Articles / The ultimate ELIXER of Sport
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These are activities that expand general practice knowledge, skills and attitudes, related to your scope of practice.
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These are activities that require reflection on feedback about your work.
0 hours
These are activities that use your work data to ensure quality results.
These are activities that expand general practice knowledge, skills and attitudes, related to your scope of practice.
These are activities that require reflection on feedback about your work.
These are activities that use your work data to ensure quality results.
In 1889, Dr Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard, a world-renowned physiologist and neurologist, whom first described a syndrome which bears his name, published in The Lancet, a paper based on a series of lectures.
He described a number of experiments done on animals and humans (including himself) which involved injecting an ELIXER derived from blood from the testicular artery, semen and fluid extracted from freshly crushed animal testicles. He concluded “…great dynamogenic power is possessed by some substance or substances which our blood owes to the testicles.” and “I can assert that the … given liquid is endowed with very great power.”1
Detection, Assessment and Management of Pulmonary Fibrosis
Practical Melanoma Management for GPs
Preventing Renal Failure in Type 2 Diabetes – New Options
Management of Post-Vaccination Reactions
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