Crawford, Nigel_resized

Prof Nigel Crawford

Chairman, ATAGI; Infectious Disease Specialist; Director, Surveillance of Adverse Events Following Vaccination In the Community (SAEFVIC), Murdoch Children’s Research Institute; Head of Immunisation Services Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne; Secondment Senior Medical Advisor, Victorian Department Health COVID19 vaccine safety team; Chair, Victorian Specialist Immunisation Services (VicSIS) network
Professor Crawford is Director of SAEFVIC (Surveillance of Adverse Events Following Vaccination in the Community), a vaccine safety and clinical immunisation research group based at Murdoch Childrens Research Institute. Having completed his medical undergraduate studies at Flinders University Adelaide, A/Prof Crawford has a masters of public health from Cardiff University, Wales and a Vaccinology PhD from The University of Melbourne.

Professor Crawford is also the Head of the Immunisation Service at The Royal Children’s Hospital and an expert in the vaccination of special risk groups (e.g. immunosuppressed patients) and the clinical evaluation of adverse events following immunisation. He was the chief technical writer for the special risk section of the Australian Immunisation Handbook (NHMRC 2013) and was recently appointed to the Australian Technical and Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI).

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