
Healthed work with a team of general practitioners and medical professionals to ensure the highest quality education​

Professor Paul Haskell-Dowland is the Professor of Cyber Security Practice and Associate Dean for Computing and Security in the School of Science at Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia. Paul has delivered keynotes, invited presentations, workshops, professional development/training and seminars across the world for audiences including RSA Security, ITU and IEEE. He has appeared on local, national and international media (newspaper, radio and tv) commenting on current cyber issues with a global audience reach of more than 1.5 billion people. His contributions through articles published in The Conversation have reached over 3 million readers – joining the top-50 all-time authors in Australia/New Zealand (top-10 in 2021). Paul has more than 20 years of experience in cyber security research and education in both the UK and Australia. Paul is the Working Group Coordinator and the ACS/Australian Country Member Representative to the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Technical Committee 11 (TC11 – Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems); the secretary to IFIP Working Group 11.1 (Information Security Management); a member of the ACS Cyber Security Committee; a Senior Member of the IEEE and the ACS (Certified Professional); and, a Fellow of the Higher Education Authority, BCS and the Australian Information Security Association. Paul can be followed on Twitter (@pdowland).
Dr Mohiuddin Ahmed has been educating the next generation of cyber leaders and researching to disrupt the cybercrime ecosystem. His research is focused on ensuring national security and defending against ransomware attacks. Mohiuddin has edited several books and contributed articles to The Conversation. His research publications in reputed venues attracted more than 3300 citations and have been listed in the world’s top 2% of scientists for the 2020-2022 citation impact. Mohiuddin secured several external and internal grants worth more than A$1.5 Million and has been collaborating with both academia and industry. He has been regularly invited to speak at international conferences and public organizations and interviewed by the media for expert opinion.
Her research and clinical interests are in the neuroendocrine regulation of appetite and eating behaviours, the intersection between obesity and mental health, and improving efficacy, safety and access to obesity treatment. Dr Sumithran holds an NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellowship and a University of Melbourne MDHS Dame Kate Campbell Fellowship, and is on the council of the Australian and New Zealand Obesity Society.
Karen studied Psychology, Applied Statistics and Education at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, and the University of Cambridge, UK. After moving to Melbourne, Australia, she worked for the Key Centre for Women’s Health at Melbourne University and the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University. She is currently a Senior Research Fellow at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Deakin University (Western Health partnership). She has a keen interest in mental health among at-risk populations including healthcare workers and new parents.
Professor Bodil Rasmussen is Chair in Nursing and Director for the Centre for Nursing Research in the Western Health Partnership, Melbourne, Australia. Her research program focuses on empowering people with chronic and multi-morbidity to self-manage by using technologies and implementation of research evidence into practice. She is acknowledged as an international leader in diabetes research and education. She holds Adjunct Professorial appointments the Universities of Copenhagen and Southern Denmark, Denmark and serves on national committees that inform policies at Australian Health Policy Collaboration: Self-Care Expert using technologies and Australian Diabetes Education Association. Bodil leads multi-disciplinary local and international teams, including collaboration with the prestigious Steno Diabetes, Denmark.
Dr Sara Holton is a Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Quality and Patient Safety Research – Western Health Partnership in the School of Nursing and Midwifery and Institute of Health Transformation at Deakin University. Sara is mid‐career researcher and social scientist who conducts psychosocial research in three main, often intersecting, areas: women’s health, chronic disease, and health services research. Sara is currently leading several COVID-19 related research projects including one of the first Australian studies to investigate the psychosocial impact of COVID-19 on hospital clinical staff. Sara’s research findings have informed health policy, practice and research.
Caroline is an Associate Professor and a Clinical Neuropsychologist within the Department of Psychiatry at Monash University. She is the Head of the Cognition and Hormones research group and works clinically as a neuropschologist in the field of Women’s Mental Health. Caroline’s research explores the interplay between sex hormones, and lifestyle factors, such as trauma and stress, on cognition in mental illness.
I’m a coastal geomorphologist with over 35 years experience studying and monitoring coastal processes on beaches. More recently my work has focused on beach safety research, particularly the rip current hazard, from both physical and social science perspectives. I also run a successful and award winning community beach safety education program called ‘The Science of the Surf (SOS)’ that aims to educate people about beach hazards and safety. I am extremely passionate and committed to reducing the number of fatalities and accidents that occur on beaches, most of which are largely due to lack of education and awareness. You can follow me on Facebook (Dr Rip’s Science of the Surf), Twitter (@Dr_Rip_SOS) and at

Specialties: Beach and coastal hazards, beach safety education, coastal processes and shoreline response, community engagement, science communication and outreach, scientific and environmental writing, education and training, media communication and engagement, public speaking.

Dr Amy Peden is an NHMRC Emerging Leadership Research Fellow and Lecturer in the School of Population Health, UNSW Sydney.

Amy is an injury prevention researcher and leads a program of research that focuses on drowning prevention globally. Her work ranges from epidemiology and risk factor identification to science communication, advocacy, and the translation of evidence into policy and practice. Specifically her work focuses on highlighting the full burden of drowning, including improvements to global estimates and increasing awareness of the health system, economic and social impacts of non-fatal drowning. Her work also focuses on the intersecting risk factors of rurality and alcohol consumption. She regularly appears on television, radio and in print to discuss drowning prevention.

Amy is an honorary Senior Research Fellow with Royal Life Saving Society – Australia and a co-founder of the UNSW Beach Safety Research Group. She is also actively involved in broader injury prevention research, including a focus on adolescents through the Australian Centre for Research Excellence in “Driving Global Investment in Adolescent Health”.
A/Prof John Brannan is the Scientific Director in the Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine at John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, where his key focus is running the pulmonary function and cardiopulmonary exercise laboratories. He also performs research in respiratory diseases with a focus in asthma, which includes an interest in bronchial provocation testing as an aid to identify both active asthma, exercise-induced bronchoconstriction, and chronic cough. He has a strong interest in investigating mechanisms of drug treatments in airway diseases.
Giovanni Sala is a Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Liverpool (UK), where he was awarded a PhD in 2017. His work focuses on building statistical models of human cognition in experimental and educational settings. His interests include the study of cognitive and biological correlates of successful ageing, the relationship between intelligence and expert performance, and the evaluation of cognitive/brain training programmes.
Melissa Kang Clinical Associate Professor in the Specialty of General Practice at the University of Sydney. She is also Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Technology Sydney. She is a primary health care academic and has worked clinically in youth health since 1993 in community and hospital settings. Her research areas include adolescent sexuality and sexual health, and access to primary health care for young people. She teaches postgraduate students and has trained a wide range of health and education professionals in adolescent health. She has been involved in developing resources in adolescent and / or sexual health for GPs for the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, NSW Health (Youth Health and Wellbeing Team) and the Sexually Transmitted Infections Programs Unit for NSW Health. Melissa wrote the Dolly Doctor medical column for Dolly magazine for 23 years before it closed in December 2016.