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Sophia Auld

‘Exercise snacks’ could help patients achieve health benefits in just a few minutes per day...

Ian A. Wright

The contaminants found in our drinking water are the same ones United States authorities warn can cause cancer over a long period of time, with reports warning there is “no safe level of exposure”.

Prof Katharine Wallis

Withdrawal symptoms are more common than we thought, here’s how to deprescribe...

Danielle O'Neal

Binge eating disorder often goes undiagnosed for more than a decade. Here's how to spot the signs and manage it...

Dr Simon Clark

When assessing skin cancer specimens, the pathologist must address three main questions: what is the lesion; what prognostic information can be inferred; and is the lesion completely excised? In many instances, the assessment of the margins is the most important part of the pathological examination, since most skin cancers can be cured by complete excision.

Shomik Sengupta

Bladder cancer affects almost 3,000 Australians each year and causes thousands of deaths. Yet it often has a lower profile compared to other types of cancer such as breast, lung and prostate. The rate at which Australians are diagnosed with bladder cancer has decreased over time, which means the death rate has fallen too, although at a slower rate. This has led to an increase in the so called mortality-to-incidence ratio, a key statistic that measures the proportion of people with a cancer who die from it. For bladder cancer this went up from 0.3 (about 30%) in the 1980s to 0.4 (40%) in 2010 (compared to 0.2 for breast and colon cancer and 0.8 for lung cancer). While the relative survival (survival compared to a healthy individual of similar age) for most other cancers has improved in Australia, for bladder cancer this has decreased over time.

Who gets bladder cancer?

Australia’s anti-smoking measures and effective quitting campaigns have led to a progressive reduction in smoking rates over the last 25 years. This is undoubtedly one key reason behind the observed decline in bladder cancer diagnoses over time. Environmental risk factors are thought to be more important than genetic or inherited susceptibility when it comes to bladder cancer. The most significant known risk factor is cigarette smoking. Bladder cancer risk also increases with exposure to chemicals such as dyes and solvents used in industries like hairdressing, printing and textiles. Appropriate workplace safety measures are crucial to minimising exposure, but the increased risk of occupational bladder cancer remains an ongoing problem. Certain medications, such as the chemotherapy drug cyclophosphamide, and pelvic radiation therapy have also been linked to bladder cancer. Patients who have had such treatment need to be specifically checked for the main symptoms and signs of bladder cancer, such as blood in urine. Men develop bladder cancer about three times as often as women. In part, this may have to do with the fact that men are exposed more to the risk factors. Conversely, women have a relatively poorer survival from bladder cancer compared to men. The reasons for this are unclear, but may partly relate to difficulties in diagnosis.
Read more – Interactive body map: what really gives you cancer?

How is bladder cancer diagnosed?

At present, unlike other cancers such as breast cancer that can be picked up on mammograms, bladder cancer can’t be diagnosed at the stage where there are no symptoms. The usual symptoms that lead to the diagnosis of bladder cancer are blood in the urine (haematuria) or irritation during urination, such as frequency and burning. But symptoms are quite common and, in most instances, caused by relatively benign problems such as infections, urinary stones or enlargement of the prostate. So, the key to bladder cancer diagnosis is for suspicious symptoms to be quickly and appropriately assessed by a doctor. Haematuria, in particular, always needs to be considered a serious symptom and investigated further. Up to 20% of patients with blood in the urine will turn out to have bladder cancer. Even if the bleeding occurs transiently, this could still be the first symptom that leads to the earliest possible diagnosis of bladder cancer. It shouldn’t be ignored, since delayed diagnosis of bladder cancer is known to worsen treatment outcomes. Unfortunately, delays in investigation of blood in urine are well known to occur and particular subgroups such as women and smokers tend to experience the greatest delays. Recent studies from Victoria and West Australia have shown how some Australian patients have significant and concerning delays in investigation of urinary bleeding. Multiple factors contribute to such delays, including public perception and anxiety, lack of referral from general practitioners and administrative and resourcing limitations at hospitals. Patients reporting blood in their urine should be referred for scans such as an ultrasound or computerised tomography (CT) to assess the kidneys. They should also have their bladder examined internally (cystoscopy) using a fibre-optic instrument known as a cytoscope. Cystoscopy, a procedure usually performed by urologists (medical specialists of urinary tract surgery), remains the gold standard for diagnosing bladder cancer. Although diagnostic scans can help detect some bladder cancers, they have significant limitations in detecting certain types of tumours.

What happens if cancer is detected?

If a bladder cancer is noted on cystoscopy, it is removed and/or destroyed using instruments that can be passed into the bladder alongside the cystoscope. These procedures can be carried out at the same setting or subsequently, depending on available instruments and anaesthesia. The cancerous tissue removed is examined by a pathologist to confirm the diagnosis. This also provides additional information such as the stage of the cancer (how deep it has spread) and grade (based on appearance of the cancer cells), which help determine further management.

Are there any new developments?

Given that cystoscopy is an invasive procedure, there has been considerable effort to develop a non-invasive test, usually focusing on markers in the urine that can indicate the presence of cancer. To date, none of these have been reliable enough to obviate the need for cystoscopy.
Read more: Can we use a simple blood test to detect cancer?
Additionally, to enhance the ability to detect small bladder cancers, cystoscopy using blue light of a certain wavelength (360-450nm) can be combined with the administration of a fluorescent marker (hexaminolevulinate) which highlights the cancerous tissue. While this approach does lead to the detection of more cancers, the resulting clinical benefit remains uncertain. The ConversationAt present, immediate and appropriate investigation of suspicious symptoms, especially haematuria, using a combination of radiological scans and cystoscopy, remains the best means to diagnose bladder cancer in an accurate and timely manner. Shomik Sengupta, Professor of Surgery, Eastern Health Clinical School, Monash University This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.
Dr Linda Calabresi

The increasing BMI of first-time pregnant women is behind a rise in adverse perinatal outcomes over a 25 year time period, a new retrospective Australian study suggests. Analysing data from one major Sydney teaching hospital, researchers found that the prevalence of overweight among women having their first baby increased from 12.7% in 1990-94 to 16.4% in 2010-14, and that of obesity rose from 4.8% to 7.3%. More importantly they found this increase in BMI was associated with a range of adverse perinatal outcomes particularly pre-eclampsia, macrosomia and gestational diabetes. Other complications believed to have increased as a result of the maternal weight gain included caesarean deliveries, post partum haemorrhage, prematurity, admission to the special care nursery and fetal abnormalities. “We found that a substantial proportion of the burden of adverse perinatal outcomes for Australian women is linked to maternal overweight and obesity, and that this proportion has steadily increased over the past 25 years,” the Sydney researchers said. The study involved the analysis of the data recorded on over 42000 singleton births delivered to previously nulliparous women at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Sydney between 1990 and 2014. Interestingly over the course of the study period, the mean age for first time mothers rose from 28.7 to 31.6 years, however having adjusted for this as well as other possible confounders such as changing smoking rates, socioeconomic status, and country of birth of the mother the findings confirmed the relative risks of adverse perinatal outcomes had increased in association with rising prevalence of overweight and obesity. Researchers calculated that should overweight or obese women move down one BMI category (for example from obese to overweight) 19% of pre-eclampsia, 15.9% of macrosomia and 14.2% of gestational diabetes could be averted. “Our results indicate that the frequency of adverse perinatal outcomes could be reduced by shifting the distribution of overweight and obesity among first-time mothers by a single BMI class. Investing in obesity prevention strategies that target women prior to their becoming pregnant is likely to provide the greatest benefit,” they concluded. Ref: MJA doi:10.5694/mja17.00344

