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Dr Mark Geil

Infant milestones can be a source both of pride and anxiety for a new parent. Baby’s firsts – first tooth, first steps, first word – are moments of joy that many parents immediately compare with charts listing “normal” age ranges for each achievement to occur.


The story behind the discovery that made COVID-19 mNRA vaccines possible…

Dr Michelle Boyle

In what was very big news for global health, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has recommended a new vaccine for the prevention of malaria in children, called R21/Matrix-M.


Concerns include risk taking behaviour, mental wellbeing, academic decline...


Almost since antibiotics were first discovered, we’ve been aware bacteria can learn how to overcome these medicines, a phenomenon known as antimicrobial resistance.

Fiona Clark

A new study in nature delves into poor sleep, circadian rhythm and the impact on mental health…

Dr Lisa Nicole Sharwood

Injuries are the leading cause of disability and death among Australian children and adolescents...