Douglas, Pamela

Dr Pamela Douglas

General Practitioner; Senior Lecturer, General Practice Clinical Unit, The University of Queensland; Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Griffith University
Dr Douglas is an Australian GP, and an international leader in infant-care. She is an Associate Professor (Adjunct) with the School of Midwifery and Nursing, Griffith University; and Senior Lecturer in the General Practice Clinical Unit, The University of Queensland. She is a writer and researcher, with special interest in perinatal mental health and breastfeeding medicine. Over the past twenty years, Dr Douglas has published the evidence-base to the programs known as Neuroprotective Developmental Care (NDC or ‘The Possums Programs’). NDC offers a paradigm shift in the way health professionals help families who face breastfeeding, baby sleep and cry-fuss challenges, and is changing practice world-wide. The same social and market forces which have brought us to the brink of catastrophic ecological crisis also shape women’s experiences in the healthcare system at this time of life. Conflicting advice, and over-diagnosis and overtreatment are widespread. Dr Douglas’s groundbreaking work is detailed in 30 international research publications and in her best-selling The Discontented Little Baby Book. Her very latest resources and courses for parents and health professionals are now available at The NDC Institute There is more information at

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