Dr Vivienne Miller

Based on an interview with Sydney dermatologist, Dr Rob Rosen conducted at the Annual Women’s and Children’s Health Update, Sydney in February 2018. Hyperhidrosis is a very distressing condition that equally affects both men and women, across all ethnicities.  It occurs in approximately 3% of the general population and the onset is in childhood or adolescence. However, only about one third of people affected seek medical advice. In addition to the physical effects, the psychological impact on affected individuals is significant. Embarrassment, anxiety and depression are very commonly associated with this condition. In primary hyperhidrosis, the sweat glands are normal but there is an apparently exaggerated sympathetic response. The sweat glands most susceptible to these sympathetic cholinergic effects are the eccrine glands found in the palms, soles and axillae. Primary, focal hyperhidrosis tends to be bilateral and symmetrical, occurring at least once a week. It usually commences before a person reaches their mid-twenties and is often familial.  In its typical form, and if there is nothing to suggest a secondary cause, it requires no investigations. Secondary hyperhidrosis is typically generalised, affecting the entire surface of the skin. By definition, it has an underlying cause, such as infection, endocrine disturbance, neuropathy, malignancy, menopause, drug withdrawal or the side-effect of medications.  A full history, examination and targeted investigations are required before this condition can be called idiopathic. “It is important to make the distinction between “generalised” and “focal” hyperhidrosis at the outset,” says Sydney dermatologist, Dr Rob Rosen The management of hyperhidrosis begins conservatively. By the time they present to a doctor they usually have already tried a range of antiperspirants.  Aluminium hydroxide 20%, topically, daily for four weeks should be trialled before further treatment is considered. Many patients develop localised irritation to this treatment, as it obstructs the eccrine ducts, causing their atrophy. The most effective management is Botulinum A toxin injections. This drug blocks the release of acetylcholine from presynaptic nerve terminals, thus inhibiting the stimulation of the eccrine sweat gland. The injections are done intradermally and retreatment is needed approximately every six months. Over time, this duration between treatments may become longer. Side effects include discomfort at the injection site and, less commonly, weakness of local muscles (especially relating to small muscles in the hand, for example, in palmer hyperhidrosis). In the research done by Dr Rosen t al, over 90% of patients were happy with this therapy.1 Oral anticholinergics such as oxybutynin (5mg to 15mg daily) or glycopyrrolate (1mg to 4mg daily) may be used and are most effective in refractory cases of generalised sweating. The anticholinergic side effects (urinary retention, dry mouth, constipation) tend to be a limiting factor in their use. Other treatments for hyperhidrosis tend to be either less effective or more invasive. For patients over 12 years old, there is a Medicare rebate for Botulinum A injection therapy for severe primary axillary hyperhidrosis, if aluminium hydroxide has failed and if it is administered by a dermatologist, neurologist or paediatrician. Some cosmetic clinics treat patients without a rebate and this is often a more expensive option.
  1. Rosen R, Stewart T. Results of a 10-year follow-up study of botulinum toxin A therapy for primary axillary hyperhidrosis in Australia. Intern Med J; 48;343-347.

Sophie Cousins

Mark King has had the clap so many times he’s renamed it ‘the applause’. The first time King had gonorrhoea, he was a teenager in the late 1970s, growing up with his five siblings in Louisiana. He had the telltale signs: burning and discomfort when he urinated and a thick discharge that left a stain in his underwear. King visited a clinic and gave a fake name and phone number. He was treated quickly with antibiotics and sent on his way. A few years later, the same symptoms reappeared. By this time, the 22-year-old was living in West Hollywood, hoping to launch his acting career. While King had come out to his parents, being gay in Louisiana was poles apart from being gay in Los Angeles. For one, homosexuality was illegal in Louisiana until 2003, whereas California had legalised it in 1976. In Los Angeles there was a thriving a gay scene where King, for the first time, could embrace his sexuality freely. He frequented bathhouses and also met men in dance clubs and along the bustling sidewalks. There was lots of sex to be had. “The fact that we weren’t a fully formed culture beyond those spaces… was what brought us together as people. Sex was the only expression we had to claim ourselves as LGBT people,” King says. When he stepped into the brick clinic just a few strides away from the heart of the city’s gay nightlife in Santa Monica, King, with his thick sandy blond hair with a tinge of red through it, looked around the room. It was filled with other gay men. “What do you do when you’re 22 and gay? You cruise other men. I remember sitting in the lobby cruising other men,” King recalls, laughing. “My Summer of Love was 1982. It was a playground. I was young and on the prowl.” Like a few years earlier, the doctor gave him a handful of antibiotics to take for a few days that would clear up the infection. It wasn’t a big deal. In fact, as King describes it, it was “simply an errand to run”. “It was the price of doing business and it wasn’t a high price at all.” But it was the calm before the storm, in more ways than one. When King picked up gonorrhoea again in the 1990s, he was greatly relieved that treatment was now just one dose. Penicillin was no longer effective, but ciprofloxacin was now the recommended treatment and it required only one dose. In King’s eyes, getting gonorrhoea was even less of a hassle. But this was actually a symptom of treatment regimens starting to fail. The bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae was on the way to developing resistance to nearly every drug ever used to treat it.


Newsletter: On receiving the 1945 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering penicillin, Alexander Fleming finished his lecture with a warning: “There is the danger,” he told the audience, “that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and, by exposing his microbes to non-lethal quantities of the drug, make them resistant.” In other words, we have known about bacteria’s ability to evolve resistance to drugs since the dawn of the antibiotic era. Dr Manica Balasegaram is Director of the Global Antibiotic Research and Development Partnership (GARDP), based in Geneva. It’s a joint initiative between the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi) and the World Health Organization (WHO) and aims to develop new or improved treatments for bacterial infections. “All antibiotics will have a shelf life – that’s just evolution,” he says. “It’s just a question of how quickly it will happen.” Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health, food security and development. Common infections, such as pneumonia and tuberculosis, are becoming increasingly difficult to treat. But GARDP has chosen to focus its attention on gonorrhoea as one of its four main priorities. The sexually transmitted infection caught Balasegaram’s eyes for a host of reasons. For one, a lot of the antibiotics that are currently used against gonorrhoea are used widely for other infections, and N. gonorrhoeae has the ability to acquire resistance from other bacteria frighteningly quickly, meaning it can rapidly build up resistance. Secondly, untreated gonorrhoea infections bring with them a range of potentially serious health implications that can have devastating consequences. “Gonorrhoea is the most important sexually transmitted infection; it’s the one we’re most concerned about,” Balasegaram says. Every year an estimated 78 million people are infected with gonorrhoea, making it the second most frequently reported sexually transmitted bacterial infection after chlamydia, according to WHO. Gonorrhoea can infect the genitals, rectum and throat. Symptoms include discharge from the urethra or vagina and burning during urination called urethritis, caused by inflammation of the urethra. However, many who are infected don’t experience any symptoms, meaning they go undiagnosed and untreated. Complications of untreated gonorrhoea can be severe and disproportionately affect women, who are more likely to experience no symptoms. Untreated gonorrhoea not only increases the risk of contracting HIV but is also linked with an increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, which can cause ectopic pregnancy and infertility. A pregnant woman can also pass on the infection to her baby, which can cause blindness. Fixing the threat of resistant gonorrhoea won’t be easy – the challenges in developing a new antibiotic can’t be overestimated. Is the money for research and development (R&D) available? Who will the antibiotic be available to? And most importantly, how will you control its use so you can extend its shelf life? What makes the search for a new antibiotic for gonorrhoea particularly challenging is the frequency of asymptomatic infections along with gonorrhoea’s ability to adapt to its host’s immune system and develop resistance to antibiotics. A major concern is that because N. gonorrhoeae can live in the throat without someone even knowing, the bug can acquire resistance from other bacteria that also live there and which have been exposed to antibiotics in the past. And with evidence that oral sex is becoming increasingly common in some parts of the world, this is particularly challenging. “Oral sex is driving resistance. It’s a network of people having lots of oral sex. It’s the new norm,” says Dr Teodora Wi, a medical officer in WHO’s Department of Reproductive Health and Research in Geneva, talking specifically about Asia. These challenges and concerns have gripped Balasegaram, but nonetheless he’s more determined than ever to bring a new drug to market. “People are dying from drug-resistant infections. This is undoubtedly because this area has not been prioritised in the past because other areas of R&D are far more lucrative,” he says. “Antibiotics are a global public good. I don’t think it’s easy to put a financial value to it.”


