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Survey shows big downsides, and not much upside compared to the previous system...

Prof Lawson R. Wulsin

COVID-19 taught most people that the line between tolerable and toxic stress – defined as persistent demands that lead to disease – varies widely...

A/Prof Hannah Wechkunanukul

Why do so many migrants wait so long to seek help or go to hospital after chest pain - and what can we do about it?


MBA’s attitude lacks insight and empathy, new Healthed survey suggests...

August Nilsson

In March 2024 Finland was, for the seventh year in a row, ranked as the happiness champion. But a new experimental study suggests that the ladder metaphor makes people think about power and wealth...

Dr Amanda Cole

Globally, one out of every eight people report a mental illness. In Australia, one in five people experience a mental illness in their lifetime...

Prof Stephen Duckett

Simple solutions put forward by vested interests involving more public funds are rarely in the public interest. Here’s how we might design a fairer pathology system...

Leanne Boase

CEO of the Australian College of Nurse Practitioners dispels misinformation about NP prescribing powers.

Prof Mark Patrick Taylor

A recent study published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine has linked microplastics with risk to human health.


They’re super effective, but what if things don’t quite to plan?

Sophia Auld

In the past year, 1 in 7 GPs were threatened, while 1 in 14 experienced physical violence...

Dr Sarah Tedjasukmana

1 in 3 people with diabetic retinopathy are at high risk of vision loss, yet screening rates remain low…