If pharmacists can prescribe, should GPs be able to dispense?

Lynnette Hoffman


Lynnette Hoffman

Managing Editor

Yasmin Clarke


Yasmin Clarke

Data analyst; Journalist

We surveyed almost 400 GPs across Australia. Here’s what they said.

As NSW Health trials the expansion of pharmacists’ prescribing powers, Healthed asked GPs if doctors should be able to dispense medicines directly to their patients.

Our exclusive survey found that 65% of doctors surveyed think GP clinics should be able to dispense medicines, at least in some circumstances. Nearly a third (30%) said ‘yes’ with no caveats, while a further 35% said ‘yes, in certain situations.’


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Lynnette Hoffman


Lynnette Hoffman

Managing Editor

Yasmin Clarke


Yasmin Clarke

Data analyst; Journalist

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Menopause and MHT

Multiple sclerosis vs antibody disease

Using SGLT2 to reduce cardiovascular death in T2D

Peripheral arterial disease