
Healthed work with a team of general practitioners and medical professionals to ensure the highest quality education​

Wendy has a medical degree and worked for many years in general practice. She has completed post graduate training in allergy through the University of Western Sydney and worked in the allergy department at the Royal Melbourne Hospital until 2021. She also currently works part time at the Centre for Food Allergy Research (CFAR) which is part of the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) in Melbourne. Wendy has done volunteer work for Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA) for 15 years and since the start of 2021 has been employed there as a Health Management Educator.
Two of Wendy’s three teenage children are at risk of anaphylaxis to multiple foods (egg, dairy, fish, kiwi fruit, sesame seed, cashew, and pistachio) and so she has many years’ experience with the daily management of food allergies.
Wendy is an associate member of the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA). She has been involved with the National Allergy Strategy since its inception in 2015 on steering and project committees and is passionate about improving the lives of people living with allergy.
Dr Jane Woolcock is a specialist in advanced endometriosis surgery and ultrasound.
She trained at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney as well as Royal Darwin Hospital and the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.
She works at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital and privately at O&G and Repromed.
She is a senior lecturer at the University of Adelaide and Chair of the Australian Association of Obsterics and Gynaecology Ultrasound.
Professor Danielle Mazza is the Head of the Department of General Practice at Monash University and a nationally and internationally recognised leader in implementation research and knowledge translation in the general practice setting. She has made significant, sustained and ongoing contributions to advance general practice and primary health care in Australia in the field of women’s sexual and reproductive health and as a proponent of evidence-based quality improvement through guideline development and implementation. She leads the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Sexual and Reproductive Health for Women in Primary Care (SPHERE), which aims to improve the quality, safety, and capacity of primary health care services to achieve better outcomes in women’s sexual and reproductive health.
Dr Geraldine Goss who is the Secretary of the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation.
Dr Goss is a medical oncologist with a focus on treating and caring for women with breast and gynaecological cancers. She is also a proud advocate for raising awareness and advocating for increased research funding for ovarian cancer.
Geraldine graduated from the university of Melbourne in 1987. She undertook postgraduate training in oncology at the Royal Melbourne and Repatriation Hospitals, after which she undertook laboratory-based research as a Breast Cancer Fellow. She completed her MD thesis then travelled to Boston, USA where she completed fellowships at St Elizabeth’s Medical Centre and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Here she developed her interest in gynaecological cancers. Following her return to Australia in 2000, she completed a¯Masters¯degree in Women’s Health at the University of Melbourne. She now works as a medical oncologist with a focus on caring for women with breast and gynaecological cancers.
Dr Clarnette is a Consultant Physician in Geriatric Medicine at Fremantle hospital and directs the Memory Evaluation Unit at the Fremantle hospital which provides comprehensive neuro-psychological evaluation for patients with cognitive and behavioural deficits.
Dr Clarnette is the Principal Investigator for the Clinical Trials Unit at the Australian Alzheimer’s Research Foundation, where a variety of drugs are trialled for potential use in people with the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease.
James Driver is a registered Psychotherapist at Black Dog Psychotherapy, providing dynamic therapy and counselling to individuals, families and couples. He has worked successfully with clients who have come with a range of issues including depression and anxiety, addiction, relationship problems, compulsive behaviours, and a general desire to develop a fuller understanding and acceptance of themselves.

Alongside James’ clinical private practice, he provides training and coaching on interpersonal skills to business leaders and teams.

