Articles / Alternate day dosing for oral iron improves absorption
General Practitioner; Deputy Medical Editor, Medical Journal of Australia; Member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the Diabetes Management Journal
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These are activities that expand general practice knowledge, skills and attitudes, related to your scope of practice.
These are activities that require reflection on feedback about your work.
These are activities that use your work data to ensure quality results.
Regular reviews and monitoring can improve compliance
Iron deficiency should be considered within a spectrum of deficiency and anaemia, says Dr Pradeep Jayasuriya, a specialist General Practitioner who has recently set up a community-based iron infusion facility and does research in the area.
It’s important to conceptualise it, he says, not just in terms of an absolute deficiency and the impact this has on haemoglobin levels but in terms of the impact this has on basic mitochondrial activity linked to energy production. This helps to understand the varied effects and symptoms iron deficiency produces including low moods, sleep disturbances and cognitive impairment he says.
Oral supplementation continues to be an important aspect of management, but it isn’t as simple as just prescribing the tablets to be taken once daily orally, says Dr Pradeep Jayasuriya.
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General Practitioner; Deputy Medical Editor, Medical Journal of Australia; Member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the Diabetes Management Journal
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Menopause and MHT
Multiple sclerosis vs antibody disease
Using SGLT2 to reduce cardiovascular death in T2D
Peripheral arterial disease