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A bombshell from the RACGP this week highlighted the financial pressures GPs are under, but what about rude and demanding patients and the perception of GPs as second-class citizens in a dysfunctional health system?

Yasmin Clarke

Social media and consumerism are major factors, one expert says.

Ben Falkenmire

When a patient presents with stomach problems like diarrhoea and bloating, the lack of guidelines available can make the task of diagnosing gluten intolerance a challenging and time-consuming one for GPs


Remnants of ancient viral pandemics in the form of viral DNA sequences embedded in our genomes are still active in healthy people, according to new research my colleagues and I recently published.

Dr Linda Calabresi

Despite erratic, heavy and painful periods being a common occurrence in the first three years after menarche, a leading Australian gynaecologist warns against doctors dismissing these symptoms as normal.

Dr Stuart Cooper

Time is brain and delaying the initiation of treatment can lead to an 80% increase in the risk of further strokes, says Professor Bruce Campbell, neurologist and Head of Stroke care at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.

Dr Aajuli Shukla

Anyone who has ever been a parent, recognises the impact sleep deprivation and sleep disturbance has had on their quality of functioning and/or on that of their children.


The recent media coverage of Medicare misuse has caused dismay but generated little progress in our search for solutions to the Medicare crisis

Prof Raina MacIntyre

Cruise ships carrying passengers with COVID are back in the news...

Dr Diem Pham

Infections and deaths from COVID-19 are still occurring and the pandemic is not over

Ben Falkenmire

While GPs are familiar with triple therapy treatment for COPD, many are not considering the treatment for asthma patients.

Yasmin Clarke

Many GPs think large, profit-driven corporates and hospitals are the main sources of Medicare misuse, Healthed survey finds.