Recent data collected by WHO examined trends in drug-resistant gonorrhoea in 77 countries – countries that are part of the health agency’s Gonococcal Antimicrobial Surveillance Programme (GASP), a global network of regional and subregional laboratories that track the emergence and spread of resistance. And the results are grim. More than 80 per cent of the countries that reported on azithromycin, a commonly prescribed antibiotic used to treat numerous common infections, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs), found resistance. Of greatest concern is that 66 per cent of countries surveyed have reported cases that resist last-resort antibiotics called extended-spectrum cephalosporins (ESCs). And as Wi points out, the real-world picture is undoubtedly far bleaker, because global surveillance for drug-resistant gonorrhoea is patchy and more frequently done in higher-income countries, which have greater resources. For example, of the 77 countries that were surveyed, few were in sub-Saharan Africa, a region where rates of gonorrhoea are high. “We’re only seeing half of the real picture. We need to prepare for the future when there’s no cure,” Wi says. But in a sign that time is running out, in March this year health experts’ worst fears were confirmed: a case of super-gonorrhoea, dubbed the world’s “worst ever” case, was found in a man who had attended a local sexual health clinic. He had reportedly had sexual contact with a woman in South-east Asia. Health officials said it was the first time this strain could not be cured with any of the antibiotics normally used to treat the disease. Although the patient has since responded to another antibiotic, doctors described him as “very lucky”. It’s an indication of a wider crisis – and one that knows no boundaries.


Thailand is one country on the front line of the fight against antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea. It’s a key destination for the sex tourism industry, where STIs like gonorrhoea can spread easily and quickly across borders and beyond. And like many other countries in the region, it has an over-the-counter culture of antibiotic access, which means patients put themselves at risk of being prescribed the wrong drugs – or even worse. I’m in a district close to Thailand’s capital, Bangkok, to meet Boontham, a pharmacist. We meet in the jam-packed stockroom of the herbal medicine company he also runs – a business that’s far more lucrative than his pharmacy. The stockroom is filled head to toe with boxes of tablets containing an array of funky herbs I’ve never heard of. The cost of visiting a doctor and the stigma surrounding STIs mean that many Thais rely on pharmacists like Boontham to cure their gonorrhoea. But he might be doing more harm than good. While Boontham has a degree in pharmacology and has been a pharmacist for more than 30 years, he has no idea of Thailand’s treatment guidelines for gonorrhoea. In fact, he’s more than a decade out of date. And he can’t, of course, diagnose patients accurately, particularly because gonorrhoea has similar symptoms to chlamydia. “If you’ve been doing this for a long time, you just do what you have to, and that’s an educated guess.” “As of now I use ciprofloxacin [to treat gonorrhoea],” he says. “If that doesn’t work, then I guess it’s chlamydia.” I tell him, however, that gonorrhoea in Thailand, as in many other countries, has shown widespread resistance to ciprofloxacin – and that his country actually stopped recommending it more than a decade ago. “It’s not resistant, even doctors use it,” he says. “I prescribe it because it’s cheap. In hospitals they prescribe newer antibiotics that are more effective, but they’re more expensive.” In countries where antibiotics are sold over the counter, research shows people are far more likely to visit pharmacists than a doctor. But while experts acknowledge that restricting the sale of antibiotics – particularly in rural and remote areas where there are few, if any, proper doctors – isn’t the answer, this still presents a major challenge in the fight against drug-resistant infections. “The problem is that when you go to a pharmacist and take antibiotics, maybe… your symptoms have disappeared, but in fact you still have the infection. That means you can transmit the infection and cause more resistance,” Wi says. I ask Boontham whether he’s concerned about resistance – if he’s worried that the people he’s treated for gonorrhoea aren’t cured. “Resistance to medication is a doctor’s job, not a pharmacist’s,” he says. The casual handing out of antibiotics without a prescription is not only confined to Thailand. It’s a huge concern across the rest of the region and in other parts of the world, with no clear vision of how to tackle this growing problem. Handing out antibiotics that likely no longer work for people with gonorrhoea has also been happening in high-income countries – countries that might be expected to have stricter treatment guidelines. In fact, a study published in the BMJ in 2015 found that many GPs in England were prescribing ciprofloxacin, even though it hasn’t been recommended for treating gonorrhoea since 2005. In 2007, ciprofloxacin still made up almost half of prescriptions for gonorrhoea. As recently as 2011, GPs still prescribed it in 20 per cent of cases.


