
Healthed work with a team of general practitioners and medical professionals to ensure the highest quality education​

Rachael specialises in research related to the political, social and health dimensions of product stewardship and the transition to a circular economy. In particular, Rachael is interested in how good design and policy can help create sustainable supply chains free from hazardous substances. She has extensive experience consulting to government, industry and the non-government sector to enable transitions across industries including: renewable energy, the built environment, personal and home care, food, clothing, packaging, textiles, and electronics. Rachael recently published a book “Life Indoors: How our homes are shaping our bodies and our planet”, which looks at how the micro-material composition (microbes, toxicants etc) of our built environment and products influences human health, and why this should be a focus of Decarbonisation and Circular Economy initiatives. More information on Rachael’s projects and publications can be found at
Sarah is a PhD Candidate at the Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF). Her research examines the legal responses to technological innovation, with a focus on the emerging interdisciplinary confluence of quantum technologies, quantum mechanics, and the law. As part of this, Sarah works broadly across frontier science (including nanotechnology and quantum technologies) to explore the responsible development, application, and governance of rapidly evolving and complex techno-scientific innovations. She approaches these uncertain phenomena through the lens of social governance frameworks. Sarah has previously worked in the space of synthetic hazardous chemicals and nano-materials governance, collaborating with government and industry to better understand and manage the use of toxic substances in commercial supply chains.
I am a science communicator and am employed as an associate professor in Western Sydney University’s School of Science. I teach classes in water science and management, environmental planning and environmental regulation across several degree programs. Prior to WSU, I worked as a scientist in the urban water industry, mainly at Sydney Water. My science interests include freshwater ecology, water chemistry and water pollution (science and management). My research interests include urban water issues, contamination from concrete materials and impacts of mining on streams and rivers. I have provided independent expert testimonies for environmental science matters for the NSW Land & Environment Court, and also for mining development proposals being considered through the planning system. I’m an enthusiastic participant in art & science and community engagement activities associated with water and I often provide expert commentary on water issues in the media. I’m fortunate to visit primary and secondary schools, on behalf of the University, to talk to classes about water.
Professor Roger Hart is the Medical Director of Fertility Specialists of WA and National Medical Director of City Fertility. He is also Professor of Reproductive Medicine and the Deputy Head of the Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Western Australia. Professor Helena Teede is the Director of Monash Centre for Health Research Implementation, Monash University and an Endocrinologist at Monash Health, who holds an Order of Australia for services to Women’s Health. Helena has had an active 30 year clinical academic career supported by NHMRC fellowship funding. Dr Rhonda Garad’s work is in public health and focused on the implementation of research outcomes. She has a strong focus on influencing systems-based change and the orientation of care to meet the needs of end-users. Her PhD was in the field of health literacy, and she co-delivers a unit in the Monash master’s program on implementation science.
Ernest Somerville is Director of the Comprehensive Epilepsy Service of the Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney and Conjoint Professor at the University of New South Wales.
Ernie studied medicine at Sydney University and received his training in neurology and epilepsy at Duke University, North Carolina, USA.
He established the epilepsy surgery program at Westmead Hospital in Sydney and became head of the Prince of Wales program in 2003. With Andrew Bleasel, he set up the ANZAN Annual Course in Clinical EEG and has directed the Epilepsy Society of Australia’s Course in Clinical Epilepsy since 2006. He has lectured extensively in Australia and Asia. Research interests include clinical epilepsy, EEG, driving, epilepsy in developing countries and seizure aggravation by anti-epileptic drugs.
He established the East Timor National Epilepsy Training Program, which trains Timorese health workers to diagnose and manage epilepsy and performs community education.
He is a Past President of the ESA and chairs the Driving Committees of ANZAN and the ESA.
He has received an Ambassador for Epilepsy Award from the International League Against Epilepsy and International Bureau for Epilepsy and awards from the Epilepsy Society of Australia and the Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists.
