
Dr Bethany Boulton

Emergency Physician
Dr Bethany Boulton is a Queensland FACEM who has developed an interest the important topic of physician wellbeing and belongs to the group WRaPEM (Wellness Resilience and Performance in Emergency Medicine). She co-wrote a chapter on physician health for the Australian bible of Emergency Medicine and organises annual workshops on Performance Optimisation. More recently, she has added medical writing and playing football (the world’s game) to her list of hobbies. When she is not travelling the world attending Physician Health conferences, she can be found using ingredients such as black beans and zucchini to create the perfect paleo brownie much to the disgust of her two sugar loving children. Bethany dreams of living in a world where active wear bears no stigma and physicians thrive, not just survive.

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A quick refresher on how to treat anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is most commonly triggered by foods, drugs, insect bites and stings. Less commonly, it can be caused by latex, cold temperature or in 20% of cases, there may be no clear trigger at all.

A quick refresher on how to treat an asthma emergency.

Clinical Articles iconClinical Articles

A quick refresher on how to treat anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is most commonly triggered by foods, drugs, insect bites and stings. Less commonly, it can be caused by latex, cold temperature or in 20% of cases, there may be no clear trigger at all.

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