Foran, Terri square

Dr Terri Foran

Sexual Health Physician; Conjoint Senior Lecturer, School of Women’s and Children’s Health, UNSW
Dr Terri Foran is a Sexual Health Physician with a special clinical interest in contraception, menopause and the management of sexually transmitted infections. She has had numerous publications in these fields. Dr Foran holds the position of Conjoint Senior Lecturer in the School of Women’s and Children’s Health at UNSW Sydney, where she is regularly involved in the teaching of undergraduate students. She has worked in both private and public clinical practice, most recently as a Visiting Medical Officer at the Menopause Hub established at the Royal Hospital for Women in Randwick. She is a current Board member of the Australasian Menopause Society. She also has a particular interest in postgraduate clinical education and has presented at both National and International conferences as well as hosting regular podcasts for Healthed on topics related to sexual and reproductive health.

More from this expert

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This article discusses the recommendations for starting and stopping combined hormonal contraception, the use of bridging contraception and other relevant clinical considerations.

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This article discusses the safest forms of contraception for older women, how to maximise the clinical advantages of these and when it is safe to discontinue the chosen method.

Dr Terri Foran discusses adolescent contraception, hormonal and non-hormonal options in Australia, pros and cons and tips for having constructive discussions during consultations.

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In this podcast, listen to Dr David Lim interview Prof Brendan Crabb as they establish why Long COVID is a large and growing concern as new insights emerge at great speed, and how to assess patients with Long COVID.

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In this podcast, listen to Dr David Lim interview A/Prof John Litt AM and Kylie Trounson on her Long COVID recovery and the vital role of healthcare professionals in building a strong therapeutic alliance.

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