Long COVID podcast series

Going Viral Podcast

Going Viral Podcast: Long COVID – A personal experience

In this episode:

  • Listen to Kylie’s extensive journey of recovery from Long COVID, including her debilitating symptoms and emotional turmoil
  • Explore the critical role her General Practitioner and Long COVID clinic played in her recovery
  • Understand the importance of empathy, patient support and multidisciplinary care in recovery
  • Important insights into how to manage Long COVID patients, highlighting the need for understanding, patience and tailored treatment plans


Experts: Kylie Trounson, Senior Associate
A/Prof John Litt AM, General Practitioner

Host: Dr David Lim, GP and Medical Educator

Going Viral Podcast: Long COVID Part 1 (feat. Prof Steven Faux AM)

In this episode:

  • Understand the definition, incidence and the symptoms of long COVID
  • Cluster symptoms to help you understand the different presentations from the patient
  • What risk factors predispose patients to long COVID
  • What investigations as a GP may help you diagnose long COVID
  • Rehabilitation of the patient is key, and it’s essential to develop tailored plans while ensuring appropriate referral pathways are in place when needed.
  • How healthcare professions can assist patients to discuss with employers their rehabilitation plan and return to work


Host: Dr David Lim, GP and Medical Educator

Expert: Prof Steven Faux AM, Rehabilitation and Pain Physician

Going Viral Podcast: Long COVID Part 2 (feat. Prof Steven Faux AM and A/Prof John Litt AM)

In this episode:

  • Natural history of Long COVID, although up to 95% patients will improve their symptoms; it is a long process
  • Role of vaccination in prevention of Long COVID in patients at higher risk
  • Role of Metformin in prevention of symptoms of Long COVID and how it is best used in clinics
  • Type of rehabilitation patients with Long COVID need
  • Impact on interpersonal relationships and the role of family and community
  • General practitioners and allied health can together make a significant improvement to patient outcomes


Expert: Prof Steven Faux AM, Rehabilitation and Pain Physician
A/Prof John Litt AM, GP and Public Health Physician

Host: Dr David Lim, GP and Medical Educator

Going Viral Podcast: Current research on risk factors, pathophysiology, and emerging treatments (feat. Prof Brendan Crabb AC and A/Prof John Litt)

In this episode: 

  • Why Long COVID is a large and growing concern as new insights emerge at great speed
  • Understand the proposed mechanisms driving Long COVID, including the two main mechanisms of persistent infection and the role of toxic fibrin induced vascular damage
  • How to clinically assess Long COVID in patients
  • Role of antivirals in reducing the duration, severity and potentially preventing the impact of Long COVID
  • Three hierarchical drivers of preventing the impact of Long COVID, how can this messaging help your patient
  • What should be your tool kit of prevention, when explaining Long COVID to your patients, especially the vulnerable ones
  • Risk of long lasting viraemia in the body causing future chronic conditions
  • Use of CoRiCal, a COVID calculator (including Long COVID); beneficial as a tool in your practice


Host: Dr David Lim | Total Time: 54 mins

Prof Brendan Crabb, Infectious Disease Researcher
A/Prof John Litt AM, Public Health Physician