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Prof Deborah Bateson

Fertility awareness apps are being championed as a new approach to contraception. In reality, while the technology may be new, women have been predicting the fertile days in their menstrual cycles to prevent pregnancy for a very long time. But the growth of the “femtech” industry, alongside a seemingly growing wave of younger women looking to move away from hormonal methods of contraception, has led to a renewed interest.

Christine Griebsch

Recently reported cases of the often fatal bacterial infection leptospirosis in dogs in Sydney have raised the issue of animal diseases that also affect humans. This zoonotic disease is spread by rats and other rodents. However, this latest cluster in dogs has not been accompanied by human cases in the Sydney area so far; dog cases aren’t always accompanied by human cases nearby.

Dr Linda Calabresi

If you work in a truly general general practice you will no doubt be familiar with this scenario. The patient on a NOAC who is going for a dental procedure, cataract operation or arthroscopy. Do they need to stop their NOAC? And if so, when and for how long? Often there are more than a couple of opinions out there, with a lot of different considerations to take into account.

Dr Linda Calabresi

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has developed an app that is sure to prove valuable to health professionals who manage sexual and reproductive health as part of their clinical practice. The ‘Medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use’ app will help clinicians recommend safe, effective and acceptable contraception methods for women with medical conditions or particular characteristics that require individual consideration.

Vasu Appanna

Bacteria are at the centre of all life forms on planet earth and are the essential building blocks that make living organisms the way they are. Both the mitochondrion — found in most organisms, which generates energy in the cell — and the chloroplast — the solar energy-harvester located in plants — can be traced to their bacterial ancestors. These specialized microbes laid the foundation for the biodiversity we live amongst.

Prof Sharona Hoffman

A career as a physician has traditionally been considered to be among the best vocations that talented students can pursue. That may no longer be the case. All too many doctors report that they are unhappy, frustrated and even prepared to leave the profession. That should worry all of us. The physician burnout crisis is likely to affect our quality of care and our access to health care providers.

Prof Graeme Suthers

Despite potential savings of more than $1 billion annually, awareness of pharmacogenomic tests among Australian prescribers is low and national guidelines for their use have not been developed. This void contributes directly to the continued prescribing of ineffective medications, unacceptably high rates of adverse drug reactions and associated personal and economic costs. Pharmacogenomics (PGx) is the study of how the genome of an individual patient influences their response to a medication.

