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Dr Bethany Boulton

A quick refresher on how to treat an asthma emergency.


Apple’s iOS 17 operating system is expected to drop any day. The software update comes with several new features, including a tool for daily mood and emotion logging – a technique known to emotion researchers as “experience sampling”.

Ben Falkenmire

The power of a quick pause, and other wellbeing tips.

Dr Sanjiva Wijesinha

I was taken aback to see an advertisement recently, in no less a publication than the Canberra Times, for a medical practitioner to join a GP clinic in rural Queensland. Nothing unusual in that, I can almost hear you saying.


As the NHS seeks to heal and care, it now faces a challenge of introspection, driven by alarming revelations. Research released this week has shone a harsh light on the widespread issue of sexual misconduct within the surgical profession, causing ripples of shock and outrage throughout the UK.

Ben Falkenmire

A key part of GPs’ work is managing risk—but this can sometimes lead to a black and white mindset where every risk must be accounted for, regardless of the cost to time, says psychologist, executive coach and founder of The Anxiety Clinic, Dr Jodie Lowinger.

Lynnette Hoffman

More than a third of older GPs bringing forward retirement plans thanks to CPD, survey suggests—but Medical Board claims otherwise…

Dr Sarah Tedjasukmana

Over 12% of Australian women suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, a lifelong multisystem disease that affects fertility...

William Gardner

Anemia is a major health problem, with nearly 2 billion people affected globally...

Dr Christopher Rudge

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) has announced it will expand its “crackdown” on the cosmetic surgery industry. As the agency responsible for registering, accrediting and disciplining health practitioners, AHPRA is well placed to reshape conduct in what sociologists once called the appearance industry.

Dr Sarah Tedjasukmana

New PCOS diagnostic criteria includes AMH levels as an alternative to ultrasound in adults…

Dr Ashleigh Hamilton

Cancer is often thought of as a disease that mostly affects older people. But worrying new research shows that cancer in younger adults is a growing problem. The study found there’s been a nearly 80% increase in the number of under-50s being diagnosed with cancer globally in the last three decades.