On a balmy afternoon in bustling Bangkok, I visit Silom Community Clinic @ TropMed, an STI clinic north-east of the city centre dedicated to men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women who have sex with men. Located on the 12th floor of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, the clinic is spotlessly clean, with bright purple walls, rainbow flags and a sign that immediately catches my eye, which reads “Suck, F*ck, Test, Repeat”. Off the main corridor is a microbiology lab that is doing critical and urgent work in the fight against antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea. In fact, the lab may be the best way Thailand can protect itself from this growing threat. Dr Eileen Dunne is an American epidemiologist and the head of the behavioural and clinical research section of the HIV/STI programme here, which is run as part of a collaboration between Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She, along with her Thai staff, are Thailand’s best line of defence in slowing gonorrhoea resistance. In 2015, recognising the worldwide danger of increasingly difficult to treat gonorrhoea infections – and the specific threat they posed to Thailand – the US CDC, WHO and Thai MOPH joined forces to launch a programme to track and ultimately limit the spread of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea. The programme is an enhanced local version of the WHO’s GASP and is the first of its kind in the world. It’s called EGASP. It works like this. If a male patient comes into one of its two clinics with the telltale symptoms of gonorrhoea, he will have a sample collected for analysis and will fill out a questionnaire, which contains questions such as: “Did you take antibiotics in the last two weeks?” To create an open environment, the clinics are anonymous and the questionnaire is done privately on a computer. Men are the target group in the programme, Dunne explains, because the yield for isolating N. gonorrhoeae is very high among men who have urethritis compared with women and those who are asymptomatic. MSM are an important population, she adds, because research shows they are likelier to develop resistance earlier than the general population, for reasons that aren’t precisely known. She and the laboratory staff take me to see if there are any samples being cultured from swabs taken from patients’ penises. Inside the incubator, where the samples are kept in Petri dishes at 36 degrees Celsius with 5 per cent carbon dioxide to promote bacteria growth, there are three. The stench of agar, a brown gelatinous medium that provides nutrients and a stable environment for bacteria to grow, is overwhelming. One Petri dish contains a cluster of bubbly white dots, signalling that the patient does indeed have gonorrhoea. The next step is antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST) at a lab downstairs. The isolate will be measured for resistance to five antibiotics, including ciprofloxacin and the last-resort drugs cefixime and ceftriaxone. It’s resistance to these latter two which is of greatest concern. From the beginning of EGASP until 20 October 2017, of the 845 confirmed diagnoses of gonorrhoea that underwent AST, almost all isolates had widespread resistance to ciprofloxacin, as in many other countries. But encouragingly, none have shown resistance to the last-line drugs. That’s a relief for Thailand, but in no way an indication that Dunne and her team’s alacrity should wane. “People are surprised and have asked, ‘Oh, why are you doing this if you don’t show resistance?’,” Dunne says. “It’s actually good to do surveillance and not be detecting resistance yet. It means that we’re early enough to be prepared… and [to] have a plan of response. “Having strong surveillance activity in a region in which this is likely to emerge is important so we can detect it early.” Thailand’s neighbours, specifically Myanmar, India, Indonesia and China, have recorded a significantly higher percentage of gonorrhoea isolates that are resistant to last-line treatments compared to Thailand. With the increasing movement of people around the world and Thailand’s popularity for sex tourism, I can see just how rapidly this threat could have far-reaching consequences. “I think it’s really important to detect early, even one case, [because] it can be a harbinger for future developments of resistance. These bacteria are transmitted very rapidly between people. Being able to really find that one case early means that special steps can be in place to control transmission,” Dunne says. I ask if the focus on MSM means other groups might be being missed. What about women, who are more likely than men to not experience any gonorrhoea symptoms? Or itinerant sex workers from across the border in Myanmar and Cambodia? I wonder if, among this high-risk group, EGASP is missing some of Thailand’s most vulnerable. I ask if there’s potential for the programme to extend its work to include these people and their partners. Dunne agrees it’s a good idea. “This targeted approach in men with symptoms is purposeful but may not be generalisable to the whole population. It’s the tip of the iceberg.” But it’s early on in the programme, and she and the team have to start somewhere. “We need more time,” she says. But no one is really sure how much time Thailand – and the rest of the world – has.


The number of people infected with gonorrhoea has risen rapidly in recent years. Australia has seen a 63 per cent increase in the number of reported gonorrhoea cases since 2012, with the fastest rate of increase being in young heterosexual urbanites. In England, gonorrhoea cases rose by 53 per cent between 2012 and 2015, led by young people, gay men and other MSM. Meanwhile, in the USA cases rose by nearly 50 per cent between 2009 and 2016. And according to some experts, one of science’s greatest achievements in the fight against HIV could be a factor. Like many, Mark King’s nonchalant attitude towards sex had come to a halt when the HIV epidemic hit the gay community in the USA. No longer was gonorrhoea simply seen as a small, insignificant price to pay for a night of fun. “Half the fun of being gay [was that] you didn’t have to worry about birth control. Condoms were birth control, not STI control,” says King. “[But] as the years passed and you get into the 90s and we know how HIV is transmitted, to get gonorrhoea is shameful because it means that you’ve been taking risks that could transmit HIV. “Suddenly gonorrhoea became this really shameful thing because it means you’re not doing the right thing.” Move forward to today and HIV is no longer the death threat it once was. A strong civil society movement saw the disease get the political – and scientific – attention it warranted. The development of life-saving drugs means that those with HIV can live long, healthy lives. But as HIV treatment and prevention methods improve, people’s perception of risk may be changing. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a daily pill for people who don’t have HIV but who are at substantial risk of getting it. It’s a powerful tool in the fight against HIV, it is argued. When taken every day, it’s up to 92 per cent effective in preventing infection. But with its development and uptake came alarm bells, with some warning that STI rates would increase among those who used PrEP. Some small studies have hinted that this may be happening. Not all experts agree with this. The data from these studies is ambiguous and cannot be generalised. And some say that regular testing regimes associated with PrEP prescriptions could prevent STIs spreading. However, just as with antibiotics, there are people using PrEP without getting it through official health outlets. A recent survey carried out across Europe by the HIV/AIDS advocacy group AIDES found that about 70 per cent of informal PrEP users were having no regular medical monitoring. King is one of many for whom concerns over STIs in the broader context of having the incredible ability to prevent HIV infection seems absurd. “PrEP opens the door for people to have sex without fear of HIV infection. The reaction is: yes, but what do we do about STIs? Oh my god, gonorrhoea and syphilis,” King says sarcastically. “People ask me, how does a person get HIV or gonorrhoea in this day and age? Well, let’s see: because they were horny, or they said yes when they should have said no, or they had too much to drink, or they fell in love, or they trusted the wrong person.” King’s words may resonate with many around the world. But WHO is focused on increasing condom use. Wi is particularly worried about the proliferation and popularity of dating apps among young people, which she believes are making no-strings-attached sex easier to obtain. “All of us need to be strong about condom use. All of us need to campaign for condom use,” Wi says.


