Litt, John

A/Prof John Litt AM

GP; Public Health Physician; Associate Professor in the Discipline of General Practice, Flinders University
A/Prof John Litt is a General Practitioner; Public health physician and has been the Associate Professor in the Discipline of General Practice at Flinders University.

His teaching activities focussed on coordinating the teaching of general practice and arranging placement for medical students in the Flinders University Medical Course. His major clinical and research interests are in prevention and its implementation He has over 100 refereed publications (journal articles, book and book chapters) including co authorship of the Australian General Practice Smoking Cessation Guidelines and its updates and the RACGP prevention guidelines.

More from this expert

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Some ‘basic’ influenza epidemiology, what happened in 2021 and what to expect in 2022, what's new with cell culture influenza vaccines and high dose influenza vaccines, and importance of vaccination rates

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This article discusses herpes zoster, the condition and its complications as well as the benefits, risks and challenges associated with the herpes zoster vaccine.

This article discusses herpes zoster, the condition and its complications as well as the benefits, risks and challenges associated with the herpes zoster vaccine.

Monographs iconMonographs

In this Product Explainer, A/Prof John Litt AM, Public Health Physician explains the differences between the “traditional” egg-based influenza vaccines and the potential advantages of the first cell culture based influenza vaccine available in Australia (5 mins).

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Some ‘basic’ influenza epidemiology, what happened in 2021 and what to expect in 2022, what's new with cell culture influenza vaccines and high dose influenza vaccines, and importance of vaccination rates

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An overview on the zostavax vaccine uptake in Australia, the recombinant zoster vaccine, and the burden of morbidity.

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In this Product Explainer, Public Health Physician A/Prof John Litt AM will provide a rapid update on the recombinant (ie non-live) Herpes Zoster vaccine and outline who it is currently indicated for (10 mins).

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In this Product Explainer, Public Health Physician A/Prof John Litt AM explains the currently funded adjuvanted quadrivalent influenza vaccine for people 65 years and over and how it fits in the 2023 influenza season (6 mins). This product explainer is supported by Seqirus

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In this podcast, listen to Dr David Lim interview Prof Brendan Crabb as they establish why Long COVID is a large and growing concern as new insights emerge at great speed, and how to assess patients with Long COVID.

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In this podcast, listen to Dr David Lim interview A/Prof John Litt AM and Kylie Trounson on her Long COVID recovery and the vital role of healthcare professionals in building a strong therapeutic alliance.

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