Turner, Sandra

Prof Sandra Turner

Staff Specialist Radiation Oncologist, Westmead Hospital; Founding Clinical Lead, Targeting Cancer Campaign
Professor Sandra Turner is a staff specialist radiation oncologist (RO) who has specialised in prostate cancer for over 20 years. She was a founding member of the Faculty of RO Genito-Urinary Group and has been involved in many national/ international prostate cancer trials. Sandra was the founding Chair of the Media and Profile Committee which developed the Targeting Cancer campaign, aiming to raise awareness and educate patients and health professionals around the high value of radiation therapy in cancer care. Sandra is currently a RANZCR Faculty Councillor and was the Chief Censor (Chair of Education Committee and Chief Examiner) for several years. Sandra still loves teaching and has recently completed a PhD in medical education.

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Major advances in external beam radiotherapy means that it achieves similar long term outcomes to radical prostatectomy with markedly less incontinence, erectile dysfunction at lower costs since it’s fully funded by Medicare

This article discusses the importance of referral of patients with prostate cancer for consideration of radiation therapy if active treatment is considered.

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Major advances in external beam radiotherapy means that it achieves similar long term outcomes to radical prostatectomy with markedly less incontinence, erectile dysfunction at lower costs since it’s fully funded by Medicare

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In today’s podcast, experts Prof Sandra Turner and A/Prof Lucinda Morris discuss radiation therapy as a key curative option for prostate cancer and its role in patient referrals.

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