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Sophia Auld

Despite increasing recognition and diagnosis of ADHD in childhood, many people still fall through the cracks, especially those with the inattentive subtype, says Dr Pansy Lai, a mental health GP at Sydney’s Mindsight Clinic.

Dr Brooke Nickel

Corporations have used feminist language to promote their products for decades. In the 1980s, companies co-opted messaging about female autonomy to encourage women’s consumption of unhealthy commodities, such as tobacco and alcohol.

Sophia Auld

Functional abdominal pain in children is very common. It's often self-limiting, and the cause is rarely serious, but the pain is as real as a gut punch...

Dr Christopher Rudge
Dr Philip Tong

A 71-year-old fit man presents with a biopsy proven basal cell carcinoma in the right conchal bowl

Sophia Auld

More than one in 10 GPs have yet to complete the CPD requirements for 2023, Healthed’s first survey of 2024 has found...

Dr Duane Mellor

We have known about cases of type 2 diabetes going into remission, or glucose levels going back to normal, since the 1960s. But how likely is it that this treatment will work outside of the carefully controlled environment of a clinical trial?

Clinical A/Prof David Horgan

Psychiatrist and Clinical Associate Professor David Horgan answers GPs questions, from how to safely combine an antidepressant, to finding the maximum dose and more.

Dr Philip Tong

An 85-year-old woman presents with a scaly plaque over the left cheek for diagnosis

A/Prof Martin Whyte
Dr Jane Chalmers

The Victorian government has announced an inquiry into women’s pain. Given women are disproportionately affected by pain, such a thorough investigation is long overdue...

Prof Bruce Neal

One in three Australian adults has high blood pressure (hypertension). Excess salt (sodium) increases the risk of high blood pressure..