Hoffman, Lynnette

Lynnette Hoffman

Managing Editor

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The Medical Board shrugs off survey results showing CPD could be worsening the workforce shortage…

Patients who see their regular GP go significantly longer between consults than those who see a different GP in the same practice, a new UK-based study has found.

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Whether you peruse pitches from peak bodies or talk to medical grads pondering their next step, you’ll notice a predominant theme: lifestyle

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Collectively, rare diseases are more common than diabetes. The first-ever national recommendations launched in March, outlining how GPs can help patients get timely diagnosis and effective support....

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As health ministers consider proposed reforms that would see a health professional’s entire regulatory history published indefinitely on a national register should a tribunal find them guilty of sexual misconduct or sexual boundary violations, we asked GPs for their thoughts.

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The public wants to reduce their risk of dementia, but many don't even know it's possible, let alone where to start...

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Dr Joe Di Stefano retired from his regional Victoria practice in December 2023, after 50 years as a doctor, but still a couple of years earlier than planned - and he's not alone.

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As new deprescribing guidelines are released, experts say it’s time to consider whether fears of stopping antidepressants are justified...

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Low iron status can have a massive impact on mental health and beyond…

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The Medical Board shrugs off survey results showing CPD could be worsening the workforce shortage…

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System failure, under resourcing or impossible to prevent? GPs weigh in...

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Evidence-based assessment and management is crucial, despite what they say on TikTok...

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Three experts explain the evidence and practical implications for GPs...

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