
Healthed work with a team of general practitioners and medical professionals to ensure the highest quality education​

Dr Ridia Lim is a Cataract and Glaucoma Specialist. She graduated from the University of NSW in 1992 and completed ophthalmology training at the Sydney Eye Hospital to attain the fellowship to the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO) in 2001.
Dr Kulkarni is a Urogynaecologist who completed her training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Monash Health, Melbourne. She has further completed subspecialty training in Urogynaecology and has trained and worked across various locations including Victoria, Tasmania, and Queensland.

Continuing her dedication to women’s health, Mugdha practices at the Pelvic Floor Unit at Monash Health and is also the only subspecialist offering Urogynaecology services in Tasmania.
Prof Richard O’Brien is Clinical Dean of Medicine at the University of Melbourne, Austin Clinical School and Director of Graduate Programs, Melbourne Medical School. He is also a Senior Endocrinologist and Director of the Lipid Service, Austin Health.

After completing undergraduate training at the Austin Hospital in Melbourne, Richard O’Brien undertook further studies in diabetic renal disease with Prof George Jerums, completing a PhD entitled Diabetic Nephropathy: Early Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Intervention. He continued his research at the Austin Hospital until 1991 when he moved to Monash Medical Centre. Prof O’Brien spent 15 years as Head of Diabetes at Monash Medical Centre and moved back to the Austin Hospital in 2007 to take up his current position.
Francois is an infectious disease epidemiologist and microbial geneticist, and works at University College London as a Professor of Computational Genetics and as the Director of the UCL Genetics Institute, UCL’s big genetic data hub.
Ruth gained her medical degree from Monash University in 2009, graduating with honours. After internship and residency at the Alfred Hospital, she went on to specialise in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with formal training completed primarily at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne. Ruth also spent time working in regional and rural Victoria including rotations through Geelong and Warrnambool.

Pelvic floor medicine became an area of interest for Ruth during her final years of specialty training at the Royal Women’s and Sunshine Hospital. In 2018, she was accepted into further sub-specialty training in Urogynaecology at the Royal Women’s Hospital. She is now the current Urogynaecology Fellow at the Mercy Hospital for Women. Ruth is actively involved in clinical and non-clinical research and has a keen interest in teaching medical students and junior doctors.

Ruth enjoys caring for women over many life stages. She provides care for women with pelvic floor conditions such as prolapse and urinary incontinence, overactive bladder and bladder pain syndrome. Ruth offers comprehensive assessment and treatment services including urodynamics testing, pessary fitting and pelvic floor reconstructive surgery.
Professor Andrew Chan is a Consultant Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Physician. He is a Senior Staff Specialist in the Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine, Royal North Shore Hospital, and the Deputy Director of the Centre for Sleep Health and Research, Royal North Shore Hospital. He is a Clinical Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney. Professor Chan is the President-elect of the New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory Branch of the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand. He is a Leader of the Sleep Health Clinical Academic Group at Sydney Health Partners. He is an Associate Editor for SLEEP Advances, an official medical journal of the Sleep Research Society and the Australasian Sleep Association, published by Oxford University Press. Professor Chan is a member of the Australasian Sleep Association, the American Thoracic Society and the European Respiratory Society. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, the Australasian Institute of Digital Health, the American College of Chest Physicians and the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology. He is an Associate Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators, a Certified Health Informatician Australasia and a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Dr Julia Crawford is an Australian trained Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon who specialises in head and neck cancer surgery, benign disorders of the head and neck, robotic surgery, and the surgical management of snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea. She has extensive training in nasal and sinus issues, thyroid and salivary gland surgery and paediatric conditions. Dr Crawford is one of only a handful of Fellowship trained Robotic Head and Neck Surgeons in Australia.

Dr Crawford received her Bachelor of Science with Honours, from the University of NSW in 2004. In 2012, Dr Crawford was awarded Fellowship in Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery from the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons having completed her Ear, Nose and Throat training in NSW. She then went on to undertake a six-month ENT subspecialty training as a Clinical Fellow in Sleep Surgery and Head and Neck surgery at Wollongong Hospital, under the guidance of Prof Stuart MacKay.

To further advance her career, Dr Crawford travelled overseas to complete further subspecialty training as a Clinical Fellow in Advanced Head and Neck Surgery, Robotic and Reconstructive Surgery at Celebration Health, Orlando, Florida, under the guidance of under Prof J. Scott Magnuson and A/Prof Hilliary White, where she acquired a broad range of advanced surgical skills. During this time, she was trained extensively in the treatment of cancers with robotic surgery by Prof J. Scott Magnuson, one of the pioneers of robotic surgery. During her two-year fellowship, she also trained other surgeons in the use of the robot for cancer and obstructive sleep apnoea surgical treatment.

Dr Crawford is committed to the education and training of ENT surgeons. Upon her return to Australia, she co-initiated and continues to be the co-director of the St Vincent’s Head and Neck Surgery Cadaver Course. She also continues to be a course director for the International Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Course that is held annually in Orlando, Florida. Dr Crawford helped to set this course up when she was on fellowship at Celebration Health in conjunction with Prof J Scott Magnuson, Dr Claudio Vicini and Dr Filippo Montevecchi. It is one of the few hands on sleep apnoea surgery courses worldwide and continues to be a great success in providing training to surgeons from around the world in the surgical treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea.

With an unparallelled passion for teaching and research, Dr Crawford has published extensively on the application of Robotic Surgery in Head and Neck Cancers and regularly participates in educational events worldwide, to train other ENT surgeons in robotic surgical techniques.

She actively advocates for other surgeons as an Executive member for the Australian and New Zealand Head and Neck Cancer Society and an appointed member of the RACS NSW State Committee.
Dr Sgroi is an obstetrician, gynaecologist, IVF and infertility specialist at Epworth Freemasons, St Vincent’s Private, Frances Perry House and Melbourne IVF, providing care to patients in the areas of obstetrics, gynaecology, IVF, male and female infertility.

He is a committee member of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) Council and the RANZCOG Women’s Health Policy Committee. This peak professional body aims to improve the health outcomes for women, couples, and their babies.