Grohmann, Gary

Dr Gary Grohmann

Virologist; Consultant, World Health Organisation; Board Member, Immunisation Coalition; Former Director, Immunobiology at the TGA; Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney
Dr. Gary Grohmann B. Sc. (Hons), PhD, FASM Gary Grohmann is former Director of Immunobiology and WHO ERL at the TGA, Office of Laboratories and Scientific services from 1997-2015. He currently works as an independent consultant, primarily with the WHO on influenza related projects in the Global Influenza Programme and the Essential Medicines Programme.

Dr. Grohmann has served on several WHO steering committees including the committee for the review of the IVTM database on influenza viruses and reassortant influenza viruses, and the WHO VCM committee that recommends virus strains for influenza vaccines (until 2015). He has also been a member of the Technical Advisory Group (2007-2015) of the Global Action Plan for Influenza.

His primary interests are in vaccines, vaccine regulation, medical and veterinary virology, and infectious diseases resulting from contaminated food and water as well as other environmental sources. Dr. Grohmann is currently a Board Member of the Immunisation Coalition and Adjunct Professor at the University of Sydney.

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