Goh, Nicole

A/Prof Nicole Goh

Respiratory & Sleep Physician; Austin and Alfred Hospitals; Chair, Lung Foundation Australia/Rare Lung Disease, IBAS and PIVOT
A/Prof Nicole Goh is a graduate of the University of Melbourne. She trained as a specialist respiratory and sleep medicine physician at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and the Austin Hospital in Melbourne before completing her training at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London. She obtained her PhD at the Imperial College in London (UK) on “prognostic evaluation of interstitial lung disease secondary to systemic sclerosis.

Nicole works at the Austin and Alfred Hospitals as a respiratory and sleep medicine physician. She manages all respiratory and sleep disorders but has a particular interest in interstitial lung diseases. She is the Director of the Interstitial Lung Disease Service at the Austin Hospital.

Nicole is also actively involved in research and teaching. Her main research is in the area of Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILD), focusing in particular on measures of improving quality of life (for example, the role of pulmonary rehabilitation and supplementary oxygen). Nicole is on the Steering Committee of the National Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) Registry. She has collaborations with the Australian Scleroderma Interest Group (ASIG).

Nicole is currently the Chair of IBAS (Institute for Breathing and Sleep) Medical and Scientific Research Committee, and the Chair of the PIVOT (Pulmonary Interstitial Vascular Organisational Taskforce) group.

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