Looking ahead, at what point will it be more common to have a gonorrhoea infection that can’t be treated with antibiotics than one that can? The answer is difficult to predict, but it’s also a potential reality that isn’t far-fetched. “We are in a situation now where we are worryingly using the last line of antibiotics for many infections or seeing even resistance to these last-line antibiotics,” Balasegaram says. But as GARDP works to bring a new antibiotic to market, some countries are getting desperate as resistance to the available treatments continues to spread. Australia, which has recorded widespread resistance to azithromycin, is considering going back to an old drug called spectinomycin. Spectinomycin involves a painful muscular injection and has been linked to toxicity and a range of side-effects. Another concern is that it’s in short supply because it’s rarely used around the world any more. To this end, R&D for new antibiotics is urgent. But antibiotic drug development is prohibitively expensive and not attractive to the pharmaceutical industry – even more so when it’s for an STI. In response, GARDP has partnered with Entasis Therapeutics, a US biotech company, to accelerate the development of a new antibiotic that will be produced specifically to target drug-resistant gonorrhoea. Zoliflodacin is a novel first-in-class oral antibiotic – in other words, a new and unique mechanism of potentially treating gonorrhoea – and is one of only three potential new antibiotic candidates currently undergoing trials. It had previously been put through clinical trials in 2015, but a lack of investment stopped the drug from progressing further. This year GARDP and Entasis will launch the last phase of trials of zoliflodacin, involving 650 people in Thailand, South Africa, the USA and parts of Europe. If the drug is approved by regulators, Entasis will permit GARDP to introduce it in 168 low- and middle-income countries. It’s hoping it will be registered by 2021 and available on the market by 2023. A major strength of the partnership between GARDP and Entasis is that it will be able to limit what infections zoliflodacin is used for. “We’re trying to focus this drug specifically on STIs – not other community infections where antibiotics are widely used,” Balasegaram says. “The aim is not to go beyond that because that’s how resistance starts.” To this end, initially the drug will be licensed only for use against gonorrhoea infections. If it proves to be effective against chlamydia and Mycoplasma genitalium (another bacterial STI), the GARDP and Entasis partnership could license it for those two infections as well, subject to clinical trials. “We will support clinical trials and registration and therefore we can play a big role in how it is responsibly introduced and used. That gives us more control in how the drug is introduced and marketed in the countries where we work,” says Balasegaram. Dunne is excited that Thailand will be part of the trials. “It is the underbelly of infections. It doesn’t get the attention it deserves and that is why this is exciting,” she says. A lot is riding on the success of the drug. Will zoliflodacin be successful in remaining effective for as long as possible? Or will it face the same fate as other antibiotics? Moreover, research is risky – there’s no guarantee the clinical trials will be successful. “We still don’t know whether this project will succeed or not,” says Balasegaram. “But it’s a project that we feel is extremely important and that we’re very committed to.” The development of new antibiotics raises myriad questions: How can we ensure they are used appropriately so we can preserve their effectiveness? And how can we ensure those who really need the drugs get them? One way would be a point-of-care rapid diagnostic test – ideally one that could predict which antibiotics will work on a particular infection and that could be used in settings around the world. Balasegaram says they’ve been looking for a simple diagnostic tool like this but haven’t yet found one. Diagnostic tools aside, the responsible use of new antibiotics also relies on robust national and international treatment guidelines and strong regulatory authorities to guide and monitor antibiotic use. “If you have developed an antibiotic for narrow use, you have to think about how to market the drug. We do not want to drop large quantities of it around the world. But we also want to make sure those who need it get it,” he says. This is where strong surveillance programmes, like Thailand’s, are critical. But it’s inevitable that bugs will develop resistance to the next antibiotic and then the next. So Balasegaram wants more investment in R&D that focuses not only on new antibiotics but also on alternative ways to treat bacterial infections. “We have to continue to do R&D into… therapeutic ways to treat these infections differently,” he says. “This may include novel and non-conventional approaches. I think that is a job that is going to last decades.” What that might look like is complex. It may include designing antibodies that specifically target bacteria or using bacteriophages – viruses that infect bacteria – as a replacement for antibiotics. Either way, many feel that the end of the antibiotic era is near and that the transition from antibiotics to non-traditional treatments poses major challenges that won’t be easy to solve. “It’s worth bearing in mind that bacteria can evolve to different approaches we develop,” says Balasegaram. “I don’t think we will see a magic bullet solution soon that will definitively solve the issue.” It’s a frightening thought. Mark King has had the clap so many times he’s renamed it ‘the applause’. The first time King had gonorrhoea, he was a teenager in the late 1970s, growing up with his five siblings in Louisiana. He had the telltale signs: burning and discomfort when he urinated and a thick discharge that left a stain in his underwear. King visited a clinic and gave a fake name and phone number. He was treated quickly with antibiotics and sent on his way. A few years later, the same symptoms reappeared. By this time, the 22-year-old was living in West Hollywood, hoping to launch his acting career. While King had come out to his parents, being gay in Louisiana was poles apart from being gay in Los Angeles. For one, homosexuality was illegal in Louisiana until 2003, whereas California had legalised it in 1976. In Los Angeles there was a thriving a gay scene where King, for the first time, could embrace his sexuality freely. He frequented bathhouses and also met men in dance clubs and along the bustling sidewalks. There was lots of sex to be had. “The fact that we weren’t a fully formed culture beyond those spaces… was what brought us together as people. Sex was the only expression we had to claim ourselves as LGBT people,” King says. When he stepped into the brick clinic just a few strides away from the heart of the city’s gay nightlife in Santa Monica, King, with his thick sandy blond hair with a tinge of red through it, looked around the room. It was filled with other gay men. “What do you do when you’re 22 and gay? You cruise other men. I remember sitting in the lobby cruising other men,” King recalls, laughing. “My Summer of Love was 1982. It was a playground. I was young and on the prowl.” Like a few years earlier, the doctor gave him a handful of antibiotics to take for a few days that would clear up the infection. It wasn’t a big deal. In fact, as King describes it, it was “simply an errand to run”. “It was the price of doing business and it wasn’t a high price at all.” But it was the calm before the storm, in more ways than one. When King picked up gonorrhoea again in the 1990s, he was greatly relieved that treatment was now just one dose. Penicillin was no longer effective, but ciprofloxacin was now the recommended treatment and it required only one dose. In King’s eyes, getting gonorrhoea was even less of a hassle. But this was actually a symptom of treatment regimens starting to fail. The bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae was on the way to developing resistance to nearly every drug ever used to treat it.


Recent data collected by WHO examined trends in drug-resistant gonorrhoea in 77 countries – countries that are part of the health agency’s Gonococcal Antimicrobial Surveillance Programme (GASP), a global network of regional and subregional laboratories that track the emergence and spread of resistance. And the results are grim. More than 80 per cent of the countries that reported on azithromycin, a commonly prescribed antibiotic used to treat numerous common infections, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs), found resistance. Of greatest concern is that 66 per cent of countries surveyed have reported cases that resist last-resort antibiotics called extended-spectrum cephalosporins (ESCs). And as Wi points out, the real-world picture is undoubtedly far bleaker, because global surveillance for drug-resistant gonorrhoea is patchy and more frequently done in higher-income countries, which have greater resources. For example, of the 77 countries that were surveyed, few were in sub-Saharan Africa, a region where rates of gonorrhoea are high. “We’re only seeing half of the real picture. We need to prepare for the future when there’s no cure,” Wi says. But in a sign that time is running out, in March this year health experts’ worst fears were confirmed: a case of super-gonorrhoea, dubbed the world’s “worst ever” case, was found in a man who had attended a local sexual health clinic. He had reportedly had sexual contact with a woman in South-east Asia. Health officials said it was the first time this strain could not be cured with any of the antibiotics normally used to treat the disease. Although the patient has since responded to another antibiotic, doctors described him as “very lucky”. It’s an indication of a wider crisis – and one that knows no boundaries.


