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Yale University

A novel form of treatment has been identified for one of the most common mental health issues globally, anxiety. Roughly one in three people will suffer from the condition at some point in their lives, experiencing irrational fear brought on by stressors ranging from spiders to public speaking. Current treatment options are limited. Some medications provide relief, but can also cause side effects. Cognitive behavioural therapy can also be used, typically exposure-based therapies that allow patients to gradually face and overcome their fears. But for a substantial proportion of sufferers, these options are not effective.

Dr Linda Calabresi

Online psychological therapy is becoming increasingly popular, with more options appearing every week it seems. It is particularly a good option for people who have difficulty accessing appropriate psychologists.

Dr Linda Calabresi

According to Allergist and Medical Rhinologist, Dr Jessica Tattersall, up to 80% of asthmatic children will also have allergic rhinitis.

Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Due to it's perceived greater efficacy and the greater body of evidence supporting its use, chlorothalidone is preferred over hydrochlorothiazide for treatment of hypertension. A new study, recently published in JAMA Internal Medicine, may have cast this guideline into doubt.

Dr Linda Calabresi

The number one classic feature of atopic eczema is itch, even in little babies, says Dr Anne Halbert, consultant dermatologist at Princess Margaret Hospital in Perth. “It’s itchy right from the very start,” she says.

Tambri Housen

One thing many of us want to know is for how long people who have SARS-CoV-2 , the virus that causes COVID-19, are able to pass it on to someone else.

Dr Linda Calabresi

Clotting in the small vessels of the lungs appears to be the major, life-threatening complication of patients with severe COVID-19 disease, at least in Caucasians, Irish researchers say.

Prof Maximilian de Courten

Many people in the community are wearing face masks and gloves in an attempt to protect themselves against the coronavirus. They might put on these items to go to the shops, or perhaps when taking a walk through the neighbourhood.

Dr Linda Calabresi

According to a neat little randomised control trial published in JAMA, wearing individualised biomechanical footwear can significantly reduce knee pain in patients with osteoarthritis. The six-month study also showed that the footwear improved the function of the knee as judged by gait studies into velocity and step length.

Dr Linda Calabresi

It has been suggested that Vit D supplementation could help prevent and reduce the impact of COVID-19

Dr Linda Calabresi
Dr Linda Calabresi