He is registered with the Psychotherapists Board of Aotearoa New Zealand (PBANZ) under the full scope of practice, and a full member of the NZ Association of Psychotherapists (NZAP).
Prof Finlay Macrae has public and private practices focusing on inflammatory bowel disease and familial bowel cancer. He draws on his mature clinical experience and active engagement in new advances in IBD to support his patients both in public and private. His engagement in research brings contemporary thinking to his patients and practice, including in the genetics of risk for bowel cancer, and new therapies for IBD. He trained in London with the world’s leading colonoscopist at the time(St Mark’s Hospital), bringing this skill to Australia and his practice.
Associate Professor Chung is a urological surgeon specialising in andrology, microsurgical, and urological prosthetic surgery.
A/Prof. Chung performs specialized surgical procedures in men and women such as renal stone surgery, urinary reconstructive (urethral reconstruction, urinary slings and artificial sphincter) and penile prosthesis surgery, microscopic vasectomy reversal and varicocele surgery, microscopic sperm retrieval, minimal invasive prostate surgery (laser or urolift), bladder botox and sacral neuromodulation, as well as cancer (prostate and bladder) treatment.
Patient care is our highest priority, and we encourage you to contact us with your questions and concerns. The information in this website is provided to reinforce the advice you receive from your doctor and is not intended to replace discussions with your doctor. I hope you find my website informative and interactive to meet your inquiries. AndroUrology looks forward to providing you with quality comprehensive medical and surgical care.
Dr Sherel Levy MBBS FRACP PhD is a General Practitioner who holds both a Bachelor of Medicine and a Masters of Nutrition (Deakin University). She has a special interest in Nutritional Medicine with a specific focus on vitamin D and bone metabolism. Dr Levy is currently pursuing research in this field under Professor Craig Munns at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead.
Dr Patrick Coleman is a Nephrologist and General Physician with a special interest in hypertension and obstetric medicine. He works at the Northern Beaches Hospital, Arcadia Pittwater Private Hospital, Mona Vale Hospital, Manly Waters Private Hospital, and Delmar Private Hospital.

Patrick graduated in medicine from University College Cork, Ireland in 1991. He worked as a Medical Registrar at Nambour Hospital, Sunshine Coast between 1994-1996. He trained in Nephrology at the Mater Hospital, Dublin between 1996-1999. He gained Membership of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland in 1997 and worked as a Staff Specialist in General Medicine, Mater Hospital, Dublin between 1997-1999. On returning to Australia in 2000 he completed his Australian Advanced Training in Nephrology at the Royal North Shore and Westmead Hospitals and gained Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in 2003.

Patrick has a keen interest in training and education. Between 1996-1999, whilst training in nephrology, he held the position of Special Lecturer in Medicine, Mater Hospital, Dublin. Between 2003-2004, whilst working as a Staff Specialist in Nephrology, he held the position of Clinical Superintendent in Medicine, Westmead Hospital. Between 2005-2006, he co-chaired the Workforce Training & Education Group of the NSW Renal Services Network. Between 2010-2015, he was Director of Prevocational Training & Education, Manly Hospital. He is actively involved in GP education and regularly conducts conferences and education sessions for medical professionals.

Patrick is committed to providing individualised and comprehensive patient care with the ultimate aim of improving people’s quality of life whilst achieving optimal, evidence-based, clinical outcomes. He endeavours to maintain prompt communication with clinical colleagues as well as patients and their families.

Patrick resides with his young family on the Northern Beaches where he enjoys spending time with his two young children, partaking in an active lifestyle and the multiple benefits of living in a wonderful environment. He is bilingual in french.
Sandra Steele graduated in 1985 and worked predominantly in companion animal practice for over 30 years. After completing an MPH in 2014, she enrolled in a PhD in 2016 in the Sydney School of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney. She is currently a late-stage PhD student and has had the surreal experience of her research questions being illustrated in real-time during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her thesis topic is Operationalising One Health: preparedness and response to zoonoses and Emerging Infectious Diseases in Australia
Dr Michael Talbot is a Specialist in Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery, Bariatric Surgery, therapeutic Endoscopy/ERCP, Oesophageal Physiology and Reflux. After Graduating from the University of Otago in 1992 he completed his Internship in Wellington, NZ before commencing residency and surgical training at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney. In 2001 he graduated from Advanced Surgical Training in Sydney South Eastern rotation then went on to complete further subspecialty training as the Lister Lecturer in Surgery at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary UK. He commenced consultant practice at St George and Wollongong Hospitals in 2003 as a UNSW Senior Lecturer in Surgery. In 2005 he consolidated his public hospital appointment to St George Hospital and currently consults at a number of other sites in Sydney and Wollongong.
During his career Dr Talbot has been a pioneer of complex Bariatric Surgery in NSW and has for the last decade had the highest caseload of these patients in the state. He performed Australasia’s first robotic bariatric and oesophageal surgical procedures. Dr Talbot offers the full range of endoscopic and surgical treatments for neoplasia in the oesophagus and stomach and runs NSW’s longest established High Resolution Oesophageal Diagnostic Lab. He is one of very few clinicians in Australia experienced in newly introduced endoscopic therapies to manage early tumours and oesophageal functional disorders.