Thailand is one country on the front line of the fight against antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea. It’s a key destination for the sex tourism industry, where STIs like gonorrhoea can spread easily and quickly across borders and beyond. And like many other countries in the region, it has an over-the-counter culture of antibiotic access, which means patients put themselves at risk of being prescribed the wrong drugs – or even worse. I’m in a district close to Thailand’s capital, Bangkok, to meet Boontham, a pharmacist. We meet in the jam-packed stockroom of the herbal medicine company he also runs – a business that’s far more lucrative than his pharmacy. The stockroom is filled head to toe with boxes of tablets containing an array of funky herbs I’ve never heard of. The cost of visiting a doctor and the stigma surrounding STIs mean that many Thais rely on pharmacists like Boontham to cure their gonorrhoea. But he might be doing more harm than good. While Boontham has a degree in pharmacology and has been a pharmacist for more than 30 years, he has no idea of Thailand’s treatment guidelines for gonorrhoea. In fact, he’s more than a decade out of date. And he can’t, of course, diagnose patients accurately, particularly because gonorrhoea has similar symptoms to chlamydia. “If you’ve been doing this for a long time, you just do what you have to, and that’s an educated guess.” “As of now I use ciprofloxacin [to treat gonorrhoea],” he says. “If that doesn’t work, then I guess it’s chlamydia.” I tell him, however, that gonorrhoea in Thailand, as in many other countries, has shown widespread resistance to ciprofloxacin – and that his country actually stopped recommending it more than a decade ago. “It’s not resistant, even doctors use it,” he says. “I prescribe it because it’s cheap. In hospitals they prescribe newer antibiotics that are more effective, but they’re more expensive.” In countries where antibiotics are sold over the counter, research shows people are far more likely to visit pharmacists than a doctor. But while experts acknowledge that restricting the sale of antibiotics – particularly in rural and remote areas where there are few, if any, proper doctors – isn’t the answer, this still presents a major challenge in the fight against drug-resistant infections. “The problem is that when you go to a pharmacist and take antibiotics, maybe… your symptoms have disappeared, but in fact you still have the infection. That means you can transmit the infection and cause more resistance,” Wi says. I ask Boontham whether he’s concerned about resistance – if he’s worried that the people he’s treated for gonorrhoea aren’t cured. “Resistance to medication is a doctor’s job, not a pharmacist’s,” he says. The casual handing out of antibiotics without a prescription is not only confined to Thailand. It’s a huge concern across the rest of the region and in other parts of the world, with no clear vision of how to tackle this growing problem. Handing out antibiotics that likely no longer work for people with gonorrhoea has also been happening in high-income countries – countries that might be expected to have stricter treatment guidelines. In fact, a study published in the BMJ in 2015 found that many GPs in England were prescribing ciprofloxacin, even though it hasn’t been recommended for treating gonorrhoea since 2005. In 2007, ciprofloxacin still made up almost half of prescriptions for gonorrhoea. As recently as 2011, GPs still prescribed it in 20 per cent of cases.


On a balmy afternoon in bustling Bangkok, I visit Silom Community Clinic @ TropMed, an STI clinic north-east of the city centre dedicated to men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women who have sex with men. Located on the 12th floor of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, the clinic is spotlessly clean, with bright purple walls, rainbow flags and a sign that immediately catches my eye, which reads “Suck, F*ck, Test, Repeat”. Off the main corridor is a microbiology lab that is doing critical and urgent work in the fight against antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea. In fact, the lab may be the best way Thailand can protect itself from this growing threat. Dr Eileen Dunne is an American epidemiologist and the head of the behavioural and clinical research section of the HIV/STI programme here, which is run as part of a collaboration between Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She, along with her Thai staff, are Thailand’s best line of defence in slowing gonorrhoea resistance. In 2015, recognising the worldwide danger of increasingly difficult to treat gonorrhoea infections – and the specific threat they posed to Thailand – the US CDC, WHO and Thai MOPH joined forces to launch a programme to track and ultimately limit the spread of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea. The programme is an enhanced local version of the WHO’s GASP and is the first of its kind in the world. It’s called EGASP. It works like this. If a male patient comes into one of its two clinics with the telltale symptoms of gonorrhoea, he will have a sample collected for analysis and will fill out a questionnaire, which contains questions such as: “Did you take antibiotics in the last two weeks?” To create an open environment, the clinics are anonymous and the questionnaire is done privately on a computer. Men are the target group in the programme, Dunne explains, because the yield for isolating N. gonorrhoeae is very high among men who have urethritis compared with women and those who are asymptomatic. MSM are an important population, she adds, because research shows they are likelier to develop resistance earlier than the general population, for reasons that aren’t precisely known. She and the laboratory staff take me to see if there are any samples being cultured from swabs taken from patients’ penises. Inside the incubator, where the samples are kept in Petri dishes at 36 degrees Celsius with 5 per cent carbon dioxide to promote bacteria growth, there are three. The stench of agar, a brown gelatinous medium that provides nutrients and a stable environment for bacteria to grow, is overwhelming. One Petri dish contains a cluster of bubbly white dots, signalling that the patient does indeed have gonorrhoea. The next step is antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST) at a lab downstairs. The isolate will be measured for resistance to five antibiotics, including ciprofloxacin and the last-resort drugs cefixime and ceftriaxone. It’s resistance to these latter two which is of greatest concern. From the beginning of EGASP until 20 October 2017, of the 845 confirmed diagnoses of gonorrhoea that underwent AST, almost all isolates had widespread resistance to ciprofloxacin, as in many other countries. But encouragingly, none have shown resistance to the last-line drugs. That’s a relief for Thailand, but in no way an indication that Dunne and her team’s alacrity should wane. “People are surprised and have asked, ‘Oh, why are you doing this if you don’t show resistance?’,” Dunne says. “It’s actually good to do surveillance and not be detecting resistance yet. It means that we’re early enough to be prepared… and [to] have a plan of response. “Having strong surveillance activity in a region in which this is likely to emerge is important so we can detect it early.” Thailand’s neighbours, specifically Myanmar, India, Indonesia and China, have recorded a significantly higher percentage of gonorrhoea isolates that are resistant to last-line treatments compared to Thailand. With the increasing movement of people around the world and Thailand’s popularity for sex tourism, I can see just how rapidly this threat could have far-reaching consequences. “I think it’s really important to detect early, even one case, [because] it can be a harbinger for future developments of resistance. These bacteria are transmitted very rapidly between people. Being able to really find that one case early means that special steps can be in place to control transmission,” Dunne says. I ask if the focus on MSM means other groups might be being missed. What about women, who are more likely than men to not experience any gonorrhoea symptoms? Or itinerant sex workers from across the border in Myanmar and Cambodia? I wonder if, among this high-risk group, EGASP is missing some of Thailand’s most vulnerable. I ask if there’s potential for the programme to extend its work to include these people and their partners. Dunne agrees it’s a good idea. “This targeted approach in men with symptoms is purposeful but may not be generalisable to the whole population. It’s the tip of the iceberg.” But it’s early on in the programme, and she and the team have to start somewhere. “We need more time,” she says. But no one is really sure how much time Thailand – and the rest of the world – has.


