Liz Sturgiss Feature Image

A/Prof Liz Sturgiss

Associate Professor
A/Prof Liz Sturgiss is a specialist general practitioner, NHMRC Investigator and primary care researcher. Liz is an Associate Professor (Research) in the School of Primary and Allied Health Care, Monash University, and Visiting Fellow at The Australian National University. Liz has experience in implementation research in primary care with expertise in the complex area of obesity management. Liz leads an emerging research program on the management of complex and stigmatised health issues in primary care focusing on translating guidelines into real-world practice. Her research is based on theoretical principles from behaviour change and implementation science. She is a practising GP caring for people with substance dependence and complex multi-morbidity. Prior to her specialist training in general practice, Liz was a Sexual Health registrar in Canberra and also achieved her fellowship in Forensic Medicine in 2015. As a clinician-researcher, she has extensive networks with clinical primary care colleagues and in her representative roles with primary care organisations.

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