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Lynnette Hoffman

Ill-considered enforcement likely to reduce access to GPs and eviscerate Medicare…

Dr Hazel Keedle
Dr Suresh V. Kuchipudi

The latest variant, or sublineage, of SARS-CoV-2 to emerge on the scene, BA.2.86, has public health experts on alert as...


As the NHS seeks to heal and care, it now faces a challenge of introspection, driven by alarming revelations. Research released this week has shone a harsh light on the widespread issue of sexual misconduct within the surgical profession, causing ripples of shock and outrage throughout the UK.


Apple’s iOS 17 operating system is expected to drop any day. The software update comes with several new features, including a tool for daily mood and emotion logging – a technique known to emotion researchers as “experience sampling”.

Dr Shalini Arunogiri

The availability and sales of “zero-alcohol” products have soared in recent years. In Australia, these are products containing less than 0.5% alcohol by volume, designed to mimic the flavour, appearance and packaging of alcoholic drinks.

Lynnette Hoffman

What guard rails are in place to keep women safe

Prof Jenny Graves

The Y chromosome is a never-ending source of fascination (particularly to men) because it bears genes that determine maleness and make sperm. It’s also small and seriously weird; it carries few genes and is full of junk DNA that makes it horrendous to sequence.

Dr Mark Geil

Infant milestones can be a source both of pride and anxiety for a new parent. Baby’s firsts – first tooth, first steps, first word – are moments of joy that many parents immediately compare with charts listing “normal” age ranges for each achievement to occur.


The story behind the discovery that made COVID-19 mNRA vaccines possible…

Dr Michelle Boyle

In what was very big news for global health, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has recommended a new vaccine for the prevention of malaria in children, called R21/Matrix-M.


Concerns include risk taking behaviour, mental wellbeing, academic decline...