The number of people infected with gonorrhoea has risen rapidly in recent years. Australia has seen a 63 per cent increase in the number of reported gonorrhoea cases since 2012, with the fastest rate of increase being in young heterosexual urbanites. In England, gonorrhoea cases rose by 53 per cent between 2012 and 2015, led by young people, gay men and other MSM. Meanwhile, in the USA cases rose by nearly 50 per cent between 2009 and 2016. And according to some experts, one of science’s greatest achievements in the fight against HIV could be a factor. Like many, Mark King’s nonchalant attitude towards sex had come to a halt when the HIV epidemic hit the gay community in the USA. No longer was gonorrhoea simply seen as a small, insignificant price to pay for a night of fun. “Half the fun of being gay [was that] you didn’t have to worry about birth control. Condoms were birth control, not STI control,” says King. “[But] as the years passed and you get into the 90s and we know how HIV is transmitted, to get gonorrhoea is shameful because it means that you’ve been taking risks that could transmit HIV. “Suddenly gonorrhoea became this really shameful thing because it means you’re not doing the right thing.” Move forward to today and HIV is no longer the death threat it once was. A strong civil society movement saw the disease get the political – and scientific – attention it warranted. The development of life-saving drugs means that those with HIV can live long, healthy lives. But as HIV treatment and prevention methods improve, people’s perception of risk may be changing. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a daily pill for people who don’t have HIV but who are at substantial risk of getting it. It’s a powerful tool in the fight against HIV, it is argued. When taken every day, it’s up to 92 per cent effective in preventing infection. But with its development and uptake came alarm bells, with some warning that STI rates would increase among those who used PrEP. Some small studies have hinted that this may be happening. Not all experts agree with this. The data from these studies is ambiguous and cannot be generalised. And some say that regular testing regimes associated with PrEP prescriptions could prevent STIs spreading. However, just as with antibiotics, there are people using PrEP without getting it through official health outlets. A recent survey carried out across Europe by the HIV/AIDS advocacy group AIDES found that about 70 per cent of informal PrEP users were having no regular medical monitoring. King is one of many for whom concerns over STIs in the broader context of having the incredible ability to prevent HIV infection seems absurd. “PrEP opens the door for people to have sex without fear of HIV infection. The reaction is: yes, but what do we do about STIs? Oh my god, gonorrhoea and syphilis,” King says sarcastically. “People ask me, how does a person get HIV or gonorrhoea in this day and age? Well, let’s see: because they were horny, or they said yes when they should have said no, or they had too much to drink, or they fell in love, or they trusted the wrong person.” King’s words may resonate with many around the world. But WHO is focused on increasing condom use. Wi is particularly worried about the proliferation and popularity of dating apps among young people, which she believes are making no-strings-attached sex easier to obtain. “All of us need to be strong about condom use. All of us need to campaign for condom use,” Wi says.


Looking ahead, at what point will it be more common to have a gonorrhoea infection that can’t be treated with antibiotics than one that can? The answer is difficult to predict, but it’s also a potential reality that isn’t far-fetched. “We are in a situation now where we are worryingly using the last line of antibiotics for many infections or seeing even resistance to these last-line antibiotics,” Balasegaram says. But as GARDP works to bring a new antibiotic to market, some countries are getting desperate as resistance to the available treatments continues to spread. Australia, which has recorded widespread resistance to azithromycin, is considering going back to an old drug called spectinomycin. Spectinomycin involves a painful muscular injection and has been linked to toxicity and a range of side-effects. Another concern is that it’s in short supply because it’s rarely used around the world any more. To this end, R&D for new antibiotics is urgent. But antibiotic drug development is prohibitively expensive and not attractive to the pharmaceutical industry – even more so when it’s for an STI. In response, GARDP has partnered with Entasis Therapeutics, a US biotech company, to accelerate the development of a new antibiotic that will be produced specifically to target drug-resistant gonorrhoea. Zoliflodacin is a novel first-in-class oral antibiotic – in other words, a new and unique mechanism of potentially treating gonorrhoea – and is one of only three potential new antibiotic candidates currently undergoing trials. It had previously been put through clinical trials in 2015, but a lack of investment stopped the drug from progressing further. This year GARDP and Entasis will launch the last phase of trials of zoliflodacin, involving 650 people in Thailand, South Africa, the USA and parts of Europe. If the drug is approved by regulators, Entasis will permit GARDP to introduce it in 168 low- and middle-income countries. It’s hoping it will be registered by 2021 and available on the market by 2023. A major strength of the partnership between GARDP and Entasis is that it will be able to limit what infections zoliflodacin is used for. “We’re trying to focus this drug specifically on STIs – not other community infections where antibiotics are widely used,” Balasegaram says. “The aim is not to go beyond that because that’s how resistance starts.” To this end, initially the drug will be licensed only for use against gonorrhoea infections. If it proves to be effective against chlamydia and Mycoplasma genitalium (another bacterial STI), the GARDP and Entasis partnership could license it for those two infections as well, subject to clinical trials. “We will support clinical trials and registration and therefore we can play a big role in how it is responsibly introduced and used. That gives us more control in how the drug is introduced and marketed in the countries where we work,” says Balasegaram. Dunne is excited that Thailand will be part of the trials. “It is the underbelly of infections. It doesn’t get the attention it deserves and that is why this is exciting,” she says. A lot is riding on the success of the drug. Will zoliflodacin be successful in remaining effective for as long as possible? Or will it face the same fate as other antibiotics? Moreover, research is risky – there’s no guarantee the clinical trials will be successful. “We still don’t know whether this project will succeed or not,” says Balasegaram. “But it’s a project that we feel is extremely important and that we’re very committed to.” The development of new antibiotics raises myriad questions: How can we ensure they are used appropriately so we can preserve their effectiveness? And how can we ensure those who really need the drugs get them? One way would be a point-of-care rapid diagnostic test – ideally one that could predict which antibiotics will work on a particular infection and that could be used in settings around the world. Balasegaram says they’ve been looking for a simple diagnostic tool like this but haven’t yet found one. Diagnostic tools aside, the responsible use of new antibiotics also relies on robust national and international treatment guidelines and strong regulatory authorities to guide and monitor antibiotic use. “If you have developed an antibiotic for narrow use, you have to think about how to market the drug. We do not want to drop large quantities of it around the world. But we also want to make sure those who need it get it,” he says. This is where strong surveillance programmes, like Thailand’s, are critical. But it’s inevitable that bugs will develop resistance to the next antibiotic and then the next. So Balasegaram wants more investment in R&D that focuses not only on new antibiotics but also on alternative ways to treat bacterial infections. “We have to continue to do R&D into… therapeutic ways to treat these infections differently,” he says. “This may include novel and non-conventional approaches. I think that is a job that is going to last decades.” What that might look like is complex. It may include designing antibodies that specifically target bacteria or using bacteriophages – viruses that infect bacteria – as a replacement for antibiotics. Either way, many feel that the end of the antibiotic era is near and that the transition from antibiotics to non-traditional treatments poses major challenges that won’t be easy to solve. “It’s worth bearing in mind that bacteria can evolve to different approaches we develop,” says Balasegaram. “I don’t think we will see a magic bullet solution soon that will definitively solve the issue.” It’s a frightening thought. This article first appeared on Mosaic and is republished here under a Creative Commons licence.