Jamie Pitlick

Wandering through the grocery store, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the numerous brands and health claims on the dozens of sugar substitutes. It can be particularly confusing for those with diabetes or pre-diabetes who must keep their blood sugar in check and control their weight. With the growing diabetes and obesity epidemic, there has been increasing awareness around the use of added sugars in foods. The most recent edition of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that added sugars should be kept to less than 10% of the calories consumed, which turns out to be roughly 270 calories per day. This is because “added sugars” add sweetness or flavor but add very little nutritional value. Because of this trend, the food industry has embarked on a quest to find or develop the perfect substitute to replace sugar – with the same taste and none of the calories that lead to weight gain. As a pharmacist who is also board certified in advanced diabetes management, I talk to patients every day about blood sugars and ways to help them take control of their diabetes. They often ask me whether the perfect substitute to sugar has been found. The short answer is no. Here is the long answer. Sugar alcohols Sugar substitutes can be categorized into two main groups: sugar alcohols and high intensity sweeteners. The sugar alcohols include sorbitol, xylitol, lactitol, mannitol, erythritol and maltitol. High-intensity sweeteners include saccharin, aspartame, acesulfame potassium (Ace-K), sucralose, neotame, advantame, stevia, and Siraitia grosvenorii Swingle fruit extract (SGFE). Sugar alcohols are often found in toothpaste, chewing gum, and some “sugar-free” foods. They are carbohydrates with a chemical structure that resembles sugar, but also the components that make them an alcohol. They are about 25-100% sweeter than sugar and have a similar taste. But here is the catch: They are not calorie free. Most have between 1.5 and two calories per gram. Now compare the calorie count to sugar, also known as sucrose, which has four calories per gram – twice as much. The glycemic index is a reference to how quickly a food is broken down and absorbed. The higher the number, the more quickly the food breaks down and the faster the sugar goes into the blood. Sucrose has a glycemic index of 65; whereas sugar alcohols, like xylitol, have a glycemic index of around seven. This means that sugar alcohols are harder to digest, and cause a slower and lower increase in post-meal blood sugars – which is typically better for people with diabetes. Because sugar alcohols are harder for the body to break down though, some of them remain in the gut, and if a person consumes too much they may experience digestive complaints like gas, cramping and diarrhea.Although sugar alcohols contain fewer calories, they will still increase a patient’s blood sugar, especially when eaten in excess. When compared to sugar, the effect is less dramatic though. This is because of how these molecules are processed in the body. We measure this using the glycemic index. Here is the other downside to foods containing sugar alcohols: They often have higher quantities of fat or salt to make up for the lower sugar content. Artificial sweeteners High-intensity sweeteners, are zero- or low-calorie alternatives to sugar. They are made from a variety of sources, and are 100 to 20,000 times as sweet as sugar. Some leave a bitter or metallic taste behind. Two newer substitutes – stevia and SGFE – come from plants and are at times referred to as “natural” substitutes. According to the American Diabetes Association 2019 guidelines, the use of high-intensity sweeteners may decrease calorie and carbohydrate intake. However, you cannot replace these “free” calories with calories from other food sources, you will lose or the benefits on blood sugar control and weight loss. Researchers have seen this in some of the studies on high-intensity sweeteners. Some of the trials show no difference or even a possible increase in weight. But in other studies where intake of food is better regulated and patients don’t replace these free calories with other high-caloric foods, the weight loss is maintained. The takeaway All sugar substitutes are labeled as food additives and are under the regulation of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The latest trend has been labeling some of the sugar substitutes as “derived from plants” or “natural.” That does not necessarily mean that these are safer or more effective in blood sugar control or weight loss. If it is used in excess, side effects such as bloating or diarrhea may still result. Several concerns by researchers have been raised about high-intensity sweeteners – saccharin and aspartame – and cancer. To date, the National Cancer Institute has concluded that there is no clear evidence that any of the high-intensity sweeteners is associated with an increased risk of cancer. As a pharmacist specializing in advanced diabetes, I talk to patients every day about how to control their blood sugar level and their diabetes. There are three main ways to do that: medication, increased activity and diet. The last two are probably more important in the long run. If diet and activity level never change, it is really hard to help patients bring their blood sugars down. Medication after medication will likely have to be added. With this comes the potential for side effects. So if I can persuade patients to make changes to their diet, like switching to a beverage with a sugar substitute, it makes a huge difference in helping to control blood sugars and the dose of medications. The overall focus for diabetes management should be on reducing the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and foods. If you can switch one of these sugar-sweetened products to a food that has a high-intensity sugar substitute, that is better. But best of all is consuming food and drinks that are not highly processed and do not have added sugars. By Jamie Pitlick, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Drake University

Dr Linda Calabresi

These days the first question most GPs get asked, after confirming a wanted first pregnancy is what does the woman need to take or eat, and, importantly what should she avoid. It gets tricky doesn’t it? If you avoided  everything that is said to potentially cause harm (according to the world wide web and social media) the pregnant woman will run a serious risk of malnutrition!  Much of the fear stems from the risk of contracting listeria – that surreptitious bacteria that can cause – very occasionally, severe infection in affected adults – but more importantly for the pregnant women can cause miscarriage, premature birth or stillbirth. You need some authoritative, credible information sources to fall back on when giving these vulnerable patients advice. Enter the Food Standards Australia and New Zealand website. On their website they have this fantastic resource: an information page entitled Listeria and food. Quite simply, it’s a precis of what women should and should not eat to keep them safe from this infection. To be fair this resource doesn’t help women keep the problem in perspective, as it doesn’t mention how rarely this condition affects pregnant women. But it gives very definitive advice – eat this – don’t eat that. The reality is, this could save the GP at least 15 minutes discussion time, and provide a ready reckoner for the woman negotiating the local café menu or shopping centre food halls. There is no debate, the pregnant woman, especially the first-time pregnant woman represents a very vulnerable, information-hungry demographic. Keep this site bookmarked and you won’t be sorry.   >> Access the resource here