A/Prof Daryl Efron is a paediatrician who has worked at the Royal Children’s Hospital for 30 years and currently holds appointments as a general paediatrician in the department of General Medicine at the Royal Children’s Hospital, associate professor in the University of Melbourne Department of Paediatrics, and senior research fellow in the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.
Daryl is active in research into better ways to treat children with developmental disorders such as autism, ADHD and Tourette syndrome.
He sees children with a wide range of health concerns, from babies through to teenagers, and enjoys working with families to develop creative solutions to difficult problems.
Dr Mary Wyatt is a General Practitioner at Grove Medical Victoria Park, with a passion for children’s and women’s health. In addition to her clinical work, she is an active member of the WA RACGP Faculty Council as well as on the AMA WA council and board. She is also an early adopter of technology in her practice, having incorporated the use of an AI scribe for the past 4 months to enhance patient care. Dr Wyatt’s approach to healthcare is holistic and patient-centered, ensuring that her patients feel welcomed and comfortable. She is interested in leveraging technology to improve the patient experience in her clinic.
Dr Singh is the Medical Director and Founder of Esus Centre, Australia’s first licensed eating disorder day hospital, established in February 2024. Before this, she led the inpatient eating disorder program at The Hollywood Clinic from 2013-2022, where she managed a successful multidisciplinary team to optimize patient outcomes and reduce hospital stays. She also developed and implemented the country’s first binge eating program, addressing the need for specialized care for this prevalent disorder. Believing in a more integrated and robust treatment model for eating disorders, she co-founded Esus Centre with Clinical Psychologist Kerry Mairs and Dr. Susan Cann, a specialist eating disorder GP. Esus Centre offers high-intensity and low-intensity treatment programs adolescent and adult day hospital programs, along with a multidisciplinary outpatient clinic and a GP monitoring service. This innovative approach aims to reduce the negative impact of fragmented care and intervene early to prevent severe medical and psychological consequences that require hospitalisation.
Mr Saud Hamza is a senior clinical lecturer at the University of Western Australia and a consultant Breast / General Surgeon at Fiona Stanley and Fremantle Hospitals. Mr Hamza specializes in Breast/Thyroid and General Surgery surgical conditions.
Dr Jane Elliott AM has been a GP in Adelaide for many years, with a special career interest in women’s health, including menopause and premature menopause. She is a clinical senior lecturer in the Discipline of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Adelaide and teaches medical students and GPs. She has been an investigator in clinical research trials in all areas of women’s health including menopause, contraception, osteoporosis and low libido. She currently consults at AWARE Women’s Health. Jane is a Past President of the Australasian Menopause Society. Prof Bronwyn Stuckey is a clinical endocrinologist with a special interest in reproductive endocrinology. She is a consultant endocrinologist at the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth, Western Australia, Medical Director of the Keogh Institute for Medical Research and Clinical Professor in the Medical School, University of Western Australia. She is a Past President of the Australasian Menopause Society, a Life Member of the Endocrine Society of Australia, and a Member of the Order of Australia. She is very interested in the influence of reproductive hormones on metabolism. Dr Terri Foran is a Sexual Health Physician and has a special interest in contraception, menopause issues and the management of sexually transmitted infections. She was previously the Medical Director of Family Planning NSW and is now in clinical practice in Darlinghurst. She is also engaged in both clinical and research work at the Royal Hospital for Women in Sydney. Dr Foran holds the position of Lecturer at the University of New South Wales in the School of Women’s and Children’s Health. She coordinates Phase 2 of their undergraduate Women’s Health program as well as supervising a number of modules in the Masters of Reproductive Medicine and Masters of Women’s Health Medicine Programs offered by UNSW.
Dr Sara Whitburn is the Deputy Medical Director at Sexual Health Victoria. She has a Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practice, has Diplomas in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Family Planning. Sara specialises in genital health, menopause, and IUD insertion training. Sara is excited about enabling healthcare professionals to deliver great sexual and reproductive healthcare. Dr Alison Creagh has been the Medical Educator at SHQ for 24 years, teaching doctors, medical students and others about sexual and reproductive health. Her background was principally women’s health and general practice.