GPs can provide care for childhood nocturnal enuresis

Rosalyn Page


Rosalyn Page

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Rosalyn Page

It’s relatively common and there are treatment options.

Parents concerned about their child’s bedwetting is a common issue encountered in general practice. “Nocturnal enuresis, or bedwetting, is very common in children, with 10% of five year olds and 5% of 10 year olds wetting their beds every night,” says urologist Dr Danielle Delaney.

When it comes to diagnosis, Dr Delaney says it’s important to take a functional bowel history. “There’s a significant crossover between bladder and bowel dysfunction,” she says. Often in children with constipation or soiling, treatment of the underlying constipation can assist with their symptoms of bedwetting. In addition, a bladder diary is an essential component for nocturnal enuresis assessment.

GPs should know there’s a higher incidence of nocturnal enuresis in children if their parents experience nocturnal bedwetting, with the figure rising to 30% among children who have one parent with nocturnal enuresis and 70% if it’s evident in both parents.


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