Dr Linda Calabresi

Drinking alcohol has been proven to increase the risk of developing breast cancer in over 100 studies, but both the general public and health professionals continue to ignore the issue. According to UK researchers, alcohol use is now estimated to be a major causative factor in between 5% to 11% of all breast cancer cases, but in their study, published in BMJ Open, less than one in five women attending a mammogram knew of the risk of alcohol, and – perhaps more worrying – less than half of the staff at the breast centre identified alcohol as a breast cancer risk factor. The mixed methodology study included over 200 woman attending a breast clinic for breast imaging – about half were symptomatic and the other half presented just for routine screening. These woman were surveyed along with over 30 staff. Following the survey a series of focus groups were conducted with both the women and the staff. Looking at different risk factors, almost one third of all participants identified obesity as a risk, and almost half recognised smoking as problematic. But alcohol? Only 16% in the screening group and 23% in the symptomatic group knew of any association between alcohol and breast cancer. “The study confirms that knowledge of alcohol as a modifiable risk factor for breast cancer is low,” the study authors said. The survey and focus groups also showed that many women did not know how much alcohol was in a standard drink such as a pint of beer or a glass of wine. So, as the authors point out, the dilemma is how will we ever modify this modifiable risk factor if people don’t even know about it and are unaware how to even assess their own alcohol consumption. The researchers suggest that the routine mammogram represents an ideal opportunity to intervene. Here is the time and the place where breast cancer will be front of mind – here is the time and place to increase awareness of alcohol as a breast cancer risk factors, assess a woman’s current alcohol consumption and suggest ways and means of reducing this if appropriate. Concerns that incorporating such a preventative strategy into a routine breast screening appointment might deter women from attending, appeared unfounded, the study noted. “Many women participating in this study reacted positively to the suggestion of adding information on cancer prevention, in general, to . . . breast screening or clinic attendances, although there was ambivalence by staff delivering it,” the researchers said. This ambivalence appeared to stem from a degree of uncertainty in relation to cancer risk factors, a lack of time available to discuss these issues with patients and a sense that it wasn’t their role to be providing this intervention. The other major barrier to conducting these assessments and implementing these preventative measures is motivation. In this study, two thirds of all participants drank alcohol. This is fairly representative of the population as a whole, with previous UK research showing that almost 80% of women had drunk alcohol in the past year, and more than one fifth of women aged 45 to 64 drank more than two standard drinks a day on average. “Home drinking is an embedded social practice, which may be resistant to change, and this normalisation of alcohol use by health professionals may account for some of the ambivalence they have to discuss alcohol consumption as a risk factor for breast cancer with patients,” they said. But this needs to change. There is plenty of evidence that alcohol brief interventions can be effective in reducing alcohol consumption. In fact the authors say, simply answering questions on alcohol consumption can result in behaviour change. “It is interesting to note that while it has become routine practice to assess patients in breast clinics for a possible inherited susceptibility to breast cancer and refer on for family history or genetics investigation, there is currently no equivalent pathway for patients who have potentially modifiable lifestyle risk factors, including alcohol use,” the researchers said.   Reference Sinclair J, McCann M, Sheldon E, Gordon I, Brierley-Jones L, Copson E. The acceptability of addressing alcohol consumption as a modifiable risk factor for breast cancer: a mixed method study within breast screening services and symptomatic breast clinics. BMJ open 2019 Jun 17; 9(6): e027371. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-027371

