
Eva Fisher

Communication Faculty Member, Colorado State University Global
Eva is a communication faculty member at Colorado State University Global. She received her PhD from Colorado State University in 2016. She has presented her research at the National Communication Association conventions. Eva has also recovered from body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) and written a book based on her dissertation research, titled The BDD Family: Coping with Body Dysmorphic Disorder in a Peer Support Group.

Eva is a member of the International OCD Foundation BDD Special Interest Group and has authored multiple articles about coping with and recovery from BDD. She is a professional communication consultant and founder of Fear to Courage, LLC. Eva empowers her clients to overcome their communication challenges to achieve business, career, and personal success.

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While eating disorders have been widely publicized for decades, far less attention has been given to a related condition called body dysmorphic disorder, or BDD

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