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Lynnette Hoffman

Most GPs support urgent care clinics, at least in principle…

Dr Philip Tong

A 77-year-old gentleman presents with painful, well-demarcated scaly eruption on the neck and chest.

Lynnette Hoffman

How the government’s 'free healthcare' promise could backfire on GPs…


The playing field is a bit more level for women, just in time for the election...

Dr Brooke Nickel

When Kim Kardashian posted on Instagram about having had a full-body MRI, she enthused that the test can be “life saving”, detecting diseases in the earliest stages before symptoms arise. What Kardashian neglected to say was there’s no evidence this expensive scan can bring benefits for healthy people.

Sophia Auld

Expert explains the research, with practical steps for managing complex presentations in GP.

Sophia Auld

While skin tears are a common GP presentation, doctors don’t get much training in how to manage them, and delayed or failed healing and progression to a chronic ulcer can occur....

Karinna Saxby

Here’s why we shouldn’t aim for 100%...

Dr Iestyn Lewis

A 44-year-old woman presents to you with this longstanding venous leg ulcer that developed 9 years earlier. The patient is dressing it herself with gauze. What is the most important factor in healing this venous leg ulcer from the list below...

Lynnette Hoffman

The plan will cost at least 3X more than it’s expected to save, and 53% of GPs say it won't change who they bulk bill...


Dr ChatGTP is giving Dr Google a run for its money...

Prof Rukshen Weerasooriya

Brush up on your diagnostic skills and ECG knowledge with this quick quiz.