Dr Linda Calabresi

This is one of those resources you will wish you would have discovered earlier. Maternity Matters ( is a website developed and largely authored by well-known Brisbane GP Dr Wendy Burton. As the name suggests it is reservoir of information related to pregnancy and is aimed chiefly at the general public but also provides a healthy serving of support materials for Australian health professionals as well. Dr Burton who is Chair of the Antenatal/Postnatal Specific Interest Group for the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners has compiled articles, interviews and links to important guidelines and similar reference materials on this site, that cover everything from pre-conception checklists to the post-natal issues such as vaccinations and return to exercise. This website is strongly based on evidence but is also very practical, addressing many of the more controversial and topical issues currently confronting the pregnant woman such as tongue-tie in infants and children’s risk of allergy. All the information is current and very Australian, with contributions from some very well-respected experts. As Dr Burton points out there is a lot of information out there on pregnancy and infant health - some of it very good, but, let’s face it, there’s a lot of dodgy stuff too – leaving women often confused and unnecessarily anxious. Asking patients not to Google is unlikely to be all that effective, but if patients can be directed to an authoritative, comprehensive site such as Maternity Matters you can feel confident that the information they receive will be reasonable and largely in keeping with what you, the qualified GP, would have said – if you were available at 3am when the patient was awake and seeking answers. Access the resource here

Dr Linda Calabresi

Trichophyton verrucosum is a cosmopolitan zoophilic dermatophyte. The normal host for this organism is cattle and occasionally horses. Human infection is acquired through direct contact with these animals or contaminated fomites, usually following minor trauma to the skin. Figure 1. Case 4 developed lesion after contact with beef cattle


To review cases of T. verrucosum infection diagnosed over a five year period.


The Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology data base from 2009 – 2014 was searched for isolates of T. verrucosum. The laboratory services Queensland and extends into New South Wales as far south as Coffs Harbour.


Seven cases of T. verrucosum over a five year period time frame that identified more than 12,500 dermatophyte infections in total. The most recent case (7) was a 54-year-old retired meat worker who owns a small property with one beef and three dairy calves all of which suffered from fungal infection. After clearing lantana and sustaining multiple scratches he developed a non-healing inflammatory lesion on his forearm which healed after three weeks of oral griseofulvin with some residual scarring. Biopsy, bacterial and fungal cultures all demonstrated fungal infection and cultures grew T. verrucosum. Scrapings collected from his infected cattle also demonstrated large spore ectothrix infection and grew this dermatophyte. Cases included six males and one female (Table 1). The age ranged from 27–71, mean 45 years. All except one (Case 5) had association with cattle with one also with horses. The site of infection was the forearm (5) (figure 1), leg (1) and face (1). Case 6 developed her leg lesion after birdwatching and camping on a cattle property although did not have direct contact with cattle. Three patients underwent skin biopsy and histology and in only one was hyphae seen on tissue sections. Four of five bacterial cultures also grew T. verrucosum on bacterial agar. Unlike other dermatophytes growth is enhanced at 37OC. The cases were concentrated in SE Queensland and Northern NSW. Four of the cases required systemic antifungal therapy to clear and a number were treated with several courses of antibiotics prior to the diagnosis being established.
Case No. Location Sex/Age Site Fungal Microscopy Contact Treatment
1 Kyogle, NSW M/32 Forearm No hyphae Cattle Bifonazole T
2 Avondale, NSW M/64 Forearm Hyphae 1+ Cattle/horses Terbinafine
3 Clarenza, NSW M/27 Forearm No hyphae Cattle No treatment
4 Charleville, Qld M/35 Forearm No hyphae Cattle Ketaconazole T
5 Boonah, Qld F/71 Lower leg Hyphae 1+ Cattle property Ketoconazole O
6 Kingstown, NSW M/29 Face Hyphae 1+ Cattle Griseofulvin O
7 Buccan, Qld M/54 Forearm Hyphae 1+ Cattle Griseofulvin O
Table 1: Culture positive cases T. verrucosum infection SNP 2009-2014


  1. verrucosum is an unusual zoonotic infection of the skin causing a highly inflammatory response involving the scalp, beard or exposed areas of the body in contact with cattle and horses.
Fluorescence under Wood’s ultra-violet light has been noted in cattle but not in humans. Unlike other dermatophytes, growth is enhanced at 37OC. Systemic therapy is usually required to clear the infection which is frequently mistaken for an inflammatory bacterial infection, initially being treated with antibiotics. Advice on clearing the infection from animals was seen as important. To read more or view the original summary click here  - General Practice Pathology is a regular column each authored by an Australian expert pathologist on a topic of particular relevance and interest to practising GPs. The authors provide this editorial free of charge as part of an educational initiative developed and coordinated by Sonic Pathology.