saling
Dr Linda Calabresi
Dr Patrick Coleman

Iron deficiency, its identification and optimal management is more complex than many doctors realise.

Felicity Nelson

A survey of around 500 doctors exposes knowledge gaps.

Dr Linda Calabresi

Sometimes new parents just need to know what’s normal when it comes to sleeping patterns in infants, says midwife and lactation consultant, Cindy Davenport on a recent Healthed podcast

Dr Linda Calabresi

No longer is it okay to just monitor a patient with mild hyperparathyroidism as research shows the untreated condition is associated with a significantly increased risk of cardiovascular death

Dr Aajuli Shukla

The fallout meant there was likely to be a whole generation of doctors who had little experience in prescribing MHT and discussing the risks associated with it appropriately, says Dr Terri Foran, a sexual health physician with a special interest in menopause issues.

Dr Linda Calabresi

Only 4% of Australians seeking vaccine advice before travelling overseas visit a specialised travel clinic.

Dr Linda Calabresi

Migraine is the second biggest cause of disability in the world...

Bernadette McGuinness

Lecanemab is the first drug to help improve the symptoms of Alzheimer’s by slowing the disease

Dr Linda Calabresi

One of the most common treatments for restless legs syndrome can, in about a third of cases, wind up making the symptoms worse, warns respiratory and sleep physician Professor Brendon Yee from Sydney.