Dr Linda Calabresi

Children who persistently or frequently experience high anxiety need help, says psychologist Jennie Hudson, Professor and Director of the Centre for Emotional Health, at Sydney’s Macquarie University. “There has been a tendency to believe kids are going to grow out of [their anxiety]”, she said. In the past, anxiety in children was believed to be normal part of growing up. In fact, in the first Australian Child and Adolescent Mental Health survey in 1998, the question of anxiety disorders in children was not included at all. But the reality is, anxious children grow into anxious teenagers and then into anxious adults, and by then it is not only harder to treat it is also too late to reverse much of the negative impact this condition has had on these people’s lives, she explained in an interview following her presentation on the subject at HealthEd’s Mental Health in General Practice evening seminar held recently in Sydney. “Children need strategies to manage their anxiety now,” she said. “We, as health professionals need to be encouraging parents to seek help if they feel their child’s anxiety is interfering with their life.” For GPs who are wondering about the most appropriate advice to give parents of anxious children, a key principle is to encourage children not to avoid tasks or situations they fear. Parents need to support their child in facing the situations that make them afraid, even if it is ‘bit by bit’, and celebrate each time they manage to accomplish even part of a feared task be it at school, sport or socially. “There is a natural tendency for a parent to protect their child from feeling anxious – they will answer for the child who gets worried about replying or say they don’t need to give the speech in class that is making them nervous for example” but this tends to fuel the anxiety. By enabling the child to practise avoidance, the parent is inadvertently endorsing the child’s belief that this is something to be feared. Another important principle in managing anxiety in children is to try and get the child to identify their worried thoughts, what it is that they fear is going to happen. Commonly a child will catastrophise the consequences of a situation for example “failing this maths test means my life will be ruined”. Once the fear is described the parent and child can discuss, logically why this feared consequence is unlikely to happen. “We call it ‘detective thinking’ – encouraging the child to develop strategies to undertake a realistic appraisal of the situation,” Professor Hudson explained. In terms of resources available for parents, there are a number Professor Hudson recommends. “Helping Your Anxious Child: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents,” written by Australian psychologists Ronald Rapee, Ann Wignall, Susan Spence, Vanessa Cobham, and Heidi Lyneham is practical, relevant and up-to-date. Another good option is “Helping Your Child with Fears and Worries 2nd Edition: A self-help guide for parents” written by UK experts in anxiety, Cathy Creswell and Lucy Willetts. As well as written material, there are some online programs and resources available, Professor  Hudson said. Macquarie University, Sydney has developed a couple of online programs, one called Cool Kids for 7-16-year-olds ( and another called Cool Little Kids ( ) for children aged seven and under. Another good, evidence-based, online program is Brave ( designed for 7-16-year-olds, and developed by researchers at the University of Queensland. Useful fact sheets for parents are available from the Macquarie University’s,  Centre for Emotional Health website ( as well as the Raising Children: The Australian parenting website ( For children with anxiety, CBT is recommended as the first line of treatment. As the risk of adverse effects with CBT is negligible it is recommended that treatment in children be commenced early on the basis of concern of the parent, carer or health professional. There are a number of reliable screening measures for anxiety in children, including the Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale ( The SCAS has a parent, child and teacher report along with Australian norms for 6-18-year-olds. The DASS21 is a reliable screening and monitoring tool for older adolescents. Currently in Australia only two of the SSRIs, fluvoxamine and sertraline, are approved for use in children and adolescents with obsessive compulsive disorder, Professor Hudson said. “There have been trials in Australia and the US combining CBT and sertraline. In our study, combining CBT and sertraline did not improve outcomes over and above CBT and placebo for children and adolescents with anxiety,” she added.

Dr Linda Calabresi

Among low-risk, nulliparous women, inducing a pregnancy at 39 weeks will not only be at least as safe as letting nature run its course but it will reduce the risk of having a Caesarean, according to US research. According to the randomised trial involving over 6000 women, those who were assigned to ‘expectant management’ ended up having a median gestational age of 40 weeks exactly, not a huge difference from the median gestational age of the induction group which was 39.3 weeks. However, the main aim of the study was to determine if induction at 39 weeks resulted in more adverse perinatal outcomes including conditions such as perinatal death, need for respiratory support, Apgars of less than three at five minutes, intracranial haemorrhage and the like. This potential association has been the concern which has dictated what is currently common obstetric practice. “When gestation is between 39 weeks 0 days and 40 weeks 6 days, common practice has been to avoid elective labour induction because of a lack of evidence of perinatal benefit and concern about a higher frequency of Caesarean delivery and other possible adverse maternal outcomes, particularly among nulliparous women”, the study authors said in the new England Journal of Medicine. What they found in their study however, was that these adverse perinatal outcomes occurred in only 4.3% of the babies born in the induction group and in 5.4% of those born to mothers who went into labour naturally. It appears the relative risk was reduced by 20%. And even though the induction group tended to have longer labours they had quicker recovery times and shorter hospital stays. In terms of maternal outcomes, induction at 39 weeks was associated with a significant reduction in the risk of both Caesarean section and hypertensive disorders of pregnancies. The researchers estimated one Caesarean would be avoided for every 28 low-risk, first-time mothers induced at 39 weeks. The study authors suggest that these findings have the capacity to change practice, or at the very least, provide evidence to relook at current obstetric practice policies. “These results suggest that policies aimed at the avoidance of elective labour induction among low-risk nulliparous women at 39 weeks of gestation are unlikely to reduce the rate of Caesarean delivery on a population level”, they concluded. Ref: NEJM 2018; 379:513-23 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1800566

Dr Linda Calabresi

The value of omega-3 fatty acids has come under fire lately. But now a new systematic review suggests they might have benefits beyond the previous therapeutic targets of depression, cardiac health, eye health and arthritis. Researchers have found that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) might reduce the symptoms of clinical anxiety, particularly among those people who had a specific clinical condition be it medical (such as Parkinson disease) or psychological (premenstrual syndrome). “This systematic review…provides the first meta-analytic evidence, to our knowledge, that omega-3 PUFA treatment may be associated with anxiety reduction, which might not only be due to a potential placebo effect, but also from some associations of treatment with reduced anxiety symptoms,” the review authors said in JAMA. The finding is likely to be welcome news for patients with this condition. Be it the potential side-effects of medications or the cost and accessibility of psychological therapy, patients with anxiety, especially those with comorbid medical conditions are keen for alternative or at least supplementary safe, evidence-based treatments for their symptoms. Previous research, in both human and animal studies had found that a lack of omega-3 PUFAs could induce various behavioural and neuropsychiatric disorders. What had not been shown was whether taking this supplement was effective in reducing the specific anxiety symptoms. The review involved an extensive literature search through a wide range of databases including PubMed and Cochrane looking for trials that had assessed the anxiolytic effects of these fatty acids in humans. In the end they found 19 trials that matched their eligibility criteria, which allowed researchers to analyse the effect of supplementation in just over 1200 participants and compare it with about 1000 matched controls who didn’t take the fatty acids. Overall, they found ‘there was a significantly better association of treatment with reduced anxiety symptoms in patients receiving omega-3 PUFA treatment than in those not receiving it.’ Subgroup analysis also showed that those taking at least 2000mg or more of the omega-3 PUFA treatment were more likely to have reduced anxiety. And somewhat surprisingly, those patients receiving supplements containing less than 60% EPA did better than those taking formulations with a greater concentration of EPA. The studies in the review included very different cohorts, and because of this and the limited number of studies included, the authors understandably say the results need to be interpreted with caution. However, while bigger, better studies are still needed to prove the benefit of omega-3 PUFAs in patients with clinical anxiety, this research certainly does suggest that higher dose formulations of less than 60% concentration of EPA might have a role as at least adjunctive treatment to standard therapy.   Reference: Su KP, Tseng PT, Lin PY, Okubo R, Chen TY, Chen YW, et al. Association of Use of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids With Changes in Severity of Anxiety Symptoms; A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Network Open [Internet]. 2018 Sep; 1(5): e182327. Available from: doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2018.2327.